


中式盘发、花纹云肩、马面裙……越来越多的中国留学生穿着中华传统服饰参加毕业典礼,给网友们留下了深刻印象。More and more Chinese international students have chosen to wear traditional Chinese clothing to their graduation ceremonies, leaving a profound impression on netizens.


一名在美国留学的女生,身着汉服、手持国旗参加毕业典礼,引发网友关注。One particular instance involved a female student studying in the United States who confidently dressed in Hanfu attire, a traditional Chinese clothing, while proudly holding the Chinese national flag. Her attire garnered applause and admiration from observers.

▲ 图源 共青团中央

“在人生的重要时刻身穿传统服饰真的很有自豪感。作为专业唯一的中国人,我在日常的学习中也一直在努力尝试带给他们我们中国人自己身上的东西。”谈到为什么穿汉服参加毕业典礼,这名女生这样回答。"When wearing traditional clothing at important moments in life, I truly feel a sense of pride. As the only Chinese person in my department, I have been striving to incorporate elements of our Chinese culture into my everyday studies and endeavors, bringing forth the essence of who we are as Chinese people." The student explained her action of wearing Hanfu for her graduation ceremony.

对此,网友们十分感动。在感叹中华传统服饰充满文化底蕴的同时,又为女生自信地传播中国文化感到开心。Netizens were deeply moved by this display, not only appreciating the cultural significance and richness of traditional Chinese attire but also expressing joy at witnessing the student's confident promotion of Chinese culture.


一名留学澳洲的女生分享了自己头戴簪花,身穿马面裙参加毕业典礼的视频。Similarly, a student studying in Australia shared a video of herself attending her graduation ceremony wearing a horse-faced dress, complemented by floral hair adornments. 

▲ 图源 共青团中央

视频中,好几位教授咧着嘴笑。女生调侃道:“看得出来他们真的很喜欢我的汉服毕业穿搭。”The video captured the laughter and appreciation of several professors, indicating their genuine admiration for her choice to wear Hanfu.

▲ 图源 共青团中央


被问到为什么要穿汉服参加毕业典礼,留学生们给出了自己的答案。When asked about their decision to wear traditional Chinese costumes to their graduation ceremonies, Chinese students studying abroad provided insightful responses.

她说:“希望能让更多人看到我们服饰特有的魅力。”"I hope that more people will recognize the distinct charm of traditional Chinese clothing", one female student at UC Berkeley said.

他说:“以这种方式发扬我们的传统文化真的感觉很骄傲。”"I feel incredibly proud to promote our traditional culture in this manner," said a male student studying in UK.

他说:“我为墨尔本添一抹中国元素。”"I added a touch of Chinese element to Melbourne," said another male student in Australia.


不止是汉服,还有一些留学生穿上了自己民族的传统服饰参加毕业典礼。5月21日,来自凉山的女孩沙马帕查身着彝族服饰在美国参加毕业典礼。Moreover, it's worth noting that it wasn't only Hanfu that made an appearance. Several international students opted to wear their own ethnic costumes, further highlighting the diversity and richness of Chinese culture.

▲ 图源 共青团中央

沙马帕查说:“能够在异国他乡穿上我的民族服饰既厚重又充满意义、很荣幸也非常骄傲能够向外国人展现中国不同的文化,特别是在被赋予特殊意义的今天。”For instance, on May 21st, Shama Pacha, a girl from Liangshan, Yi autonomous prefecture, participated in a graduation ceremony in the United States dressed in Yi ethnic attire. She expressed the significance and honor of wearing her ethnic clothing in a foreign land, taking pride in showcasing China's diverse culture to foreigners, particularly on such a special occasion. 

一位在英国留学的女生,穿上苗族服装,头戴银饰参加毕业典礼。In the United Kingdom, a female student studying there chose to wear Miao ethnic clothing and adorned her head with silver accessories for her graduation ceremony. 

▲ 图源 共青团中央

一名在日本留学的女生,穿上壮族服饰参加毕业典礼。Similarly, a female student studying in Japan wore Zhuang ethnic attire to her graduation ceremony.

▲ 图源 共青团中央

虽身在异乡,却不忘故乡。越来越多的中国青年选择在人生最瞩目的时刻身穿充满中国传统特色的服饰,用自己的方式,让世界看见中国。The sight of international students proudly donning their traditional ethnic costumes at graduation ceremonies serves as a symbol of cultural exchange and celebration. It powerfully reminds both local and international communities of the richness and beauty found within China's diverse cultural tapestry, leaving a lasting impression on all those who witness it.






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