

2018-04-20 土壤观察

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针对这些问题,在中科院先导专项及国家自然科学基金等的资助下,南京土壤所联合中科院沈阳生态所、地理资源所、水保所、亚热带农业生态所、成都山地所等科研院所,以及南京农业大学、西南大学等高校,通过1980及2011年两个时段SOC实测数据及其对应点位管理措施实地调查数据的系统分析,发现中国农田表层SOC由1980年的28.56 t C/ha增加到了2011年的32.90 t C/ha,净增幅4.34 t C/ha,作物根系、秸秆及其它(主要是有机肥)碳输入变化对SOC增幅的贡献分别为30%、40%和30%,为中国农田土壤总体固碳提供了直接证据。



Zhao YC, Wang MY, Hu SJ, Zhang XD, Ouyang Z, Zhang GL, Huang B, Zhao SW, Wu JS, Xie DT, Zhu B, Yu DS, Pan XZ, Xu SX, Shi XZ. Economics- and policy-driven organic carbon input enhancement dominates soil organic carbon accumulation in Chinese croplands. PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1700292114


China’s croplands have experienced drastic changes in management practices, such as fertilization, tillage, and residue treatments, since the 1980s. There is an ongoing debate about the impact of these changes on soil organic carbon (SOC) and its implications. Here we report results from an extensive study that provided direct evidence of cropland SOC sequestration in China. Based on the soil sampling locations recorded by the Second National Soil Survey of China in 1980, we collected 4,060 soil samples in 2011 from 58 counties that represent the typical cropping systems across China. Our results showed that across the country, the average SOC stock in the topsoil (0–20 cm) increased from 28.6 Mg C ha−1 in 1980 to 32.9 Mg C ha−1 in 2011, representing a net increase of 140 kg C ha−1 year−1. However, the SOC change differed among the major agricultural regions: SOC increased in all major agronomic regions except in Northeast China. The SOC sequestration was largely attributed to increased organic inputs driven by economics and policy: while higher root biomass resulting from enhanced crop productivity by chemical fertilizers predominated before 2000, higher residue inputs following the large-scale implementation of crop straw/stover return policy took over thereafter. The SOC change was negatively related to N inputs in East China, suggesting that the excessive N inputs, plus the shallowness of plow layers, may constrain the future C sequestration in Chinese croplands. Our results indicate that cropland SOC sequestration can be achieved through effectively manipulating economic and policy incentives to farmers.







Xu JS, Zhao BZ, Mao JD, Chu WY, Li DD, Ma L, Zhang JB, Wei WX. Does P-deficiency fertilization alter chemical compositions of fulvic acids? Insights from long-term field studies on two contrasting soils: A Fluvisol and an Anthrosol. Soil and Tillage Research, 2018, 178: 189-197


Structural changes in fulvic acid (FA) in response to fertilization strategies, especially P-deficiency fertilization, have critical implications for soil carbon dynamics. This study examined how long-term fertilization influenced chemical compositions of soil FA and its humification degree. Advanced solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance techniques were used to evaluate structural changes of FAs from two soils (a Fluvisol and an Anthrosol) under four fertilizer treatments: organic fertilizer combined with or without NPK fertilizer (OF and NPKOF), deficient in phosphorus only (NK) and Control. The greater aromaticity, hydrophobicity and alkyl/O-alkyl (A/O-A) ratios of FAs were observed in the Anthrosol than in the Fluvisol. The Anthrosol FAs contained more alkyl and aromatic C but fewer O-alkyls (mostly being protonated) than did the Fluvisol FAs. Both FAs comprised some nonprotonated aromatics, which decreased with applications of organic and NK fertilizers. This trend was less obvious for the Anthrosol than for the Fluvisol. Organic fertilizer treatments (OF and NPKOF) in the Fluvisol increased the A/O-A ratio and aromaticity compared with P-deficient soils (NK and Control), indicating organic fertilization promoted the humification degree of its FA. The NK treatment in the Fluvisol increased H/C ratio of FA. Compared with the Fluvisol FAs, the Anthrosol FAs displayed similar chemical natures, implying their formation followed similar processes with a similar humification degree. The findings suggest that long-term fertilization differently influenced the FAs from the Fluvisol and Anthrosol. Clearly, the Anthrosol FAs shared more common features among the treatments compared with the Fluvisol FAs, whereas P-deficiency rendered the Fluvisol FAs simpler.





