AIKE 现场 | 档案冲动:反叙事和反记忆的操练
The Archival Impulse:
An Exercise in Counter-Narrative and Counter-Memory
2022.09.03 - 10.15
艺术家 Artists
aaajiao,胡昀 (Hu Yun),刘呗宁 (Liu Beining),施政 (Shi Zheng),徐立霜 (Lishuang Xu),郑安东 (Andong Zheng)
策展人 Curator
叶荟蓉 (Huirong Ye)
Bldg 6, 2555 Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai
"The Archival Impulse: An Exercise in Counter-Narrative and Counter-Memory", Installation view, AIKE, 2022
Liu Beining, Stitching, Pointing, 2022, Bones, Dimensions variable
Lishuang Xu, Working Position, 2022, Video, 08'27"
郑安东,《阿尔弗雷德·哈特 中央太平洋铁路立体照片》,1860s,彩色喷墨打印照片(艺术家复制品),8.9 × 17.8 cm
Andong Zheng, Alfred. A. Hart Stereographs of the Central Pacific Railroad, 1860s, Archival inkjet print (artist reproduction), 8.9 × 17.8 cm
Hu Yun, Untitled (from The Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, 1796), 2016-2017, Ink on drafting paper, wallpaper, Dimensions variable
aaajiao, 《自由意志,开放麦,墙,告解》,2021,LCD显示器,压克力组件, 24 x 16 x 3.8 cm, 00'10"
aaajiao, Free will, open mic, GFW, confessions, 2021, LCD screen, acrylic fittings, 24 x 16 x 3.8 cm, 00'10"
Shi Zheng, Frosty Morning, 2019, Video installation, 10'00"
aaajiao的作品频繁展出于全球的美术馆和艺术机构,例如:“深渊模拟器”,里沃利城堡当代艺术博物馆,都灵,意大利,2020;“1989年到今天:网络时代的艺术”,波士顿当代艺术中心,波士顿,美国,2018;“非真实”,电子艺术之家,巴塞尔,瑞士,2017;“身体·媒体II”,上海当代艺术博物馆,上海,中国,2017;“带走我(我是你的)”,犹太人美术馆,纽约,美国,2016;“时间转向:当代亚洲的艺术与思辨”,斯班塞美术馆,堪萨斯,美国,2016;“波普之上”,余德耀美术馆,上海,中国,2016;“黑客空间”(由Hans Ulrich Obrist与Amira Gad策展),K11艺术基金会临时空间,香港,中国、chi K11美术馆,上海,中国,2016;“全方位:全控制和言论控制”,ZKM卡尔斯鲁厄艺术与媒体中心,卡尔斯鲁厄,德国,2015;“齐物等观——2014国际新媒体艺术三年展”,中国国家美术馆,北京,中国,2014。
他近期个展包括“深渊模拟器”,Tabula Rasa画廊,伦敦,英国,2021;“深渊模拟器”,里沃利城堡当代艺术博物馆,都灵,意大利,2020;“洞穴模拟器”,AIKE,上海,中国,2020;“a’a’a’jiao: 一个ID”,昊美术馆,上海,中国,2019;“观察者”,House of Egorn,柏林,德国,2018;“暴食”,千高原艺术空间,成都,中国,2018;“用户、爱、高频交易”,Leo Xu Projects,上海,中国,2017;“电子遗留物”,华人艺术中心,曼彻斯特,英国,2016;“电子遗留物”,OCAT,西安,中国,2016。aaajiao于2014年获得了第三届三亚艺术季暨华宇青年评审大奖,亦入围首届OCAT皮埃尔·于贝尔奖。
aaajiao was born in 1984 in Xi’an. Currently lives and works in Shanghai and Berlin.
