作为系列文章的开篇,本文节录了著名风险投资家迈克尔·莫里茨的投资逻辑。迈克尔·莫里茨生于英国威尔士,本科毕业于牛津大学Christ Church学院,学的是历史。后前往美国沃顿商学院,获得MBA学位。与众不同的是,他从商学院毕业后,并未立即从事直接的商业活动,而是成为《时代周刊》的一名记者。从1980年代起,莫里茨与苹果公司及乔布斯保持长期关注和密切联系,撰写了大量的相关报道和文章,并成为《时代周刊》洛杉矶记者站的负责人,统领周刊对美国硅谷及科技行业的报道和跟踪。他是最早为苹果和乔布斯撰写其官方传记的人。长期的记者生涯,让迈克尔·莫里茨形成了敏锐的洞察力和独特的挖掘力,并和美国科技界和风险投资界建立了广泛的联系和人脉,得到红杉资本创始人唐·瓦伦丁的青睐。在短暂创业并套现之后,莫里茨加入红杉资本,开始了耀眼的投资生涯。他投出的项目包括Google、Yahoo!、PayPal、YouTube、eToys、Zappos等一大批知名企业。
编者认为,莫里茨是迄今硅谷最为高产的投资人。莫里茨起初学习历史,后来辗转从事风险投资,投资业绩远超那些传统的硅谷VC从业者 ─ 那些人多半是理工男,从创业家和企业高管转行做投资。这真令人啧啧称奇。由于他的骄人业绩,莫里茨于2013年获英国女王伊丽莎白二世封为大英帝国爵士。 出于敬意和景仰,编者近年广泛搜集莫里茨的投资理念和方法论,窃以为Tren Griffin编辑的《Dozen Things I’ve Learned from Michael Moritz About Venture Capital》一文最为精到。特予翻译,作为开篇之举,与各位共享。
“When we help organize one of these companies at the beginning, it never looks like the world’s greatest idea. I think it’s the marketing and PR department that rewrites history and tells you that it was always the world’s greatest idea. What they don’t say is that at the very beginning there was great uncertainty and a great lack of clarity.” “We just love … people who perhaps to others look unbackable. That has always been our leitmotif of doing business.”
The best venture capitalists understand that success in the venture capital business is about buying mis-priced optionality. Something “not looking like the world’s greatest idea” is actually helpful since uncertainty is the friend of a wise venture capitalist. In other words, it is uncertainty that causes others to mis-price optionality. Without some elements which make the startup’s ambition seem audacious/crazy, the potential financial return is unlikely to be the 20-100X plus tape measure home run needed to make the VC fund a success. Typically it is one or three tape measure home runs that generate the necessary financial return for the venture capital fund. For this reason, the distribution of success within a venture firm’s portfolio will follow a power law.
最好的风投家知道,风险投资业务的成功在于小筹码能参与发横财的大赌局。有的创意看起来并不像牛B的事情,但这不是坏事儿,这种不确定性却是聪明风投家的好伙伴。换句话说,正是因为不确定性才让少数人能投到发横财的好机会。如果初创公司的抱负看起来不那么胆大妄为/疯狂,那么投资人的财务回报也不可能达到20-100倍或更高, VC也没法通过单个“本垒打”(明星项目)就能保障整个基金的成功。一般来说,VC基金里只有1~3个明星项目能产生大部分的回报。所以VC基金投资组合的回报遵循长尾效应。
“Every single time you write a check you expect, or pay depending on your inclination, for that investment to succeed.”
In order to harvest optionality, the venture capitalist must believe that each swing of the bat may produce a tape measure home run – even though statistically about 50% of startups will fail outright and more will be poor outcomes. Many startups will nearly crash into the ground before they soar to become a success. Of course, others just crash into the ground. But in the beginning you must expect them all to succeed.
为了大获全胜,风投家必须相信自己的每次扑腾都是个获得 “本垒打”的机会。据统计约50%的创业公司最终倒闭,不成功的更多。许多公司在他们翱翔成功前夕几乎就要撞毁在地面。当然有些公司会直接撞毁在地面。但在开始时你必须期望它们会成功。
“While there is danger in the venture business in getting too far away from the crowd, it can often pay to be unconventional. … Don Valentine, the founder of Sequoia Capital, told me to trust my instincts, which lets you avoid getting dragged into conventional thinking and trying to please others.”
In order to outperform any given market, it is mathematically true that you must not essentially *be* that market. In other words, a venture capitalist can’t outperform other venture capitalist if they act just like them. This may seem like common sense but you would be surprised how much herding happens anyway, since many people would rather fail conventionally than succeed unconventionally.
“If you have been around the start of success it is far easier to recognize it again.”
Venture capitalist Bruce Dunlevie of Benchmark Capital said to me once: “pattern recognition is an essential skill in venture capital.” While the elements of success in the venture business do not repeat themselves precisely, they often rhyme. In evaluating companies, the successful VC will often see something that reminds them of patterns they have seen before. It might be the style, chemistry or composition of the team or the nature of the business plan.
