

2017-09-15 王夕越援助小组 留美学子








王夕越援助小组同仁  感恩!祈祷!


王夕越援助小组 2017-09-13

网站      Freexiyuewang.org




 【地点】普林斯顿大学  East Pyne Courtyard(见下图所示)


Stephen Kotkin教授,

Janet Chen教授(普大历史系),

Jane Manners,

Xue Zhang (普大历史系学生),

Zhan Zhang,

Joshua H. Pien (王夕越友人),




1.    Princeton Universitys statement on August 17 after the denial of Wangs appeal (https://www.princeton.edu/news/2017/08/17/princeton-continues-support-graduate- student-imprisoned-iran)

2.    Princeton Universitys list of answers to commonly asked questions on the Xiyue Wang case (https://www.princeton.edu/node/91351)

3.    Princeton University interview with Hua Qu about her husbands upbringing, scholarly work and their family (https://www.princeton.edu/news/2017/07/28/wife-princeton- graduate-student-imprisoned-iran-discusses-his-confinement-their).


Dept. Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Room D329B Engineering Quad., Olden Street Princeton, NJ 08544



王夕越是普林斯顿大学历史系四年级研究生。他在伊朗从事 19 世纪末至 20 世纪初的欧亚历史研究期间,被伊朗司法部门以间谍罪和与伊朗敌国合作罪指控,不公正地判处十年徒刑,并在最近被驳回上诉。



同时,我们也认识到也有部分华人由于王夕越事件的复杂性,敏感性,和信息渠道的不足, 心理还有一些疑问。比如为什么普林斯顿大学没有及时公开王夕越的被捕情况,王夕越此 前作为红十字会在阿富汗的普什图语翻译是什么身份?他为何作为学生就拥有美国公民身 份?去伊朗是不是受美国安全部门和学校指使等等。因此,他们对王夕越和他的家属的支 持暂时还持一些保留和观望的态度。这些疑问都很正常,这种谨慎的态度完全可以理解。



王夕越生长在中国北京。他在 20 岁时随母亲移民到美国,并于 2001年获得美国绿卡。他之后于 2006 年在华盛顿大学取得南亚研究的学士学位,并在 2008年获得了哈佛大学俄罗斯和欧亚研究专业的硕士学位。

从哈佛大学毕业后,在 2008 年到2009 年期间,王夕越作为普林斯顿在亚洲(Princeton in Asia) 的研究员,在奥睿律师事务所(Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP)香港办公室工作。2010 年,他希望利用自己的语言能力帮助被战争摧残的阿富汗受伤平民,所以他选择加入了国际红十字委员会,并在坎大哈(Kandahar)的一家中国援建医院担任普什图语翻译员。他在阿富汗的服务挽救了很多人的生命。

王夕越自小就立志成为研究欧亚历史的历史学家。2013 年,他如愿被普林斯顿大学历史系录取为博士生,并在知名历史学家 Stephen Kotkin 教授指导下从事欧亚历史的研究。为了更好的完成自己的论文, 王夕越从驻华盛顿的伊朗签证机构

( Iranian Interest Section)


不幸的是,伊朗对王夕越的毫无根据的指控,拘禁,和判刑,严重影响了他的人生和学术生涯。在被拘禁的一年多里, 他的身体和精神状况都在急剧下降, 急需救助。

王夕越和他的家庭目前处于一个非常艰难的时期,我们呼吁华人团体团结起来,支持普林 斯顿大学对于救援释放王夕越所做的努力。我们由衷的感谢您对于王夕越及其家属的支持。

普林斯顿王夕越华人救援小组 (FreeXiyueWang.org)
2017 年 9 月 15 日

琚诒光(Yiguang Ju),  

Robert-Porter Patterson 教授,机械航空系

康毅滨(Yibin Kang),   

Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis 分子生物学教授

林壽海(Sau-Hai (Harvey) Lam,   

Edwin Wilsey '04 荣誉教授,机械航空系

韦潜光(James Wei),

Pomeroy and Betty Perry Smith 教授,




Dept. Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Room D329B Engineering Quad., Olden Street Princeton, NJ 08544

Sept.15, 2017

Dear Princeton Chinese Students, Scholars, Faculty, Parents, and Friends:

On behalf of the Princeton Free Xiyue Wang Volunteer Group, we, as Chinese American professors at Princeton University, are writing this open letter to call for your unity and full support to Mr. Xiyue Wang and his family.

