
WKU毕业“声” | 卢柯含、袁骁:梦想之桥——从心理到牛津剑桥


春分料峭 万物复苏





今天和WKU Psi Chi一起



art 01.



温州肯恩大学 心理学


1. 您是否毕业?/目前在继续深造还是已经投入工作?


2. 最初是为什么会选择在温肯就读?在温肯就读有什么感受?最想向谁表达感谢?


    在温肯学习的三年半期间,我收到了老师和同学们很多的关心与爱。我最想感谢的老师有六位,分别是心理系的Amrita Kaur教授,Li Qian教授,生物系的Zhang Bo教授,Aloysius Wong教授,教育系的Mohammad Noman教授和我的哲学老师Rosalie Palaroan教授。在温肯的三年半里,我的成长是显著的,这些都离不开老师们的悉心培养。排名根据字母表顺序。

    1. Aloysius Wong教授是我细胞信号学的老师。Aloy老师讲课思路清晰,授课资料编纂细致,对学生都很友好平静。

     2. Amrita Kaur教授是我的科研导师。从定性到定量,Nikki老师都教了我很多,为我打下了坚实的科研基础。

     3. 李倩教授是我的专业入门老师,她教了我第一堂专业课,和最后一堂毕业论文课。Qian也是我大学四年的Advisor,她总给我选课上的建议。

     4. Mohammad Noman教授在多个项目中培养了我的领导力。

     5. Rosalie Palaroan教授作为哲学老师,总是引导我拥有一个健康的心理状态,更好的面对竞争与压力。

     6. 张波教授是教我普通生物和微生物的老师,他总说Structure Determines Function。张波老师非常喜欢心理学,还教我用显微镜,很实用的技能。

3. 您将来的发展方向是如何?为什么?

    我计划成为一名优秀的犯罪心理学家。因为我是看《小熊维尼与跳跳虎》长大的,我也想去探案。我会像《疯狂动物城》里的兔子警官Judy Hopps一样,智勇双全。


art 02.





1. 您是否毕业?/目前是在继续深造还是已经投入工作?


2. 在肯恩人文学院就读有什么感受?

    1. 首先,温肯的人文学院为我提供了一个非常自由且包容的学习环境。最让我感受深刻的是开放的课堂氛围,无论是小组讨论还是个人演讲,教授都鼓励我们尽情地表达自己的观点,正因如此,我才得以在与同学,教授的交流过程中了解到来自不同思考角度的看法和理解,拓宽我的视野,促使我不再拘泥于自己的狭窄思维里,让我更加批判性地看待问题。这样的氛围也在极大程度上令我对教育学有了更加深刻的思考。

    2. 其次,心理系的每一位教授都有着强大的学术背景以及丰富的教学经验。至此,我特别想感谢Li Qian教授对我在理论学习、学术写作,以及科研道路上的辛勤栽培。是她带领的我在幼儿园的实习中让我开始对教育心理学产生了浓厚的学习和研究兴趣;在她的儿童、教育心理学课上,我对该领域有了更加深刻的理解和思考;在科研上,她总是耐心地对我进行指导,孜孜不倦地为我的论文提出修改建议。从刚踏入温肯时对学术茫然懵懂的我,到现在即将踏上新征程的我,我的成长离不开她对我的支持与付出。同时,非常感谢我的Advisor,Amrita Kaur教授,每一次选课前她都会耐心地给我讲解四年计划并给我详细的选课指导。另外,也非常感谢Alexander English教授给予我宝贵的科研机会,让我学到很多定性研究和分析的方法,使我不再局限于开展定量研究。最后,还要感谢带领我去温州康宁医院实习的Eva教授,在那里我亲眼见到了教科书里描述的脑功能测量和治疗的技术以及当代的一些心理测量技术,这段珍贵的经历也让我接触到了患有不同心理疾病的人们,以及了解那些精神病人的真实内心世界。由衷地感谢所有教授对我的支持,我也会不停追随他们的脚步,向着更高的学术殿堂进发。

    3. 除专业课之外,人文学院还为我们提供了多样化的课程,包括哲学和社会学等人文社科。在此非常感谢Rosalie Palaroan教授,哲学课上,她总能把晦涩的理论解释得通俗易懂,让我深深地体会到逻辑学的魅力。最重要的是,非常非常感谢Svetlana Vikhnevich教授,我们的Lana老师,她的EMSE3420&3421是我这四年里收获最多且体验感最强的课,每节课都能沉浸式地体验面对不同年龄段学生的英语教学,特别有意思,在Lana的课上我完全感觉不到时间在流逝。我们不仅要学习有关英语教学的理论和技巧,还需要将它们运用到模拟课堂中。虽然在刚接触教学时这对我们来说是一个非常具有挑战性的任务,但在我和伙伴们一遍一遍地打磨教学方法、不断地完善内容的过程中,我们也逐渐体会到了教学的意义。Lana于我们来说更像是一位好朋友,我们之间完全感受不到距离感的存在,她甚至会在课后与我们共同探讨如何改进她的课堂。Lana是我在教学领域的启蒙导师,她于我的鼓励和支持是我探索教育学的不竭动力。


Kehan Lu

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1. Have you graduated? /Are you currently pursuing further studies or are you already working?

No, I will graduate this June. I plan to go to Cambridge University in September to pursue the MPhil in Criminological Research.

2. Why did you choose to study at Wenzhou-Kean in the first place? How do you feel about studying at Wenzhou-Kean? Who would you like to thank the most?