Active online as a media artist, blogger, activist and programmer, aaajiao is the virtual persona of Shanghai- and Berlin- artist Xu Wenkai. Born in 1984—the title of George Orwell’s classic allegorical novel—and in one of China’s oldest cities, Xi’an, aaajiao’s art and works are marked by a strong dystopian awareness, literati spirits and sophistication. Many of aaajiao’s works speak to new thinkings, controversies and phenomenon around the Internet, with specific projects focusing on the processing of data, the blogsphere and China’s Great Fire Wall. aaajiao’s recent projects extend his practice to various disciplines (among them, architecture, topography, and design) to capture the pulse of the young generation consuming cyber technology and living in social media.
aaajiao’s work has been featured in numerous exhibitions around the world, upcoming and recent shows include “Deep Simulator”, Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Turin, Italy, 2021; “Art in the Age of the Internet, 1989 to Today”, The Institute of Contemporary Art Boston, Boston, USA, 2018; “unREAL”, Haus der elektronischen Künste, Basel, Switzerland, 2017; “Shanghai Project Part II”, Shanghai, China, 2017; “Temporal Turn: Art and Speculation in Contemporary Asia”, Spencer Museum of Art, Kansas, USA, 2016; “Take Me (I’m Yours)” (curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist, Jens Hoffmann and Kelly Taxter), Jewish Museum, New York, USA, 2016; “Overpop”, Yuz Museum, Shanghai, China, 2016; “Hack Space” (curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Amira Gad), K11 Art Foundation Pop-up Space, Hong Kong and chi K11 art museum, Shanghai, China, 2016; “Globale: Global Control and Censorship”, ZKM | Centre for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2015; and “Thingworld International Triennial of New Media Art”, The National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China, 2014.
His recent solo exhibition includes “Deep Simulator”, Tabula Rasa Gallery, London, UK, 2021; “Deep Simulator”, Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Turin, Italy, 2020; “Cave Simulator”, AIKE, Shanghai, China, 2020; “a’a’a’jiao: an ID”, HOW Art Museum, Shanghai, China, 2019; “bot,” House of Egorn, Berlin, German, 2018; “Gluttony”, A Thousand Plateaus Art Space, Chengdu, China, 2018; “User, Love, High-frequency Trading”, Leo Xu Projects, Shanghai, China, 2017; “Remnants of an Electronic Past”, CFCCA, Manchester, UK, 2016; “Remnants of an Electronic Past”, OCAT, Xi’an, China, 2016. aaajiao was awarded the Art Sanya Awards in 2014 Jury Prize and was nominated for the first edition of OCAT-Pierre Huber Art Prize in 2014.
胡昀 Hu Yun
Hu Yun was born in 1986 in Shanghai. He graduated from China Academy of Art in 2008 and currently lives and works in Melbourne and Shanghai.
Hu Yun’s works range from graphite and watercolors to performance, video, and installation. Interested in how an individual positions him or herself within the course of history, he constructs the links that probe the inseparable coexistence of past and present, individual and public. He is adept at mobilizing various personal and historical experiences, incorporating previously produced materials into his artworks; as a consequence, it is impossible to consider any of Hu’s works in isolation since they all share a common theme, an element of foreshadowing, and they are all conceptually interconnected.
Hu Yun has participated in the 6th Singapore Biennale (2019), the 11th Gwangju Biennale (2016), the 4th Guangzhou Triennial (2012) and the 7th Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale (2012). His works have also been exhibited at Power Station of Art, Shanghai; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Times Museum, Guangdong and Yuz Museum, Shanghai. His selected solo exhibitions include “Another Diorama”, NUS Museum, Singapore, 2019; “We’ve been here before”, OCAT, Xi’an, China, 2017; “Narration sickness”, AIKE, Shanghai, China, 2016; “Lift with Care”, AIKE, Shanghai, China, 2013; “Our Ancestors”, Goethe Institut, Shanghai, China, 2012; “Image of Nature”, Natural History Museum, London, UK, 2010.
刘呗宁 Liu Beining
生于1991年,刘呗宁先后毕业于中国美院油画系与纽约Pratt Institute纯艺术系研究生院,现于中国美院当代艺术与社会思想研究所攻读博士学位。除了持续的艺术创作,刘呗宁也自2010年起开始策展,并于2019年起在清影艺术空间展开一系列的展览策划工作。
此次展览延续了他2015年开始的关于夜间水面的创作方向,作为刘呗宁自2016年纽约个展“A Collection of Nothingness”之后,回到杭州的首次个展,全面展示他近年来关于物质和时间感的长久思考。他在作品中尝试剥除事物上暂时附着的时间属性,从而达到一种包含流动感的静穆之境。以绘画和写作为基础手法,刘呗宁借用⽔、⽯头、尘埃、星球、⻣骼、⼭水、手机屏幕、飞鸟与船只等等形象,他通过对现成影像和物品的编辑来组织空间装置,描摹寂静而丰硕图景。
Liu Beining was born in 1991. He is graduated from the China Academy of Art (CAA), Hangzhou and Pratt Institute’s Graduate School of Fine Art, New York, and is at present studying at Doctoral Level on the course of the CAA’s Institute of Contemporary Art and Social Thought. In addition to his ongoing artistic creation, Liu started curatorial practices since 2010 and has been working on a series of exhibitions at Inna Art Space since 2019.
