

BioArt BioArt 2019-07-03

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Dream Challenge是国际计算生物医学领域历史最悠久也最有影响力的算法挑战赛【1】。从2006年开始,每年一届,已经举办了12届,赢得比赛的参赛者会被邀请到次年由国际计算生物学会(ISCB)举办的RECOMB计算生物大会作口头汇报。该比赛由美国哥伦比亚大学的Gustavo Stolovitzky 和Andrea Califano教授发起,每一届会由不同的比赛组织方开放自己的私有数据、设计不同主题的任务由参赛者建模预测。这些任务都是当时最新最紧迫的科学问题,如转录因子结合位点预测,体细胞突变识别算法,疾病模块预测,肿瘤病人生存期预测,帕金森动作体态模式识别,阿尔兹海默症生物标志物预测,乳房X片识别,肿瘤蛋白组生物标志物预测,细菌或病毒急性感染后动态时序性的血液生物标志物识别等等,都是非常有趣并且非常有挑战性的课题。该竞赛相当于向公众众筹算法,很多机构愿意去开放自己的私有数据,所以极大地鼓励了生物医学领域数据的开放共享;同时由于其第三方验证的特性,保证了算法的可重复性,能让算法能得到最有效的验证。

在纽约刚刚举办的第十一届RECOMB/ISCB会议公布了DREAM Challenge 单细胞转录组挑战赛和多靶点药物预测挑战赛【2】的比赛结果。上海科技大学和中科院上海药物所联合培养的博士研究生熊招平以总分28分的最高分获得多靶点药物预测挑战赛冠军,指导老师是来自中国科学院上海药物研究所的蒋华良院士和郑明月研究员。


本次的多靶点预测挑战赛由美国西奈山医学院组织,要求选手利用私有和公开的生物活性数据,找到对几个特定蛋白靶点(target)有活性,但对另外几个靶点(anti-target)不能有活性的化合物,也就是要求化合物具有高度精准的多靶点选择性。为了对算法进行客观验证,比赛组织方要求找出的化合物是ZINC15数据库中可购买的化合物,之后赛方会根据参赛者提交的算法创新性和可扩展性,以及化合物结构的新颖性(通常指在Scifinder数据库中和专利数据库中没有报道的化合物)来选择性地购买化合物样品进行生物活性测试。最后根据第三方的实验测试结果给参赛者打分(挑战赛详细规则见附录)。熊招平在甲状腺髓样瘤(medullary thyroid carcinoma)和tau蛋白神经退行性模型两项任务中均斩获全场最高分,从190个参赛队伍中脱颖而出。



熊招平的导师之一蒋华良院士说: "人工智能正成为药物研发的重工具,上海药物研究所多年前已布局这一研究方向,并与化学生物学、DNA编码库等新技术以及传统药理学和药物化学结合,在提高药物研发效率方面已经取得了较大的进展。


1. http://dreamchallenges.org/

2. https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8404040/wiki/478422

3. Knight, Z. A., Lin, H., & Shokat, K. M. (2010). Targeting the cancer kinome through polypharmacology. Nature Reviews Cancer, 10(2), 130.

4. Wang, F., Liu, D., Wang, H., Luo, C., Zheng, M., Liu, H., ... & Jiang, H. (2011). Computational screening for active compounds targeting protein sequences: methodology and experimental validation. Journal of chemical information and modeling, 51(11), 2821-2828.

5. Shen, J., Zhang, J., Luo, X., Zhu, W., Yu, K., Chen, K., ... & Jiang, H. (2007). Predicting protein–protein interactions based only on sequences information. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(11), 4337-4341.

6. Zhong, F., Xing, J., Li, X., Liu, X., Fu, Z., Xiong, Z., ... & Li, F. (2018). Artificial intelligence in drug design. Science China Life Sciences, 1-14.




· This is a Methods Development challenge

Many DREAM challenges seek to benchmark methods on a dataset with a known truth set. Competitive performance is assessed by score on the truth set. In contrast, in this challenge, we emphasize the submission of new methods to solve a drug-design problem.

·Incentivizing methods for Rational Design of multi-targeting compounds

The objective of this challenge is to incentivize development of methods for predicting compounds that bind to multiple targets. In particular, methods that are generalizable to multiple prediction problems are sought. To achieve this, participants will be asked to predict 2 separate compounds, each having specific targets to which they should bind, and a list of anti-targets to avoid. Participants should use the same methods to produce answers for questions 1 and 2.

·Predictions will be validated

Highly-ranked submissions will be validated by an external lab for activity against targets and may be further investigated in biological systems. Participants who are concerned about protecting intellectual property are encouraged to file a patent application before submitting to the challenge.

Challenge Question 1

Recent genetic and chemical dissection of models of medullary thyroid carcinoma have identified four key targets that together strongly reduce the ability of oncogenic Ret(M918T) to transform cells: RET, SRC, EPH, and FRK; MKNK1 and others were identified as ‘anti-targets’ (Sonoshita et al, submitted). Based on this work, problem 1 was developed with relevance to cancer.
Participants are asked to predict compounds that have the following behaviors:

Assume all targets and anti-targets are wild-type, unless specified otherwise.

Challenge Question 2

Challenge problem 2 is based on a neurodegenerative model of tauopathies. Background on tauopathies is available in this review article and this recent paper on molecular pathways.

Participants are asked to predict compounds that have the following behaviors:

Assume all targets and anti-targets are wild-type, unless specified otherwise.

Additional Criteria

1. Must be purchasable: listed as “in stock” by the ZINC15  database, at cost less than $250 per 1mg. Alternatively, for compounds not listed in ZINC, if you provide a vendor from which the compound can be purchased, then it is eligible to submit.

2. Binding is defined as >= 50% binding at 10 µM

3. Non-binding is defined as < 10% binding at 10 µM


Points are awarded for methods that meet the criteria outlined above for binding specified targets and avoided specified anti-targets. In addition, for each challenge question, points may be awarded for exhibiting the following properties. The point score will determine the initial ranking of teams, prior to validation.

* Tanimoto coefficient (ECFP6) is calculated with respect to small-molecule ligands of the target kinases, as defined by compounds in ChEMBL known to be active against these targets. Ligand activity is as defined above for binding/non-binding.

** Only applicable to question 2.

Validation assays and final scoring

Submissions will be reviewed and ranked by the scientific board for innovation of method, generalizability of method, and novelty of compound. Board members will be blinded to the identity of submitters when conducting this evaluation.
Highly-ranked submissions will be evaluated by a contract research organization to verify activity with respect to targets and anti-targets. Up to one submission per team will be validated. The validation assay is a competition binding assay that yields a quantitive measure of target interaction and is conducted in vitro, independent of a biological system. Verification of inhibition activity may also be assessed, but this will not be considered in final challenge scoring.
The final score for a team will be a composite of the score for efficacy determined by the contract research organization's evaluation and their score from the ranking procedure.

Post-challenge assessment

Promising candidates from the challenge will undergo further evaluation in cell lines and fly models. These assessments are not a part of the scored challenge and will not affect selection of a challenge winner.

Intellectual property

Participants are encouraged to file a patent application before submission to the challenge if they are concerned about protecting intellectual property rights.

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