
百老汇名剧上演,看少年如何成“角儿” |广州耀华戏剧节 Implications behind Miss Saigon

▲ 耀华年度音乐剧《Miss Saigon》剧照 Stage photo of 《Miss Saigon》

人群当中,女主角“Kim”正在奔走,寻觅,咆哮,她急切、焦灼、歇斯底里,渴望抓住那根救命稻草。这是经典音乐剧《Miss Saigon》的片段。12月18日,广州耀华国际学校一年一度的校园戏剧节隆重登场,这一剧目被搬上舞台。




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In the crowd, the heroine "Kim" is running, searching and roaring. She is anxious,hysterical and eager to grasp the last straw. This is a clip from the classic musical drama Miss Saigon. On December 18, the annual drama play was put onto the stage in Guangzhou Yew Wah International School.

 The drama festival is a platform for drama student to perform in the campus. There are 30 students participating the show this time. In the British and American education system, drama lesson is usually regarded as one of the ways of aesthetic education, which is an important way of learning and recognizing the world. At the end of the 18th century, Schiller, a German philosopher, initiated aesthetic education. He proposed that the realization of human's "integrity" is the goal of aesthetic pursuit. In his standards, people should be integrated harmoniously and perfectly.

 It is worth mentioning that this "integrity" is similar to the "holistic education" pursued by Yew Wah international education school.

▲《Miss Saigon》音乐剧花絮 Clip of 《Miss Saigon》


图片Photos Provided by|Y12A Jacky


▲《Miss Saigon》主创团队在黑匣子剧场排练 Rehearsal in Black Box


“他们已经做过充分的调研”,戏剧课程主任Jemma Green挥舞着手里一本厚厚的调研报告。报告里,是学生们搜集整理的音乐剧《Miss Saigon》的背景资料,包括越南战争、战后生态,以及他们对事件、人物事件等角色的剖析和解读。

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One month before the performance, students were rehearsing in a drama classroom in Yew Wah Guangzhou campus.

"They've done enough research," said Jemma Green, faculty leader of drama courses, waving a thick Research Report. In the report, the students collected the background information of the musical play "Miss Saigon", including the Vietnam War, postwar ecology, and their analysis and interpretation of events, character events and other roles.



Get out of the comfort zone

▲ Nancy在《Miss Saigon》的演出照 Nancy's Stage Photo

“我希望能通过自己的理解去诠释她,就好像在跟自己对话”,十二年级学生Nancy Huang说。她是这出音乐剧的女主角,出身孤苦的女主角Kim遇到了美国大兵Chris,两人擦出爱情的火花,战争结束后,Crise离开,她一直带着孩子苦苦守候。

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"I want to interpret her through my own understanding, as if I'm talking to myself," said Nancy Huang, a Year 12 student. She is the heroine of the musical play. Kim, who was born in a lonely family, met American soldier Chris. They had a spark of love. After the war, Chris left. She had been waiting with her children.

▲ Nancy的演出视频片段 Clip of Nancy's Performance

在此之前,Nancy已经反复咀嚼《Miss Saigon》各个演出版本。“她把自己托付给了这场旋涡,却能在里面找到爬上来的绳子,靠的是信念感。但最后,她摧毁了自己,这也是信念的崩塌。当她见到男主角Crise的妻子,她会觉得,儿子没了希望,自己的爱情也无疾而终,却又无能为力,但她仍旧理解他。”


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Before that, Nancy had been chewing through various versions of Miss Saigon. "She entrusted herself to this vortex, but she could find the rope to climb up in it, relying on her sense of faith. But in the end, she destroyed herself, which was also the collapse of faith. When she met Chris's wife, she would feel that her son is hopeless and her love had come to an end, but there was nothing she can do, but she still understood him. "

Nancy even feels that the heroine has something in common with herself: delicate, sensitive and insecure. One month before the performance, she felt that she should jump out of the comfort zone and interpret the sad role, "I can do better."



Perform the character with confidence

▲ Y12的Roy饰演《Miss Saigon》里的Engineer   Roy played the role "Engineer" in 《Miss Saigon》

Roy Liang的角色是这幕音乐剧的男二号,外号是“工程师”。在剧本的人物设定里,“工程师”自私,拜金,贪生怕死,他是一名做着狂热“美国梦”的酒吧老板,一直梦想移民到所有人口中的“天堂”美国,过上更好的生活,并为此不惜代价。



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Roy Liang acts as the second male main role in the musical play, and he is an engineer. In the character setting of the script, the engineer is selfish, money obsessed, greedy for life and fear of death. He is a pub owner who has a crazy "American Dream". He has always dreamed of immigrating to the "paradise" of America, where all the people can live a better life at all costs.

