
学科 | 君诚的社会学课原来这么有挑战!

市场部 君诚国际双语学校SIBS 2019-09-16

与世界上大部分国际学校一样,君诚学校也开设了非常棒的社会学课程。要知道,在不同国家中寻找适合的教学资料,是十分有挑战性的。君诚采用了AERO(American Education Reaches Out)的社会科学和历史标准。这些标准立足于概念,并不是基于特定的州或国家的具体内容和历史解释。 

SIBS social studies is similar to many other international schools around the world.  It is challenging in all international communities to find appropriate material to fit the demographics of particular communities and backgrounds.  Due to these continuing Social Studies and History challenges, SIBS has adopted AERO (American Education Reaches Out) Social Studies and History standards.  These standards are concept-based and not based on state or nation specific content and interpretation of history. 


As SIBS implements PYP, MYP, and DP, Social Studies and History will be combined with transdisciplinary skills and understandings to create meaningful units of study.  Teachers will utilize a number of methods, resources, and material in order to deliver the lessons.  Teachers will also collaborate across Chinese and AERO standards in order to support a bilingual approach to the learning units.  This is a unique way for our Chinese and English teachers to work collaboratively in order to deliver like concepts in the dual language model.


Students across all grade levels engage in project-based skills developed work to enhance their understandings.  Students will demonstrate their understanding in various forms of assessment practices.  Students will be able to exercise a certain amount of voice and choice in the manner in which they are able to demonstrate mastery of particular concepts.  As students learn academic writing throughout their SIBS educational journey, students will need to demonstrate higher levels of academic writing skills to prepare students for the next level of educational challenges.  Social Studies and History will place a heavy emphasis on writing in this content area in order to prep our students for University.  


书单 | Valery Cooper:给家长的心理学英文书籍推荐

校长专栏 | 来自美国迈阿密的问候!

赛事 | 君诚14名学子参加国际模拟联合国大会

学科 | 君诚的科学课原来这么好玩!

学科 | 君诚的英语课原来这么专业!