Liu’s working process foregrounds materiality; “materials” in transition, each an “entity” within a process of subtle change, aiming to preserve the dual potentiality inherent in each one's attendant state. Forms including water, stone, dust, astral bodies, bones, landscapes, ruins, fragments and other images often appear in the artist’s work, combining to compose cohesive structures of mutual correspondence, taking this as a base from which to describe still and solemn, yet nevertheless richly abundant tableaux.
施政 Shi Zheng
施政在集中创作个人作品的同时,也和其领域内的优秀艺术家进行合作。2013年他与能火、王志鹏、翁巍共同成立媒体艺术小组RMBit(人民比特),结合当下的社交媒体现象进行创作。他和能火也是视听演出团体OSC(Open Super Control)的成员。
其个人与合作作品也曾多次出现在国内外重要的美术馆、艺术机构、媒体艺术节中,包括油罐艺术中心、银川当代美术馆、Sound Art China(中国声音艺术大展)、FILE Electronic Language International Festival、Ars Electronica(奥地利电子艺术节)、伦敦当代艺术中心、都灵Castello di Rivara美术馆、伦敦The Lumen Prize、上海二十一世纪民生美术馆、 OCT当代艺术中心深圳馆。
Shi Zheng was born in 1990 in Jiangsu, China and now lives and works in Shanghai and New York. He graduated from China Academy of Art in 2014 and acquired MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2019. As a media artist, Shi's artistic creations range from audio-visual installations, digital music and live performance, demonstrating the artist's ongoing interest in simulation and "machine vision". Shi further embodies his reflection on the philosophy of technology, digital voyage and "latent time" by extending the audience's visual and audio experience.
Apart from individual creation, Shi Zheng also collaborates with other outstanding artists in various fields. In 2013, artistic ground RMBit was founded by Shi Zheng in conjunction with Nenghuo, Wang Zhipeng and Weng Wei with the focus on current context of social media. Both Shi and Nenghuo are the members of an Audio-Visual performance group OSC (Open Super Control).
Shi Zheng’s individual and cooperated works have been presented in a wide range of museums, art institutions and media art festivals home and abroad, including TANK Shanghai, MOCA Yinchuan, Sound Art China, FILE Electronic Language International Festival, Ars Electronica, Institute of Contemporary Arts London, Castello di Rivara, The Lumen Prize, Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum and OCT Contemporary Art Terminal Shenzhen.
徐立霜 Lishuang Xu
徐立霜的创作围绕日常行为和当代人造的建筑环境。不断向大城市迁居的背景,间接地促成了她对现代生活中异样性的⻓期关注。摄像机作为建构徐立霜作品的主要工具, 步行作为去体验一个城市的节奏和空间的方式是她艺术实践的开端。艺术家通过身体对所处时空之介入,以影像、声音与个人行为的形式,探索个体感知与客观现实之间相互舞动的关系。
Born in Changsha, graduated from the University of the Arts London, based in Shanghai.
Xu's practice to date is centralised around mundane behaviour and the artificial contemporary environment. She is intrigued by the uncanny of modern life due to her experience of moving and living to the bigger Metropolis. Walking as a way to experience the rhythm and space of the city, and camera as a tool to construct my practice. Xu wants to explore the relationship between individual perception and objective reality in the form of video, sound and performance through the body’s intervention in time and space.
郑安东 Andong Zheng
Andong Zheng was born in Hefei, China in 1992. He graduated from Tongji University with a Bachelor of Engineering in 2016 and received his MFA from Rhode Island School of Design in 2019. Zheng now lives and works in Shanghai, China.
Working primarily with photography, Zheng’s work focuses on a range of issues examining the rapid shift of the social landscape, self-identity, and cultural integration in the context of globalization.