喜讯 | LAURENT罗朗景观荣获2020伦敦设计金奖
The London Design Awards is a global group organized by drivenxdesign, consisting of 75000 design experts who celebrate the courage of continuous innovation,The awardscelebrates courage, both the courage of commissioning clients and design professionals. The awards create future recognition from past projects. Recognition of your team, clients and suppliers.
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LAURENT罗朗景观 | 越秀招商·天悦江湾
因循艮北新城规划肌理,越秀招商天悦江湾试以呈现,“纽约中央生活区”的都会映迹。同时承担新城形象重任,其需体现出它自身的与众不同和唯一性,这也是作为业主的越秀招商一直的坚持和追求。本项目以现代简约的BLOCK街区为理念规划,B-Business(商业)、L-Lie fallow(休闲)、O-Open(开放)、C-Crowd(人群)、K-Kind(亲和),整个社区所呈现的是开放共享、时尚自由的场所气质属性。
Following the planning texture of the Genbei New Town, YUEXIU·CMSK Delighted Bayvilla tried to present the city as the "New York Central Living District".At the same time, undertaking the important task of the new city, it needs to reflect its own uniqueness. This is also the persistence and pursuit of YUEXIU·CMSK as the owner.This project is planned with the concept of modern and simple block, B-Business, L-Lie fallow , O-Open , C-Crowd, K-Kind, the whole community presents the attributes of an open, shared, fashionable place.
喜报 |LAURENT罗朗景观2项作品荣获2020 IFLA 国际大奖
喜讯 | LAURENT作品荣获ICONIC AWARDS 2020 德国标志性设计奖
获奖项目 | 南京万科·安品園舍