The primary reason I chose Wenzhou-Kean University is its proximity to my home; it's just a two-and-a-half-hour journey by high-speed train.

Throughout my three and a half years at Wenzhou-Kean, I was deeply supported and cared for by both my teachers and peers. I am particularly grateful to six instructors who played pivotal roles in my academic journey: Professors Amrita Kaur and Qian Li from the Psychology Department, Professors Zhang Bo and Aloysius Wong from Biology, Professor Mohammad Noman from Education, and my philosophy teacher, Professor Rosalie Palaroan. Their guidance and mentorship have been instrumental in my personal and intellectual growth during my undergraduate years. The following list is arranged alphabetically.

1. Professor Aloysius Wong instructs cell signaling. His lectures are lucid, his teaching materials meticulously crafted, and he exhibits a friendly and composed demeanor towards students.

2. Professor Amrita Kaur served as my research supervisor, offering comprehensive guidance from qualitative to quantitative methodologies. Nikki's mentorship has been invaluable, laying a robust foundation for my research endeavors.

3. Professor Qian Li introduced me to psychology. She taught me my first psychology course and my last, the capstone. Qian was also my advisor during my college years. She always gave me invaluable advice on course registration.

4. Professor Mohammad Noman fostered my leadership abilities through involvement in various projects, honing my skills and capabilities.

5. Professor Rosalie Palaroan, an esteemed philosophy instructor, consistently imparts wisdom, encouraging a resilient mindset to navigate challenges and competition effectively.

6. Professor Zhang Bo, my mentor in General Biology and Microbiology, emphasizes the critical relationship between structure and function. Beyond biology, he also shares a passion for psychology and equipped me with practical skills such as microscope usage, enhancing my scientific proficiency.

3. What is your future aspiration? Why?

I aspire to excel as a criminal psychologist, drawing inspiration from my childhood love for Winnie the Pooh. I believe I will exhibit the same bravery, wisdom, and kindness as Judy Hopps, the bunny police officer in Zootopia!

Xiao Yuan

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1. Have you graduated? /Are you currently pursuing further studies or are you already working?

I am a senior Psychology student and plan to attend the University of Oxford in August to pursue an MSc in Child Development Education.

2. How do you feel about studying at College of Liberal Arts in Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU)?

First and foremost, the College of Liberal Arts at WKU gave me access to a free and inclusive academic environment. The open learning atmosphere impressed me the most since professors urged us to voice our viewpoints in group discussions or individual presentations. Hence, when communicating with my professors and peers, I learned about different perspectives and understandings from others, which expanded my horizons and encouraged me to think outside of the box and look into problems more critically rather than being constrained by my narrow-mindedness. Furthermore, I was also able to reflect more thoroughly on education in such an atmosphere. This learning environment, fostered by the professors, has broadened my academic knowledge and contributed significantly to my personal growth and development. I am genuinely grateful for these learning experiences.

Secondly, each professor in the psychology department has extensive teaching experience and a solid academic background. I deeply appreciate Professor Qian Li for her diligent effort in guiding me in my research, academic writing, and theoretical study. Her guidance during my kindergarten internship sparked my fascination with educational psychology, a subject I delved deeper into in her classes. She has patiently guided me through my studies and devotedly supplied suggestions for improving my dissertation. Without her ongoing support and assistance, I would not have been able to progress from when I arrived at WKU without any research experience to the present, when I am ready to start a new path. Her influence has been transformative, and I am genuinely grateful for her role in my academic journey.

Moreover, I also want to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Amrita Kaur, my advisor, who carefully went through the four-year plan with me and gave me thorough advice on registering for courses. Furthermore, I express my heartfelt thanks to Professor Alexander English for allowing me to acquire extensive knowledge in qualitative research and analytic techniques, expanding my research boundaries beyond quantitative research. Last but not least, I sincerely thank Dr. Eva Marie Gacasan for leading me to the Wenzhou Kangning Hospital for my internship, where I could directly witness the methods of testing and treating brain function and some modern psychometric measurements. This invaluable experience enabled me to interact with individuals who were afflicted with various mental illnesses and gain insight into the mental health community. I want to express my appreciation to all of the professors for their inspiration, and I vow to keep up the good work while I pursue my academic goals.

Meanwhile, the College of Liberal Arts provides us with a broad range of humanities and social sciences courses, such as sociology and philosophy. I sincerely appreciate Professor Rosalie Palaroan; she always makes the complicated study of philosophy understandable, which has enabled me to understand the beauty of reasoning. Most importantly, I want to convey my deepest appreciation to my professor, Svetlana Vikhnevich (Lana), whose EMSE 3420 & 3421 were the most fulfilling and hands-on lessons I've taken in my four years. Teaching English to children of all ages was an absorbing experience in her lesson, and I never felt like time was passing in her class. In addition to learning theories and methods for teaching English, we also had to put them into practice in a mock classroom. It was an extremely challenging task for us when we were new to teaching. Still, as my partner and I constantly improved our teaching strategies and enhanced our content, we eventually understood the significance of teaching. We treat Lana more as a close friend. My exploration of education has been propelled by Lana's encouragement and support, who is my mentor in teaching.

In the end, the road ahead is long and arduous. My learning journey has not been smooth sailing, but fortunately, I have had the constant encouragement of my family and good friends behind me. I am grateful for their silent care and companionship along the way. Genuine friendship, like a clear mirror, illuminates the path ahead of me. Without them, there would be no me today

图文 | 卢柯含 袁骁

文稿编辑 | 刘乐之

排版 | 安紫钰

审核 | 徐萌璐


