



The Beijing Technology and Business University attracts students from around the globe. What enriching academic experiences have they encountered at BTBU? Recently, several international students have shared their own experience on BTBU.



Amjad, a graduate student from the School of Economics at BTBU, is from Yemen with a background in International Economics and Trade. Reflecting on his academic journey at BTBU, Amjad described it as challenging yet immensely rewarding. He emphasized that he gained valuable insights into his chosen field and honed essential academic skills through the school's regular activities and seminars. Furthermore, Amjad expressed gratitude for the unwavering support and guidance provided by his supervisor, Dr. Di Yuna. In closing, Amjad articulated his aspirations to strengthen Yemen's historical connections with China and foster a bridge of commerce and culture between the two nations through active participation in the Belt and Road Initiative.


Qasim Raza Khan

卡西姆·拉扎汗(Qasim Raza Khan)来自巴基斯坦,目前是我校经济学院应用经济学专业博士研究生。他说在北京工商大学学习期间,自己在课程和实验室里学到了很多东西,得到了毛新述导师和学术团队的大力支持,为未来的学术的发展打下了坚实的基础。在学习期间,他还去到了不同的城市,了解到每个城市的风土人情,每个地方对外国人来说非常安全。未来,他计划在中国继续博士后的学习和研究。

Qasim Raza Khan is from Pakistan and holds a Ph.D. in Applied Economics from the School of Economics at BTBU. As a student, he gained valuable knowledge through coursework and laboratory experiences to prepare for his future academic and professional pursuits. He expresses gratitude to his supervisor, Dr. Mao Xinshu, for supporting his studies at BTBU, and acknowledges China as a safe and peaceful country. During his stay, he traveled to various cities and found them to be very safe for international visitors. His plan is to pursue a post-doctoral position in China.


Muhammad Naveed

穆罕默德·纳韦德(Muhammad Naveed)来自巴基斯坦,目前是我校食品与健康学院食品科学与工程专业博士研究生。在巴基斯坦完成了本科和硕士阶段学习后,来到北京工商大学攻读博士学位。他的研究重点是食品微生物学,特别是研究如何使用某些方法来研究抗微生物和抗生物膜特性对食品相关细菌的影响。他说学校为国际学生提供了很多的学术交流机会和优良的实验室设施。每当他在研究中遇到困难时,导师王凤寰和他的实验室同学们都会给予其巨大的支持。纳韦德喜欢中国的美食,也非常喜欢北京这座古老又现代的城市。他正在努力地学习中文,计划继续在中国进行博士后的研究。

Muhammad Naveed, from Pakistan, is a Ph.D. candidate specializing in Food Science and Engineering at the School of Food and Health, BTBU. He obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees in his home country before pursuing further studies in China. His current research centers on Food Microbiology, with a specific focus on investigating methodologies for assessing the antimicrobial and anti-biofilm properties against foodborne bacteria. He commends the university for its exceptional resources and state-of-the-art laboratory facilities. During times of stress, he values the guidance provided by his mentor, Prof. Wang Fenghuan, as well as the camaraderie among his fellow researchers in the lab. Naveed takes pleasure in immersing himself in Beijing's vibrant environment and savoring its diverse culinary offerings, particularly relishing the noodles served at the campus canteen. While learning Chinese language,he intends to pursue a postdoctoral position to further advance his research endeavors.


Armachius James

阿马基乌斯·詹姆斯(Armachius James)来自坦桑尼亚。目前是我校食品与健康学院食品科学与工程专业博士研究生。他的研究重点是茶在代谢性疾病管理中的应用。代谢性疾病正在全球范围内兴起,对食品和医疗系统构成挑战。在共同开展的科研项目中,詹姆斯与实验室同事有着良好的团队合作精神,也一直互相鼓励,使他的科学实验顺利而富有成果。他说来中国留学并选择北京工商大学是他做出的最好的决定之一。毕业后,阿马基乌斯说他有自己对未来职业生涯的规划,准备回国后,把自己在中国所学的知识带回到坦桑尼亚。

Armachius James is from Tanzania and he is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Food Science and Engineering at the School of Food and Health, BTBU. His research focuses on the application of tea in managing metabolic diseases, which pose a growing challenge to global food and medical systems. He attributes his successful scientific experiments to the collaborative spirit of his laboratory colleagues, whose constant encouragement and support have been invaluable. Armachius looks forward to utilizing his academic qualifications and acquired skills to effect positive change in Tanzania upon graduation, citing his decision to study abroad at Beijing Technology and Business University as one of his best choices.

Imam Hossen

伊玛目·侯赛因(Imam Hossen) 来自孟加拉国,他目前是我校食品与健康学院食品科学与工程专业博士研究生。他的研究是关于类黄酮应用于炎症性肠病的治疗。在来中国之前,他并不是很了解中国,来到中国求学后,他去过很多城市,也了解到在中国共产党的坚强领导下,中国取得了很大的发展和进步。他说很喜欢中国人,他们对生活的努力和诚实的态度打动了他。从北工商毕业后,他希望在中国攻读博士后,继续自己的科学研究。

Imam Hossen, is a Ph.D. student from Bangladesh, specializing in Food Science and Engineering at the School of Food and Health at BTBU. His research focuses on the use of different flavonoids to treat inflammatory bowel disease and compare their efficacy with standard drugs. Prior to coming to China, he was unaware of its remarkable development and progress under the leadership of the communist party over the past few decades. He admires the Chinese people, particularly students, for their diligent work ethic and integrity. Upon completing his studies at BTBU, he aspires to pursue a postdoctoral position in China due to its superior opportunities and facilities compared to those available in his home country.


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