
富力足球英语课堂 Lesson 16丨Officiating

富力足球学院 富力足球学校 2022-09-13


主裁判 referee

The referee is the main match official, making sure that the rules are applied. He must wear different colours from the players.

助理裁判  assistant referee

The two assistant referees help the referee to apply the rules. They run down the sides of the touchlines.

第四官员 fourth official

The fourth official gives support to the referee from the touchline. For example, he decides how much injury time to add on.

黄牌 yellow  card

The yellow card is used to show that a player has been cautioned.

红牌 red card

If the referee shows the red card to a player, he must leave the pitch.

越位  offside

A player is in an offside position if he is nearer to his opponents' goal line than both the ball and the second-last opponent.

哨子  whistle

The referee uses a whistle to control the game. When he blows the whistle play stops or starts.

手球  handball

Hand ball is when a player(except the goalkeeper) deliberately touches the ball with his hands. If this happens inside the area, it's a penalty.

边旗  flag

The assistant referees use flags to signal that something is wrong. When an assistant referee waves his flag, the referee stops play.

犯规  foul

A foul is an action which breaks the rules of the game.



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