Benchmark基金的合伙人Bruce Dunlevie曾告诉我:“发觉规律是风险投资的一项基本技能。”不同企业成功的原因多种多样,但是它们有规律。在研究一家公司时,成功的VC往往能一眼看出它和以往看过公司相同的特征,譬如团队风格、默契程度、团队结构或者商业计划的本质。
Some things will be fundamentally different but other things may be familiar. While the pattern will be similar, something in what the team is doing will seem to break a rule. Part of the pattern that is being recognized is a rule breaking innovation of some kind which drives new value.
“There’s nothing more invigorating than being deeply involved with a small company and … everybody’s betting against us.”
Great venture capitalists love the process of creating companies and more importantly creating customer value. Venture capital is a service business. Making others successful is the driving activity in the work. Finding vicarious joy in the success of others is essential.
“The very best companies are the ones where founders build the companies and stay with the companies for a very long time.”
The most successful founders have a passion for building a business. This passion is highly correlated with a desire not to flip the business for a quick financial profit.
“The venture capital partnership that invests small amounts of money judiciously is almost always going to outperform the venture capital partnership that tries, to use an ugly phrase in the business, ‘to put a lot of money to work.”
The size of a fund at a point works against performance. Emotional errors kick in when people have more to spend than they have ideas. Even worse, they can end up investing too many times which can lead to a lack of focus. A top 5% venture capital firm may hear thousands of pitches and invest in only 8 to ten new companies each year (depending on the firm). A few outlier venture capital firms may invest in 20 new startups each year at a series A stage, but that is not the norm.
“Five-year plans aren’t worth the ink cartridge they’re printed with.”
Great teams are able to respond to a world which changes in ways which cannot be foreseen. This is why venture capitalists spend so much on the people employed by the startup. A strong team of people means the startup itself has optionality. The ability to “steer” as conditions change is more valuable than the ability to create medium- and long-term plans.
“It takes a tremendously long time to build a company of value. In many cases, the best venture returns don’t happen in the private phase of the company; they happen in the time that the company is public… “It takes a long time for sales to grow and it takes a long time for true value to be achieved.”
“People would be staggered at the length of time that we hold investments. It’s not uncommon for us to hold investments for 10 years or more. It’s certainly not uncommon for the partners at Sequoia to own stock for 15 or 20 years.”
Most outsiders underestimate the importance of patience in venture capital. Building great companies takes time. A few stories about relative short term payoffs from someone selling out for a big return warp the view of many people about the time required to find success in the venture business.
“A downturn can be a very good time to build a company. The parvenus and the pretenders are gone. The only people who want to start a company in a time like this are the ones with the greatest conviction.” … it gets rid of all the riffraff. There isn’t as much chaff in the air. There is more time to be thoughtful. You don’t spend your day reacting to all sorts of fruitless entreaties. So to some extent it is easier. It is easier to hire and find places to locate companies and in some respects also it is easier to get customers. Oddly enough in recessionary times, customers are prepared to take more risk with a young company if they believe that that company offers them a tremendous advantage that will help them become more efficient or lower their costs.”
As Howard Marks likes to say, business cycles are inevitable. The best time to be planting seeds is often when others are in a panic and depressed. Thinking counter-cyclically pays big dividends in business and not just in venture capital. People see the recent past and then extrapolate it into the future. Volatility is actually the friend of the investor with control of their emotions.
“[Venture capital] is a business that’s always had the investment returns concentrated in very few hands.”
Path dependence is a huge element in the venture capital business. In short, early luck and skill lead to more success and more skill as a number of factors feed back on themselves in a positive way. This results in two power law distributions: (1) returns within a venture capitalist’s portfolio; and (2) relative returns of venture capital firms in the industry.
“I know there are millions of people around the world have worked as hard and diligently as I have and weirdly enough, like [former US President] Jimmy Carter said years and years ago, ‘life’s unfair’. I just happen to have been very fortunate.” “A chimpanzee could have been a successful Silicon Valley venture capitalist in 1986.”
Luck has way more to do with outcomes in life than most people care to admit. The benefits of luck compound and because successful people attract successful people. Adding to the bounty is that fact that being around other successful and skilled people makes you more skillful. If you happened to be lucky enough to be working as a venture capitalist in 1986 somewhere near Stanford you very likely were the benefit of a massive tailwind that not only make people richer but more skilled. If you were that lucky and are not humble, you have not been paying attention. Are these people more skilled too? Yes, because being lucky puts you in situations in which you acquire new skills. Luck not only feeds back on itself to create more luck, but also more skill.
Tren Griffin补充说“我对风投的了解来源于很多我的很多朋友,尤其是我在Benchmark基金的朋友Bill Gurley。我写的Bill Gurley那篇文章,是我在这个“十二件事”系列中最有见地的一篇。GIgaOM 和 Pandodaily 对Bill Gurley的采访,很好地解释了VC投资“。
作者:Tren Griffin
公众号 :文琳阅读