Roy loved this kind of character. "I was so excited to know that I could act as an engineer. When I watched different versions of this play with this role, I was attracted by it. " Every year, the Drama Festival is scheduled to be held in June. Due to the epidemic situation, it was postponed. The students who used to act as engineers had graduated and left school, and Roy got the chance unexpectedly.

It was the first time Roy stepped onto the stage of campus drama festival, and he had spent all his free time on this, including the morning, break time, and even late at night. He kept practicing, reviewing, and correcting continuously.

▲ Roy在排练 Roy in rehearsal


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He demanded that he do every detail well, hoping to present the performance in the perfect way. The first challenge was pronunciation, which he hoped to pronounce every word in standard. "The audience may not be able to hear what you are singing on the stage. Even if that is the case, I have to sing in the correct tune. " He recorded each of his songs, then played them back, and found out the mistakes with further adjustment, practise, playing back and polishing again and again.

▲ Roy的演出视频片段 Clip of Roy's performance


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It's a whole new challenge for him. "It's interesting. I haven't been in touch with this type of character before. I'm going to try to figure out what kind of action and performance a person without much education will have. The teacher taught me not to flinch, but to be more funny and to show my role more confidently instead. "



Background design referred to the climatic conditions

▲ Lily在亲手绘制《Miss Saigon》的背景板 Lily is painting the background board by herself

除了角色的扮演,Lily Zhao还负责这部剧的舞台设计和道具,她的调研报告呈现的不光有历史素材和角色解读,还有对当地气候条件的分析。


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In addition to play one of the roles in the show, Lily Zhao is also responsible for the stage design and props of the play. Her research report not only presents historical materials and role interpretation, but also analyzes the local climate conditions.

Jemma said that her original idea was to use a bar scene as the setting board material, but after Lily's research, she proposed that "bar street" was more suitable for the play. In this play,  students were the leaders, and Jemma, as a director, was mostly the one who assist them.

▲ 《Miss Saigon》的舞台设计、布景由学生自己完成 Stage and Scenery Design are Completed by the Students



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"The bar street was full of neon, but Vietnam was in fact poor and backward after the war", and "entertainment in the chaos of war, decline in the noise", all this contrast was the keynote that Lily wanted to highlight. In the choice of color, she used green as the main tone. "Southeast Asia belongs to tropical rainforest climate, so green is a foil to the climate and also to the atmosphere of war.". "Green in war" was specially designed by Lily in the color of gray green. In the gray, bright bar signs were particularly eye-catching.

There are three scenes in the whole show, which are completed in two stages: a bar in Vietnam, and a bedroom in Vietnam and the United States. In the bedroom scenery panel, Lily used the scenery outside the window to distinguish the area. "I hope this background can highlight the atmosphere of the musical play, and the small details can also be taken into consideration."




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On December 18, it came to the Drama Festival. Nancy and her classmates needed to perform two shows. In the morning, the audience was the whole school students. While in the afternoon, parents were invited to watch the show. Principals and teachers took the role of logistics, while the students took the main roles acting on the stage.

Through the faint light, we can distinguish the expression of the audience from burst into laughter to burst into tears times to times. Their emotions followed the ups and downs of the plot.

▲ Nancy在《Miss Saigon》的演出照 Nancy‘s stage photo



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"Kim" touched the hearts of the whole audience. She run away from home and met the United States soldier "Chris", as if ushered in the hope of a turnaround; When the soldier returned to the United States, she was found by the admirer "Thuy". She refused mercilessly, even when she pulled the trigger. Finally, as she aimed her gun at herself, there was a gentle sob on the stage.

In traditional musical performances, the audience sit and watch under the stage. However, for Miss Saigon played in YW, in addition to setting up two stages, the auditorium also served as a performance space. In the opening scene, the heroine, "Kim," ran through the crowd, looking for the returning hero, and the audience became "passers-by" in the performance.

