
院校招聘 |​ 河北工业大学:疫情防控不松懈,人才招聘不打烊

智汇邦+ 2022-05-15





河北工业大学的前身是创办于1903年的北洋工艺学堂,是中国历史最悠久的现代高等学府之一,也是中国最早开始培养高等工业人才的“工程师摇篮”,其创办了中国最早的高校校办工厂和中国最早的现代水利科学研究机构……百余年的薪火传承,成就了这所高校“工学并举”的独特办学特色。建校110余年来学校秉承“勤慎公忠”的校训精神,坚持 “工学并举”的办学特色,形成了“勤奋、严谨、求实、进取”的优良校风,培养了21万余名毕业生,为民族解放和国家经济建设做出了重要贡献。















2. 优秀人才








河北省+天津市+学校  三方同支持












联系人:人力资源处人才科 鄢老师 马老师




HEBUT Announcement for Recruiting Global Talents

Upon the collaborative development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province as well as Xiong’an New Area (XNA) construction, Hebei University of Technology (HEBUT) was ranked on the “Double-First Class” Chinese universities list in 2017.

Located in Tianjin with political subordination to Hebei, HEBUT now welcomes an unprecedented opportunity for development as one of the key universities from the Project 211, with its over 100 years of history .

Here comes its announcement for recruiting global talents.                


About Hebei University of Technology


Unique Charm of a 100-year-old University

Hebei University of Technology (HEBUT) is a key university that features Engineering along with a balanced multidisciplinary development. 

Situated in Tianjin City while subordinated to Hebei Province, HEBUT is one of the key universities from the Project 211.

It is a university jointly sponsored by three entities: the government of Hebei Province, the government of Tianjin City, and China’s Ministry of Education.

In 2016, it ranks in the Double First-rate project. In Sep. 2017, it was featured in national world-class universities and first-class discipline construction initiative(also known as “Double-First Class” initiative) project list.


HEBUT, originally known as Beiyang Technical School, was founded in 1903. As one of China’s modern institutions of higher education with the long history, it is known as “the cradle of engineers” as well as the first university for producing top-class technological talents.

It is also the place where China’s first university factory and the first modern water conservancy research institute were born.

Over a hundred years of legacy have shaped its unique school management characteristics stressing “academic learning-engineering practice balance”.

Since its establishment, HEBUT has been coaching students under the motto “Diligence, Prudence, Devotion and Loyalty” with due respect to “academic learning- engineering practice balance”, which has gradually boosted a “hardworking, prudent, practical-minded and enterprising” school ethos. For years, over 210,000 graduates have contributed tremendously to the national liberation and economic prosperity of China.

The establishment of Arizona College of Technology at Hebei University of Technology was approved by Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China in February, 2020. We believe that the cooperative educational institution will present a broader prospect and new development opportunities .

Top Talent Teams as Backup

Currently the entire teaching crew reached a population of more than 2700 people (among which about 1600 are full-time teachers, with over 800 holding senior professional titles), serving more than 29,000 full-time students (7,000 of whom are postgraduate students).

Within this crew, over 290 get listed in provincial and ministerial level talent programs. 

The university boasts a possession of 60 provincial and national scientific research platforms including key national laboratories, national engineering and technology research centers, engineering laboratories for state-and-local-shared projects, jointly held by the provincial and ministerial governments.

Well-equipped with Resources

The school consists of 18 teaching institutions and 73 undergraduate majors covering 7 disciplines from engineering, science, economics, management, literature, art and law. Apart from that, it boasts 2 national key disciplines, 4 provincial competitive characteristic disciplines with local specialty, and 20 provincial key disciplines; 3 of its disciplines have been selected into the world-class disciplines construction projects of Hebei Province, 4 disciplines into the national first-class discipline construction projects of Hebei Province; meanwhile, 3 first-class disciplines and 5 characteristic disciplines (clusters) of the university have been chosen to show up on Tianjin’s "Double First-Class ”universities list, and 7 more disciplines were declared as key discipline of Tianjin municipality. Besides, it owns 9 post-doctoral research stations, 10 PhD degree authorization stations on first-degree subjects, 26 master degree authorization stations on first-degree subjects, 7 academic degree categories, 17 degree authorization fields for Masters of Engineering, and 3 disciplines (Engineering, Materials Science and Chemistry) that rank in the world's top 1% of ESI.


Human Resource Policy of Introducing While Incubating Talents

HEBUT sincerely invites all kinds of talent from across the globe to join its development. And in return, Yuanguang Scholar policy is introduced which brings a competitive income package covering salary, remuneration, as well as a decent living and working condition. And this is expected to make strong policy backup for potential growth of employees, and to allow enough room for individual growth.


Academic Fields in Need

Electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, materials science and engineering, metallurgical engineering, chemical engineering and technology, chemistry, bioengineering, safety science and engineering, mechanics, mechanical engineering, instrument science and technology, management science and engineering, business administration, applied economics, civil engineering, traffic and transportation engineering, geomatics science and technology, electronic science and technology, information and communication engineering, optical engineering, control science and engineering, computer science and technology, software engineering, system science, power engineering and engineering thermophysics, environmental science and engineering, physics, mathematics, biology, statistics, architecture, design, Marxist philosophy, Chinese philosophy, public management, law, English Language and Literature,etc.


Vacancies, Requirements & Benefits

 (一)  Remuneration Povided by HEBUT

Basic Remuneration for Yuanguang Scholar

Basic Remuneration for Outstanding Talents

Basic Remuneration for Postdoctoral Faculty

Other kinds of allowances are also provided.Those who meet the assessment conditions for post-doctoral teachers at HEBUT and at least fit the on-boarding requirements of Sailing Scholar Position B could apply for a faculty position at HEBUT .


(二) Allowance Povided by Hebei and Tianjin

1、Allowance Povided by Hebei “Elit Graduates of  First-rate Universities Working in Hebei Project” .

2、Allowance Povided by Tianjin “ HaiHe Talents Project” .

Your development is jointly supported by Hebei,Tianjin and HEBUT.

Working and Living Conditions

-Complete resource allocation: Talents are offered good scientific research platforms, office buildings and academic research space.

-Perfect service: One-stop service will be offered by functional institutions and the specific contracted department.

-Provided with temporary housing for teachers.

-Children of selectees are entitled to local quality education resources.

-The school will reimburse you for the travel expenses of coming to register.

-For Desired candidates appointed on Special-term Scholar Position A and above, we have to ensure an annual enrollment rate of at least 2 doctoral candidates and multiple postdoctoral candidates. Should their spouses meet the entry requirements for registered HEBUT personnel, their spouses will be given a job at HEBUT as well.


Candidates from within Hebei University of Technology fitting the requirements of “Yuanguang Scholar”, upon successful application, shall be entitled the same wage standard and “ Yuanguang Scholar Allowance”.


Application Method

Applicants should send their detailed CV to both the email address of the specific school he or she applies to and the email of Personnel Department of HEBUT, with the email titled in the following pattern: “School of Application-Major-Name”. It is suggested that he or she call the contact person of that school to confirm reception right after sending the email. School emails can be checked on the following page.             


Name of Schools with Contacts

Address: 5340 Xiping Road, Beichen District, Tianjin City, P.R.China

School Website: www.hebut.edu.cn

Contact: Mr. Yan;Ms. Ma

Talent Office of the Personnel Department of HEBUT

Telephone: 022-60436692

Email: rczp@hebut.edu.cn 

Sincere invitation to talents across the globe