Mr. Xiyue Wang, a 4th year graduate student in the History Department of Princeton University was unjustly sentenced to 10 years imprisonment by the Iranian judiciary department and his appeal was recently denied. He was charged of espionage and collaboration with a hostile government against the Iranian state, while he was conducting archival research for his dissertation in relation to the late 19th and early 20th century Eurasian history. Xiyue, an innocent student, has become another political victim of the deteriorating US-Iran relation just because he is a US citizen and a Princeton student. Xiyue’s wife, Mrs Hua Qu, and their 4 year old son, both are Chinese citizens, have not seen Xiyue for one year and a half since his detainment and the family is in a desperate situation.

After Xiyue’s case was made public by Iranian judiciary in July of this year, many Chinese communities at Princeton have expressed their strong support to Xiyue and his family. A Free Xiyue Wang support group was immediately formed by volunteers of Princeton Chinese scholars, students, parents, friends, and Chinese communities. Several Chinese American associations such as the United Chinese Americans (UCA) and the Committee of 100 also immediately expressed their concern and support in many different ways.

At the same time, it has also drawn to our attention that some members in our Chinese community still reserve their support because they may have some additional questions about this complex and sensitive case. Such questions include: Why didn’t Princeton University timely release Xiyue’s detention to the media and the public? What was Xiyue’s previous employment by the International Committee of the Red Cross as a Pushto interpreter? How did he obtain a US citizenship when he was still a student? Was his visit to Iran instructed by the US security department and Princeton University? These questions represent reasonably prudent response to this case and is fully understandable.

Xiyue is a Ph.D. student who has linguistic talents and strong interests in Eurasian history. He took the risk to visit Iran solely driven by his academic passion in Eurasian studies and the need to read first hand local archives for his dissertation. Before traveling to Iran, he sent letters explaining his research plan to the Iranian government and had received approval necessary to carry out his archival research at libraries and archives in Tehran. Princeton University and Xiyue’s family kept the case confidential on the recommendation of knowledgeable advisers of the University with the
concern that publicity would likely impede efforts to secure Xiyue’s release. Xiyue was born and raised in Beijing, China. He immigrated to the US with his mother when he was 20 years old. He obtained his green card in 2001. Then, he received a bachelor’s degree in South Asian studies from the University of Washington in 2006, and a master degree in Russian and Eurasia studies at Harvard University in 2008. After graduated from Harvard, he worked as a Princeton in Asia fellow between 2008 and 2009 at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, a law firm in Hong Kong. In 2010, motivated by his passion to use his language skill to help the wounded in Afghanistan, a war torn country, he joined the International Com 50 30351 50 15291 0 0 1897 0 0:00:15 0:00:08 0:00:07 2983mittee of Red Cross and worked for the organization as a Pushto interpreter at a Chinese-funded hospital in Kandahar. His service in Afghanistan saved a lot of lives.

Xiyue’s dream, since young age, is to become a historian in Eurasian studies. In 2013, he applied for and was accepted by the PhD program of History Department at Princeton University and studied Eurasian history under the guidance of Prof. Stephen Kotkin, a world-renowned historian. To complete an excellent thesis with great distinction, Xiyue applied for a visa from the Iranian Interest Section in Washington, D.C., and went to the libraries and archives in Tehran, Iran for his dissertation thesis research, with necessary approval of his research plan by the relevant Iranian authority. Unfortunately, the arbitrary detention of Xiyue and groundless accusations against him by the Iranian state are serious blow to his personal life and academic career. Since the detention from more than a year ago, his physical and mental health have been deteriorating very fast. An urgent help is needed.

At this difficult time of Xiyue Wang, we would like to call for our Chinese community to unite and support Princeton University’s efforts to secure a speedy release of Xiyue. Your kind support to Mr. Xiyue Wang’s freedom and his family’s well-being is greatly appreciated.


Princeton Free Xiyue Wang Chinese Volunteer Group (FreeXiyueWang.org)

Yiguang Ju, Ph.D., Robert Porter Patterson Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Yibin Kang, Ph.D., Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Professor of Molecular Biology

Sau-Hai (Harvey), Lam, Ph.D., Edwin Wilsey '04 Professor Emeritus of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

James Wei, Ph.D., Pomeroy and Betty Perry Smith Professor of Chemical Engineering, Emeritus Dean Emeritus of the School of Engineering and Applied Science

Reviewed by Xiyue Wang’s wife, Qu Hua









2017.08.24王夕越妻子曲桦讲述丈夫的遭遇,等待和希望(English  original)



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