▲ Roy在《Miss Saigon》的演出照  Roy‘s stage photo

“工程师”则承包了全场笑点。他身着紫色西服套装,手戴夸张的金戒指,张开双臂大喊“American dream”。他的虚与委蛇与唯利是图,被Roy演绎得淋漓尽致。美国梦破灭,“工程师”将大把钞票抛向空中,一度成为全场高潮。事后,Roy说,剧本原本并没有撒钞票的剧情,“只是我觉得这个角色会这么做,所以我就做了。”

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The "engineer" was the laughing point of the whole play. He wore a purple suit with an exaggerated gold ring in his hand, and shouted "American dream" with open arms. The engineer’s conspiracy and profiteering were vividly interpreted by Roy. The American dream was shattered, and the "engineers" threw a lot of money into the air, which once became the climax of the audience. Afterwards, Roy said that the script did not have a plot of throwing money, "It's just that I think this character will do this, so I do it."

▲ Andy在《Miss Saigon》的剧照 Andy‘s stage photo

男主角扮演者Andy Zhang是学校戏剧社团负责人,也是校园戏剧节的“老戏骨”。从舞台上抬手举足、左顾右盼和焦急时加快的语速这些细节,可以判断他的表演一如既往水准在线。




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Andy Zhang, the actor of Chris, is the leading person of school drama club and the veteran actor of school drama festival. From the details of his performance on the stage, like looking left and right, and speaking faster when being anxious, we can say that his performance was as good as ever.

"Drama is not just performance, it's life." Andy said. He said that on the stage, he kept encouraging himself and was in an excited state, "it was the audience that drove me all the way forwards." At the end of the performance, he felt a sense of "being squeezed dry" and "feeling that his emotions were ran out".  "It is hard to say goodbye."

Roy had always been excited. he said that he had a kind of "satisfaction", exhausted, but satisfied. "For the first time in my life, I worked so hard for one thing. I think I have done a great job and played the role well." His parents were sitting in the audience. They watched their son's performance for the first time. “From the play, we saw a different Roy.”

Roy kept the engineer's purple suit and exaggerated "gold ring" for memory.



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Most of the time, Jemma, the chief director, was observing and recording. She recorded students’ practice and performance videos as demonstration of students' ability.

▲ Jemma在学生排练时候摄下视频 Jemma filmed the video during the students' rehearsal

Jemma出身戏剧科班,但更热衷当一名教师。Nancy和Tommy Hu正在练习对手戏,反复三次,依然没有找到状态。她上前示范,富有张力的肢体动作和声嘶力竭的表情,立马让他们茅塞顿开。她习惯于把情感和力量潜移默化地传递到学生那里,让他们舒服地,自然地领悟,像一颗种子,看似无意却有意地落在土壤里,萌芽,生长,开出属于自己的花朵。



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Jemma used to be a professional dramatic actress, but is more keen to be a teacher. Nancy and Tommy Hu were practicing opposing scenes, repeating three times, but still did not play it well. She stepped forward to demonstrate. The tension of the body movements and the expression of shouting hoarsely made them enlightened immediately. She is accustomed to passing emotions and strength to students subtly, so that they can comfortably and naturally grow, which is similar to a seed’s growth. The seed seems to fall in the soil unintentionally but intentionally sprout, grow, and bloom its own flowers.

As early as the end of the 19th century, Dewey, the famous American educator, started the practice of drama curriculum. "Drama has irreplaceable advantages in cultivating students' abilities of learning, expression, cooperation, imagination and social interaction," she said.

"The rehearsal was hard, but it made us more united." said Jemma after the play. "In the process of practice and performance, students often encounter difficulties and challenges. They need to find ways to solve them. It is very important to develop these abilities."

▲ Tommy在《Miss Saigon》的演出照 Tommy‘s stage photo

戏剧课程对团队精神和社交能力的锻炼,学生们自有体悟。“Thuy”的扮演者Tommy Hu说,“演戏是一个团队的东西,不止有演员,还要灯光、音效等等同步。”“戏剧不仅是对个人的提升,也是对如何跟他人协调的考验,如何找到一个平衡点,贡献的一个团队的作品。”Roy意识到,一场成功的演出,来自于整个团队的努力,而不仅仅是个人。

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Students have their own understanding of the development of team spirit and social skills in drama course. Tommy Hu, who played "Thuy," said,“Acting needs a team. There are not only actors, but also lighting, sound and so on.”“Drama is not only an improvement of the individual, but also a test of how to coordinate with others and make a balance to contribute to the work of a team.” Roy realized that a successful performance comes from the efforts of the whole team, not just individuals.

