

AIKE 艾可画廊


Jiang Cheng

2022.11.28 – 2023.05.07

The Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, 

61 NE 41st Street, Miami, FL33137

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“姜琤”,展览现场,迈阿密当代艺术中心,2022,摄影:Zachary Balber

“Jiang Cheng”, Installation View, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, 2022, Photo: Zachary Balber



《e-98 Hercules》,2021,布面油画,100 × 85 cm 

e-98 Hercules, 2021, Oil on canvas, 100 × 85 cm 

Jiang Cheng held his first institutional exhibition at The Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami. This exhibition presentation features a selection of new and recent paintings that build on the artist’s exploration of the psychological force of portraiture. Preoccupied with the expressive powers of the human face, Jiang’s commanding, beautiful, and haunting works convey multiple identities and meanings, like psychological ciphers.

Jiang’s portraiture is informed by the processes of conceptualism and by his strategies of repetition. The paintings are numbered and each is created in a single session, without correcting or covering any of his gestures. The results are hallucinatory, fluid, and process-based paintings of faces, often cropped in ways that obscure codes of legible race or gender. Jiang’s paintings draw from a wide range of references, from contemporary surveillance technologies to classical and Renaissance portraiture. He depicts imagined or iconic sitters whose expressions are full yet controlled, and verge on abstraction. These works suggest movement, or doubling, with blurred or repeated features that are both singular and multiple and occupy various time-spaces. His practice reflects expansively on the histories and codes of portraiture, gesturing toward information about personality or social class that images are meant to convey.

“姜琤”,展览现场,迈阿密当代艺术中心,2022,摄影:Zachary Balber

“Jiang Cheng”, Installation View, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, 2022, Photo: Zachary Balber

The installation features works from two of the artist’s ongoing series. In each of the numbered, large-format works titled with the preface “U” a face is seen up-close to an extreme, as if in tension with the surface of the canvas itself, resulting in an image that seems abstracted or cropped. In the series of works with titles beginning with “e” it is taken from the letter "e" in the English third person "he" and "she",which means “The other” or “from the view of 'I'”. The artist attempts to depict "The other" dialectically in its entirety and essence by means of seeing and not seeing. Change and develop the perspective to rebuild the viewing structure of the subject and the object. The exhibition opened on 28 November 2022 and will last until 7 May  2023.

Courtesy The Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami




姜琤的个展包括“姜琤”,迈阿密当代艺术中心,迈阿密,美国,2022;“形同陌路的时刻”,AIKE,上海,中国,2022;“U”,Downs&Ross,纽约,美国,2021;“冷颤”,赛森艺术空间,上海,中国,2021;“U”,AIKE,上海,中国,2020;“眩晕”,亚洲当代艺术空间,上海,中国,2019;“过午”,亚洲当代艺术空间,上海,中国,2017;“Samen”,德萨画廊,北京,中国,2016。他曾参加的群展包括 “看我”,贝浩登,巴黎,法国,2022;“海上和弦”,Cloister修道院艺术中心,上海,中国,2020;”金汤“,CHAO艺术中心,北京,中国,2020;“人群中的人”,AIKE,上海,中国,2020;“去碑营:北平之春”,应空间,北京,中国,2017;“绘画的尴尬”,亚洲艺术中心,北京,中国,2017;“肉身:恐怖谷”,亚洲当代艺术空间,上海,中国,2016;“奶头错觉”,艺术仓库,北京,中国,2016;“可艺术第一展”,COSPACE,上海,中国,2015;“青春之歌”,月临画廊,台中,中国,2013;“亚洲不安之旅IV”,保利艺术空间,香港,中国,2013;“亚洲不安之旅 III”,罐子茶书屋,台北,中国,2013;“一瞥”,其他画廊实验空间,北京,中国,2012;“Rundgang”柏林艺术大学年度优秀学生作品展,柏林艺术大学,柏林,德国,2011;“艺术区年轻艺术家群展”,Uferhallen,柏林,德国,2011。

Jiang Cheng was born in 1985 in Zhejiang, China, Jiang Cheng graduated from China Academy of Art with B.A. in 2008, and then graduated from China Academy of Art Chinesisch-Deutsche Kunstakademie Department of Painting with M.F.A. in 2012. Currently lives and works in Shanghai, China.

His recent solo exhibitions include “Jiang Cheng”, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, Miami, USA, 2022; “The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other”, AIKE, Shanghai, China, 2022; “U”, Downs & Ross, New York, USA, 2021; “The Shiver”, SAISEN ART, Shanghai, China, 2021; “U”, AIKE, Shanghai, China, 2020; “Vertigo”, A+Contemporary, Shanghai, China, 2019; “Post Meridiem”, A+Contemporary, Shanghai, China, 2017; “Samen”, de Sarthe Gallery, Beijing, China, 2016. He has also participated in group exhibitions include “Regarde-moi”, Perrotin, Paris, France, 2022; “Enduring Movement”, Cloister, Shanghai, China, 2020; “Golden Flow”, CHAO Art Center, Beijing, China, 2020; “The Man of the Crowd”, AIKE, Shanghai, China, 2020; “Qubeiping: Beijing Spring”, Ying Space, Beijing, China, 2017; “The Dilemmas of Painting”, A+Contemporary, Beijing, China, 2017; “LA CHAIR”, A+Contemporary, Shanghai, China, 2016; “Nipple Confusion”, Art Depot, Beijing, China, 2016; “Co Space One”, COSPACE, Shanghai, China, 2015; “Song of Youth”, Moon Gallery, Tai Zhong, China, 2013; “Uneasy Trip in Asia IV”, Poly Gallery, Hong Kong, China, 2013; “Uneasy Trip in Asia III”, Cans Tea & Book House, Taipei, China, 2013; “Fresh Glimpse-1980’s Generation Artists Group Exhibition”, The Other Gallery Art Lab, Beijing, China, 2012; “Rundgang”, The Berlin University of the Arts, Berlin, Germany, 2011; “Young Artists Group Exhibition”, Uferhallen, Berlin, Germany, 2011.



AIKE 现场|姜琤个展“形同陌路的时刻”



姜琤 Jiang Cheng


The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other

2022.11.05 - 2023.01.15

每周二至周六 Tue - Sat,10:00 - 18:00


Bldg 6, 2555 Longteng Avenue, Shanghai, China


