美国移民局 (USCIS)已将其EB-5新规则的最终版本提交《联邦公报》正式公布。自2019年11月21日起,一套新的EB-5规则将接管并永久改变EB-5行业。这将是EB-5历史上最重大的政策变化。
对于EB-5投资者的最大好处- 尤其是那些项目或区域中心陷入困境、必须应对超出投资者控制范围的“实质性变化”的公司- 如果这些投资者已获得I-526批准,将保留优先日。这有可能为来自中国等国家的投资者节省数年时间,以防他们必须重新递交移民申请。在此之前,这种可能性并不明显;明确和透明的规则只会让EB-5计划在未来几年里更加可行。
John Shen
EB-5 Enters a New Era
Dear EB-5 stakeholders,
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has sent its final EB-5 regulations to the Federal Register for publication. Effective on November 21, 2019, a set of new EB-5 rules will take over and permanently change the operation of the EB-5 business. This will be the most significant policy change in the history of EB-5.
American Lending Center (ALC), one of the most successful EB-5 operations in the past decade, believes, for the most part, that many of the changes presented in the new regulations will positively impact the industry and therefore plans to fully embrace the changes. While there are still serious unresolved issues in the program, we agree that the new regulations are indeed a solid step in the right direction.
The new minimum investment requirements for TEA and non-TEA will now increase to $900,000 and $1,800,000, respectively. ALC believes these increases are reasonable and appreciates the possibility for final adjustment on the minimum requirement for TEA based on “a review of the comments" by USCIS. These increases and options for additional considerations will keep the program viable while still accounting for inflation and changes in international financial landscape.
ALC also supports the technical changes in the TEA designation process. We hope that this will enable the program to bring more EB-5 capital to qualified US small business owners and entrepreneurs across the country. American small businesses are the engine of this country’s economy and powerful job creators.
The biggest benefit to EB-5 investors - particularly those whose projects or regional centers run into troubles and must deal with a “material change” outside their control as investors - will be the retention of priority dates if those investors already received I-526 approvals. This has the potential to easily save years for investors coming from countries like China, in the case he/she must refile an immigration petition. This was previously not a clear possibility; clarified and transparent regulations only do more to make the EB-5 program viable for years to come.
Ten years ago, ALC began modestly with a dream of bringing EB-5 capital to qualified US small business owners and entrepreneurs across the country. Over the years that followed, ALC has successfully realized this dream through its 70+ incredible EB-5 projects that have collectively created about 10,000 full time jobs nationwide. The industry is now entering a new era, and so is ALC. We love this opportunity and look forward to faster growth for our EB-5 operation. Cheers!
John Shen
CEO of American Lending Center
2018,我们上路出发 ——移民申请8天批准之道
厉害了!峰会指定EB-5项目登上美国主流媒体,获NBC新闻报道 (内含视频)