▲ 学校组织中学部的学生给小学部的孩子演出 School organized the middle school students to give performances to the primary children







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At the same time, Jemma believes that drama is a course to help children grow and develop, and acting can make them confident. "More confident", similar self-evaluation could often be heard in the interviews of the students who participated in this drama performance.

Before coming to Yew Wah, Andy had never performed on stage. Three years ago, in Y9, he stepped onto the stage for the first time and felt frightened. He played the wizard in Cinderella, although he was a "supporting role with low sense of existence", he was still nervous. "I thought at that time, everyone's eyes would be on you.”

To his surprise, after the curtain call, his nervousness disappeared and replaced by happiness. “I feel like working with others to accomplish a major event.” After that performance, he felt that he was able to speak loudly with confidence. 

At the beginning, When Nancy transferred to Yew Wah, she was not interested in Drama. At that time, her English was not good enough to keep up with the pace of the teacher. Through the practice of scripting and acting in class, her English was more fluent, and her interest gradually increased. In one performance, she was one of the supporting roles. Although she had only a few lines, she was not ignored by Jemma. Jemma said to me, "I think you have done a great job! Do you want to come and join the play next year?”

She described the drama teacher Jemma as a guiding light. “She will never force us to act like what she says, but gives us a lot of freedom. When I sang, I always worried a lot. I would think that the voice was cracked in this part, and it was not sung well in that part. Jemma would say, "don't worry about the singing or the low voice. Just sing it out and express your feelings and emotions"

“Drama is not to cultivate performing stars. The most important thing is to develop children's expression, self-confidence, creativity and other advanced thinking skills,” said Shannon Shang, Chinese Co-principals of YWIES. From 2015, YWIES introduced drama courses to all year levels, and organized experts and teachers from the Foundation to jointly conduct course development on Drama.

▲ ECE幼教部角色扮演日 ECE Book Character Day









德国存在主义哲学家卡尔·西奥多·雅斯贝尔斯(Karl Theodor Jaspers)认为,“教育是顿悟的艺术,就是引导灵魂的眼睛抽身返回自身之内。”这一堂戏剧课,是最直白的诠释。

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Take ECE as an example, there is a special role-playing corner in the classroom. Role-playing is the initial form of drama. From the understanding of the early development of infants, role-playing is an advanced learning style for infants. This is their externalized performance after observing the objective world.

At the beginning, because the students’ English is limited, so the expression is limited. Of course, the expression of drama does not only depend on language, but also on manner and action. The students who have not been systematically trained, may feel cramped and don't know how to perform. However, once when drama is integrated into the curriculum, students will have their chances for participating in script creation, acting, organizing, directing, and even clothing props.

Nancy plans to take drama as her path for future professional development.

We will let the students have more access to know about drama, develop their interest and expand the potential. Once they show their interest, the teachers will guide them to the direction of professional development. This is the original intention of drama course. Nancy said that drama helped her a lot during her growth. Addition to the improvement of English, she likes the way of expression when writing or performing the script, as she can have dialogues between characters and herself. 

She even feels that drama is not just a course, "It's another way to look at the world." And for Nancy's mother, she believes that her daughter is free to love and pursue what she really wants in Yewwah. "I often tell Nancy that she should be happy every day, study and live happily. After she transferred to Yewwah, what she benefited most was that she gained what she had been pursued from different aspects. "

Although Andy didn't plan to develop in this professional direction of drama, he still felt that "if I didn't participate in the performance, I would be regretted." He said he would play well at acting without affecting his studies. "Drama will always be an important interest for me."

He made an analogy that "Acting is equivalent to putting your own stories into a drawer. When you want to show a certain emotion, you'd better find something similar to it in your drawer, then you can play it smoothly, and you will have a clearer exploration of your past and a deeper reflection of yourself. "

"It's not just about releasing pressure, acting enables me to understand other people's ideas better. You need to put yourself in the role, and you will feel what the role feels and reflect on your own life."

Karl Theodor Jaspers, a German existentialist philosopher, believes that " Education is the art of epiphany, which is to guide the eyes of the soul to withdraw and return to itself." The drama course is the most straightforward interpretation.





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