基于此,本课题组以江西省余江县148个无损原状水稻土样品为研究对象,通过高密度接触式反射探头获取原状土壤高光谱(图1),并采用传统线性建模方法(主成分回归PCR和偏最小二乘回归PLSR)与非线性建模方法(反向传播神经网络BPNN和支持矢量机回归SVMR)分别建立土壤有机质(SOM)、总氮 (TN)、总磷(TP)和总钾(TK)含量的高光谱反演模型,最终对其拟合效果进行对比,确定其最佳拟合模型。

交叉检验及独立验证结果表明,与2种线性模型相比,非线性建模方法(BPNN和SVMR)对四种土壤属性的预测精度均有较大程度地提高。其中,SVMR模型预测精度最高,其采用结构风险最小化原理,根据有限样本的信息,在模型复杂性和学习能力之间寻求最优折中,以使构建模型的泛化能力最强。四种土壤属性中,SVMR模型对SOM含量预测的独立验证相关系数和均方根误差分别为0.88和4.87 g/kg(图2);对TN含量预测结果次之,其独立验证相关系数和均方根误差分别为0.86和0.31 g/kg。

图1. 原状土壤样品高光谱测量平台

图2. SOM含量预测模型的散点图:(a)PCR;(b)PLSR;(c)BPNN;(d)SVMR




基于此,南京土壤所常熟站工作人员利用宜兴基地2011年建立的秸秆炭化还田土柱试验平台,对比分析了连续施加秸秆黑炭4年8季后酸性红壤和碱性潮土的硝化能力和氨氧化微生物群落结构的变化。结果表明,长期黑炭施加提高了酸性红壤pH值及营养元素含量,显著提高了其硝化潜力及氨氧化微生物的基因拷贝数;同时,氨氧化细菌AOB的优势物种Nitrosospira cluster 2逐渐向Nitrosospira cluster 3a /cluster 3b转化,且逐渐出现了与碱性潮土中相同的优势菌群,表明秸秆黑炭在修复红壤酸度和繁荣硝化微生物方面的作用。而长期黑炭施加对碱性潮土的硝化潜力及氨氧化微生物的群落组成并没有产生显著的影响。


He LL, Bi YC, Zhao J, Cameron M. Pittelkow, Zhao X, Wang SQ, Xing GX. Population and community structure shifts of ammonia oxidizers after four-year successive biochar application to agricultural acidic and alkaline soils. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 619-620: 1105-1115


Long-term studies that advance our mechanistic understanding of biochar (BC)‑nitrogen (N) interactions in agricultural soils are lacking. In this study, soil potential nitrification rates (PNR), the abundance and composition of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) communities following 4-year of BC application were investigated using the shaken-slurry procedure and molecular sequencing techniques for an acidic Oxisol (QU) and an alkaline Cambisol (YU). Soils were obtained from an outdoor soil column experiment with straw-BC application rates of 0 (BC0), 2.25 (BC2.25) and 11.3 (BC11.3) Mg ha− 1 per cropping season for eight consecutive wheat/millet seasons. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and 454 high-throughput pyrosequencing techniques were performed to quantify and sequence amoA gene copies and composition of AOA and AOB. Results showed that QU had lower PNR and a higher ratio of amoA gene copies of AOA to AOB than YU, PNR of QU with BC application was significantly associated with the amoA gene of AOB. Similar to previous short-term findings, BC application enhanced QU soil nitrification, which may be explained by the significant increase in AOB abundance and a shift in AOB community structure from Nitrosospira cluster 2 toward cluster 3, along with the disappearance of some obligate acidophile AOA groups, leading to the appearance of ammonia-oxidizers from neutral-alkaline soils in BC-amended acid soils. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that soil pH was the most important factor driving shifts in ammonia-oxidizers composition. Although BC application did not have significant effects on PNR in YU, BC11.3 decreased AOA and AOB gene copies and influenced the relative abundance of community structure. Our findings represent the first investigation of long-term BC effects on AOA and AOB communities in agricultural soils using 454 high-throughput pyrosequencing, showing that BC application can alter soil characteristics and influence ammonia oxidizer community composition, abundance, especially in acid soils.





