环境微生物领域大牛Gilbert 教授将参加亚洲冷泉港会议
Jack A. Gilbert 教授环境微生物学专家,美国阿贡国家实验室(http://gilbertlab.com/)负责人,美国芝加哥大学Department of Ecology and Evolution 系教授,浙江大学环境与资源学院客座教授。Gilbert 教授拥有多年的微生物研究经验,现已在Science, Nature, Nature Climate Change, Cell, PNAS, ISME Journal, Environmental Microbiology等权威期刊上发表论文120余篇。
The ISME Journal: senior editor PLoS ONE:section editor Environmental Microbiology:senior editor
The Earth Microbiome Project is an ongoing effort to characterize the microbial diversity of our planet.详情:www.earthmicrobiome.org
The Home Microbiome Project is a project exploring how humans interact with the bacteria living in their homes.详情:www.homemicrobiome.com
The Hospital Microbiome Project is a project examining how adding patients and staff into a hospital building effects the development of microbial communities and important pathogens.详情:www.hospitalmicrobiome.com
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