

商科计量研究小组 计量经济圈 2020-02-22



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上一日,因果推断研究小组所引荐的看完顶级期刊文章后, 整理了内生性处理小册子很受欢迎,因此咱们商科计量研究小组也希望能够在今后的日子里引荐一些前沿计量方法。

1.规范的会计实证研究方法, Textbook推荐

2.Top期刊会计研究用过的变量, 一睹为快



但这篇发表在Journal of accounting research的"Incorrect Inferences When Using Residuals as Dependent Variables"文章表明这个过程所得到的系数和标准误都是有偏差的,因此可能会导致不正确的推断。 他们的模拟结果表明,系数和标准误差的偏差幅度是模型中变量之间相关性的函数。





This figure displays the different types of two-stage (or two-step) regression procedures used in accounting and finance research. Box A represents studies that use a firststage regression to generate a predicted value that is then used in a second regression (as in 2SLS). 

Box B represents studies that use a first-step regression to generate a residual which is then used in a second regression as either the dependent variable (box B.1) or an independent variable (box B.2). Box B.1.i represents studies that use the residual from a first-step regression as the dependent variable in a second regression using a pooled OLS regression, which is the primary focus of this study. 

Boxes B.1.ii and B.1.iii are similar to box.1.i: box.1.ii represents studies using residuals that are transformed (e.g., by taking their absolute value) before their use in the second-step regression; box B.1.iii represents studies where the secondstep regression is estimated using something other than a pooled OLS regression (e.g., Fama–MacBeth regressions).


There are several straightforward ways to eliminate the biases resulting from this two-step procedure. I. The most basic solution is to simply estimate the coefficients for all the model regressors in a single, as opposed to two-step regression(一步回归法). If the two-step approach generates residuals by estimating the first-step regression by year or industry-year, then a single regression can be estimated by including a set of year or industry-year indicator variables and their interactions with each of the first-step regressors.

II. An alternative way of generating the same coefficients and standard errors as those from a single regression, as indicated by the Frisch–Waugh–Lovell Theorem, is to use a two-step regression model in which the residuals obtained from the first-step regression are then regressed on the residuals from regressions of the second-step regressors on the first-step regressor(残差回归残差法). Referring to equation (10), this two-step procedure consists of regressing y on x1 in the first step, then regressing the residuals from this regression on the residuals obtained by regressing x2 on x1 and x3 on x1. 

III. Another approach is to regress the residual from a first-step regression on the combination of all the second-step regressors and all the first-step regressors(放入所有控制变量法). Both of these two-step procedures generate unbiased estimates of the coefficient of interest and reliable t-statistics, that is, the same coefficients and t-statistics obtained from a single regression (though, as noted above, there can be slight variation in the standard errors across these methods due to differences in the degrees of freedom calculated by the statistical software used to estimate the regressions). Although estimating  a regression model in a single regression is the most straightforward approach for obtaining correct coefficient estimates and t-statistics, if for expositional or pedagogical purposes a two-step framework is preferred, researchers can avoid the bias by using one of these alternative two-step procedures.


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6.中国省级三大空间权重矩阵(相邻, 距离和经济)数据

5.实证研究中用到的135篇文章, 社科学者常用toolkit


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