结果表明,不同施磷梯度对细菌α多样性和群落组成没有明显影响。过量施磷条件下,真菌丰富度指数和多样性指数显著降低。速效磷(P = 0.001), 全磷 (P = 0.002), 和微生物量磷(P = 0.005)是影响真菌群落组成的关键因素。53.6mg/kg是造成真菌群落变化的关键速效磷阈值,当红壤水稻土速效磷高于53.6mg/kg时,Penicillium和Trichocomaceae减少,但是Pseudogymnoascus和Geomyces 增加;过量施磷条件下,真菌在土壤有机质转化以及磷循环过程中可能起到关键作用。

Liu M, Liu J, Chen XF, Jiang CY, Wu M, Li ZP. Shifts in bacterial and fungal diversity in a paddy soil faced with phosphorus surplus. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2018, 54(2): 259-267


Abundant phosphorus (P) has been applied to paddy fields in the red soil region of subtropical China. Microbial communities play important roles in soil nutrient cycling; however, the effects of P surplus on soil microbial diversity and community composition are still unclear. Soils collected from paddy fields in subtropical China was incubated and subjected to four P treatments: 33 kg ha-1 (CK), 66 kg ha-1 (P1), 132 kg ha-1 (P2), and 264 kg ha-1 (P3). Changes in bacterial and fungal diversity and community composition were evaluated by high-throughput sequencing. The different P rates had no significant effect on bacterial diversity, whereas fungal richness and diversity indexes declined significantly by increasing P rates. Principle coordinate analysis (PCoA) also indicated a shift in fungal community composition when P rates were higher than 132 kg ha-1. Available P (AP) was the dominant factor affecting fungal community composition as evaluated by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Multivariate regression trees (MRT) revealed that the key threshold of 53.6 mg kg-1 of AP divided treatments into two distinct groups. Linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) showed that abundances of Pseudogymnoascus and Geomyces increased, but those of Penicillium and an unknown genus of Trichocomaceae decreased when AP was ≥ 53.6 mg kg-1.





研究发现黄棕壤吸附较多的EPS-C和EPS-N,而红壤对EPS-P具有更高的吸附容量。EPS-C、EPS-N和 EPS-P 在红壤和黄棕壤表面的吸附量均随着pH的增加而降低。随着离子强度的增加,EPS-C、EPS-N和 EPS-P 在红壤表面的吸附量持续降低,而在黄棕壤表面呈现先增加后维持稳定的趋势。ATR-FTIR分析表明EPS在红壤表面的饱和吸附量高于黄棕壤。红壤和黄棕壤粘土矿物组成特别是铁铝氧化物含量不同是两种土壤对EPS-C、EPS-N和 EPS-P吸附存在明显差异的主要原因。


Ren LY, Hong ZN, Qian W, Li JY, Xu RK. Adsorption mechanism of extracellular polymeric substances from two bacteria on Ultisol and Alfisol. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 237: 39-49


The primary objective of this study was to identify the capacity and mechanism of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) adsorption on soil colloids of Alfisol and Ultisol at different pH and ionic strengths. Two kinds of EPS were extracted from Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens by centrifugation, and their adsorption on Ultisol and Alfisol was investigated using a batch adsorption experiment and attenuated total reflectance–Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). The average diameter of EPS from B. subtilis and P. fluorescens was 1825 and 1288 nm, respectively, and both the EPS were negatively charged. The zeta potentials of the two EPS became more negative with increasing solution pH from 3 to 8 and less negative with increasing ionic strength from 0 to 80 mM. The maximum adsorption capacity of EPS-C and EPS-N on Alfisol was higher than that on Ultisol, whereas the maximum adsorption capacity of EPS-P on Alfisol was lower than that on Ultisol. The adsorption of EPS-C, EPS-N, and EPS-P of both the EPS on Ultisol and Alfisol decreased with increasing solution pH from 3 to 8. Adsorption of EPS-C, EPS-N, and EPS-P of both the EPS on Alfisol significantly increased with increasing ionic strength from 0 to 10 mM, whereas it remained constant, slightly increased, or reduced, when the ionic strength was increased from 10 to 80 mM. The adsorption of EPS-C, EPS-N, and EPS-P on Ultisol slightly increased with increasing ionic strength from 0 to 80 mM. Saturation coverage determined by ATR-FTIR showed that adsorption of whole EPS on Ultisol was higher than that on Alfisol at pH 6 after 60 min. Thus, electrostatic force between EPS and soil colloids played an important role in EPS adsorption. Besides, proteins and phosphate groups in EPS also contributed to EPS adsorption on soil colloids.




针对上述问题,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所研究员李兰海团队通过收集过往发表文献中的数据,同时基于MetaWin平台对数据进行整合分析,评估了造林对全球干旱半干旱地区表层土(0~30 cm)有机碳和全氮储量的影响,分析了造林前土地利用类型、造林树种和造林后时间长度对土壤碳、氮的动态影响。



相关研究以Dynamics of soil carbon and nitrogen stocks after afforestation in arid and semi-arid regions: A meta-analysis 为题发表于Science of The Total Environment。














