
寻常设计 / 海的呼吸 ·大理青绿半山酒店

寻常设计 设计之旅 2022-10-29


▲ 酒店主立面项目场地坐落于大理洱海之南,山腰之上,饱览苍山洱海之景,同时也能看到东西两侧的大理城市景观。天与海、山与城在这里交汇,在这里你能感受到大理最完整的风貌。
01. 醉美海岸Stunning Coastline
▲ 蜿蜒曲折的海岸线
洱海蜿蜒曲折的海岸线像浪漫主义之歌的五线谱,沿着海岸线追逐山海光影是游览大理的最佳体验之一。以山为屋,以海为庭;将山海的自然关系与体验关联到建筑整体空间的设计上,运用如同海岸线的曲线形态来组织建筑与环境的关系,并营造放松休闲的度假感。The winding coastline of Erhai Lake is like the staves of romantic songs. Chasing the light and shadow of mountains and seas along the coastline is one of the best experiences in visiting Dali. Taking the mountain as the house and the sea as the courtyard; the natural relationship and experience of the mountain and the sea are related to the design of the overall space of the building, and the curve shape like the coastline is used to organize the relationship between the building and the environment, and create a sense of relaxation and leisure.

02. 卵石餐厅
Pebbles Restaurant

If the architectural form is the reduction of the texture of the earth, then the restaurant and courtyard space on the first floor are the enlargement of the tiny landscape of the pebbles on the bank.After abstracting the form of natural objects and then subverting the scale, the space produces a different kind of tension and experience.

The entrance of the restaurant is like a huge pebble that has been cut, and you will feel wrapped when you pass through it.The interior of the pebble is made of dark car paint to achieve a near-mirror effect. The light, shadow and scenery of the courtyard are gathered here, making the first-time visitors feel the changes in time and space.

The transparent and soft curved floor-to-ceiling glass windows are used in the space, making the restaurant space like waves caressing the pebbles.Showing an organic and elegant atmosphere, breaking the spatial boundaries between interior and exterior, blending indoor and outdoor.

The white structures, like pebbles, are staggered in the courtyard and interior spaces.It defines the function of the moving line, and at the same time hides the rigid structural columns of the building itself.The special-scale "pebbles" have become the absolute protagonist in the space, which says that this is a house by the sea, and the name "pebbles restaurant" comes from this.


The stairwell and guest room entrance are made of snowflake white marble.It presents a warm and tranquil beige color under the light, thus reconciling the different experiences of the dining space and the living space.

03. 情绪客房:山海景致的不同表情
Mood Room:Different expressions of mountain and sea

The guestrooms are the most important part of showing the quality of the hotel. For example, from the size of the apartment to the hardware configuration, it shows comfort. All rooms have an excellent garden courtyard space and landscape experience, so you can enjoy a comfortable vacation even if you don’t go out.On this basis, Usual Studio strives to find out the differences in guest room experience, and believes that different apartment types should have different personalities and different spatial emotions meet the diverse needs of visitors.

砂岩红 ‧ 浪漫居所
Sandstone red  ‧ Romance Room

Sandstone red is the color of brownstones and sandstone in the desert. It is simple and warm, and can convey a special romantic style. The arched floor-to-ceiling windows are open to the natural landscape and outdoor courtyard, and the windows are opened to welcome the warm vacation time.

墨色淌 ‧ 镜像世界
Graphite color  ‧ Reflection Space

The ancient wood grain marble has a natural texture as calm as ink, while the smooth stone surface reflects the light and shadow of the surrounding scenery, creating a deep space experience. The square opening maximizes the sea view here, and precipitates what you see and feel on the journey.

天青色 ‧ 水下套房
Azure ‧ Underwater Suite

The top floor and the roof serve as an independent large suite, a holiday space closest to the sky.The sun is refracted into the guest room through the swimming pool, and the mottled light and shadow are like being in the sea. It is the last chapter of the whole romantic song and the beginning of our stay in Dali.

04. 原貌与改造过程
Renovation Process



05. 技术图纸|Technical Drawings
▲首层平面图 The Ground Floor Plan ©Usual Studio

▲二层平面图 The Second Floor Plan ©Usual Studio

▲三层平面图 The ThirdFloor Plan ©Usual Studio

▲四层平面图 The ForthFloor Plan ©Usual Studio

▲屋顶平面图 Roof Plan©Usual Studio





设计公司:寻常设计事务所 USUAL Studio





设计团队:林经锐、王坤辉、温馨、Laura Canto López、David Qiu、吴海伦、吴志远、申明辉(实习)、胡淼淼(实习)



Project Name:Breath of the sea – Dali Qinglv-House Design 
Project Location: Dali, China
Gross Built Area (square meters): 900㎡
Design Year: 2020 / Completion Year: 2021 
Design Company: USUAL Studio
Design Contents: Architecture, Landscape, Interior Design
Leader Designer: Lin Jingrui, WANG Kunhui
Design Team: LIN Jingrui, WANG Kunhui, WEN Hsin, Laura Canto López, David Qiu,WU Hailun, WU Zhiyuan, SHEN Minghui, HU Miaomiao
Photo Credits: YUJI Studio
Building Materials: Paint, Glass, Woodveneer, Metal,Marble,White Exterior Wall Paint 


      他是素有“建筑界奥斯卡”之称的美国A+Awards建筑奖双料大奖最年轻的国内获奖者,2021第九届 BEST DESIGN 最佳设计奖,2020安邸AD100YOUNG,2020 IDMA 第十八届国际设计传媒奖, 时尚家居2020年度大赏,2020金瓦奖双料大奖,2019金点奖,2019亚洲Asia Design Prize奖,2018美国AMP建筑大师奖,2018美国IDA金银双奖,2017新加坡SIDA室内设计金奖,2017年中国设计年度大会年度精英设计师,2017居然杯中国室内设计新人奖,2016年度国际空间设计大奖艾特奖,2016筑巢奖、金堂奖等。

王永·新作 / 把永动机搬进快闪店

实在建筑 / 以“纯粹”回应空间改造中的“复杂”

共生形态 / 无尽之石

壹境筑造 / 120㎡住宅,向阳而居

