

计量经济圈 计量经济圈 2019-06-30







Comparing Regression Coefficients Across Groups using Suest | Stata Code Fragments

The FAQ at https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/stata/faq/compreg3.htm shows how you can compare regression coefficients across three groups using xi and by forming interactions.  This can also be done using suest as shown below.(这里的链接给了用哑变量交互项来比较不同数据的回归系数的方法,下面的方法用suest命令来实现。)


use https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/stata/faq/compreg3

*用年龄为1 的数据组进行回归

regress weight height if age==1


est store age1

*用年龄为2 的数据组进行回归

regress weight height if age==2


est store age2

*用年龄为3 的数据组进行回归

regress weight height if age==3


est store age3


suest age1 age2 age3


test [age1_mean]height=[age2_mean]height


 ( 1)  [age1_mean]height - [age2_mean]height = 0


           chi2(  1) =   24.04

         Prob > chi2 =    0.0000


test [age2_mean]height=[age3_mean]height, accum

跨数据比较回归系数之Binary Choice(Logit and Probit):


Williams R. Using Heterogenous Choice Models to Compare Logit and Probit Coefficients Across Groups[J]. Sociological Methods & Research, 2009, 37(4):531-559.



ssc install oglm


Appendix: Stata Code

The following code replicates parts of the analysis in this paper. The user-written oglm and mfx2 commands must be installed; from within Stata type help findit. For more information, see the author‟s web page at http://www.nd.edu/~rwilliam/oglm/index.html.


Stata Code for Tables 1 & 2:

* Step 1. 无约束模型,所有的回归系数可以随性别而改变    Unconstrained models, all coefficients can differ by gender.

use "http://www.indiana.edu/~jslsoc/stata/spex_data/tenure01.dta", clear

* Allison(原文作者)将样本限制在前10年会获得终身教职的   Allison limited the sample to the first 10 years untenured

keep if pdasample

* 选择男性样本进行模型估计  Males Only

oglm tenure year yearsq select articles prestige if male, store(step1male)

* 选择女性样本进行模型估计  Females Only

oglm tenure year yearsq select articles prestige if female, store(step1fem)

* 采用了交互项的等价的混合模型 Equivalent pooled model, using interactions.

oglm tenure year yearsq select articles prestige f_year f_yearsq f_select f_articles f_prestige female, store(step1)

* Step 2. 混合模型,只有截距项因性别而改变 Pooled model; only the intercepts differ by gender.

* Allison提到了该模型但并未在文中汇报 Allison refers to this model but does not present it in the paper.

oglm tenure year yearsq select articles prestige female, store(step2)

* Step 3. 残差方差允许根据性别而改变 Residual variances allowed to differ by gender.

* Allison的模型实际上是异质选择模型的一个特例,用oglm包可以很方便的计算delta 

* Allison’s model is actually a special case of a heterogeneous choice model,

* and it is easy to compute Allison’s delta using oglm.

* 与Allison文章中的表2的结果进行对比 Compare these results with the first half of Allison’s Table 2.

oglm tenure female year yearsq select articles prestige , het(female) store(step3)

* 计算delta Compute delta

display (1 - exp(.3022305))/ exp(.3022305)

* Step 4A. 检验残差方差不同时alphas是否相等  Test that the Alphas are = but residual variances differ.

lrtest step2 step3, stats

* Step 4B. 检验跨组的alpha在残差方差不同时alpha是否相等 

* Test whether any Alphas differ across groups given that residual variances differ.

lrtest step1 step3, stats

* Step 4C. 检验文章的效果是否存在组间差异 Test whether the effect of articles differs across groups.

*首先需要估计带交互项的模型 First have to estimate the model with the interaction term added.

* 与Allison文章中的表2结果进行对比  Compare this with the second half of Allison’s Table 2.

oglm tenure female year yearsq select articles prestige f_articles, het(female) store(step4c)

* 计算delta  Compute delta

display (1 - exp(.1774193))/ exp(.1774193)

*现在进行female*articles交互项的检验 Now do the formal test of the female*articles interaction term.

lrtest step3 step4c, stats





