

土壤观察 2022-07-27

The following article is from 农业遥感与作物模型 Author 青山白鹤




该研究分析了联合收割机重量及其相关农用轮胎的历史趋势,表明从20世纪60年代至今,农用车辆的土壤表面应力几乎保持不变,而底层土壤,即植物根部区域的应力则稳步增加。我们的分析表明,大型农用车的设计主要是通过保持恒定的接触面积-重量关系来指导的,这类似于陆地行走动物的足迹大小和身体质量之间的进化尺度关系。然而,由于对植物根系应力扩展的考虑有限,造成了根系土体力学极限的超出,影响了土壤的生态功能。研究者提出了一个底土压实敏感性指(index of subsoil compaction susceptibility),以估计的典型土壤应力与土壤强度在0.5 m深度的比值来计算。这一指数的全球地图划定了目前机械化水平可能超过土壤功能安全机械极限的区域。




Fig. 1. Scaling relationship between footprint size (contact area) and body or vehicle mass. Blue circles represent sauropods (data in SI Appendix, Table S3), and red squares represent agricultural machinery, with tire characteristics given in SI Appendix, Table S2. The orange circles are from Cumming and Cumming, and the light blue line is the scaling law of Michilisens et al., also presented in the inset taken from Clemente et al.. Note the relatively narrow range of surface contact stress that spans the entire range of animals (extant and extinct) and agricultural machinery.

Fig. 2. Subsoil stress but not surface stress is affected by body or vehicle mass. (A) Surface stress and (B) soil stress at a 0.5-m depth as a function of mass per foot or wheel load. Bold black lines are trend lines, and the gray area in A indicates mean value ± SD. Numbers in red indicate the year of a typical combine harvester of that time, blue numbers in italics refer to sauropods (1, Plateosaurus engelhardti; 2 , Morosaurus agilis; 3 , Cetiosaurus sp.; 4, Argyrosaurus superbus; 5 , Prontopodus sp.; 6, Neosodon praecursor; 7, Sauropodichnus giganteus; 8 , Brachiosaurus sp.; 9, cf. Prontopodus birdi; 10, Barosauros lentus; 11, cf. Argentinosaurus).

Fig. 3. Risk of soil compaction has increased over the past six decades in the course of agricultural mechanization. Soil stress is shown in relation to soil strength as a function of soil depth for typical combine harvesters of 1958, 1989, and 2020. The stress/strength profiles for a horse and a sauropod (Prontosaurus birdi) are shown for comparison. Soil compaction is expected for soil stress/soil strength > 1.0. The green area indicates no severe risk of compaction (above the annual tillage depth), and the red area indicates risk of permanent subsoil compaction (below the annual tillage depth). The inset shows the depth until which stress exceeds strength, indicating the progression of critical stress-exceedance depths over time (the horizontal dashed line at a 0.25-m depth indicates the typical tillage

depth), for typical combine harvesters from 1958 to date (red squares), mammals (violet triangles—1, horse; 2, African elephant), and sauropods (blue circles—3, Brachiosaurus sp.; 4, Prontosaurus birdi; 5 , Argentinosaurus).

Fig. 4. Global distribution of subsoil compaction susceptibility expressed as an index relating estimated mean tractor-applied stress to soil strength at a depth of 0.5 m (SCSI). (A) Global map derived from mechanization levels, farm sizes, estimated tractor size, soil texture, and climatic average water content calculated at a 0.1° resolution (SI Appendix, section 7 for details). (B) Fraction of arable land exceeding a value of the SCSI, with SCSI > 1 indicating a likelihood of chronic subsoil compaction. The global fraction of arable land under threat of subsoil compaction exceeds 20% and concentrates in high-income countries with large farms and moist average soil conditions.








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