

2015-11-20 一诺&Byron 奴隶社会

题图:Bull in a China Shop

这是奴隶社会的第581篇原创文章。欢迎转发分享。文章没标原创,欢迎其他公众号转载,无需授权。没标原创也没法接受赞赏了。咱来点实际的 ,转发贴朋友圈当打赏吧:)


做奴隶社会一年多,要问我最没预料到的事情是什么,我说是今年9月份写的一篇关于北京阅兵的纯英文的文章,几天内有近百万阅读。我文章里写了一句,“ 西方媒体令人失望,那咱自己上。” 成了这文章传播的主要动力之一。 (文章链接在文后)

记得几年前和施一公聊天,他说他和饶毅曾经给纽约时报写信,要求开一个“The Fourth Voice on China" 的专栏。因为在美国,对中国的报道有无外乎三种声音:美国主流媒体,中国媒体 (美国没人看或看了没人信),在中国生活过的西方人的声音。这“第四种声音”就是来自中国人的,非官方的,balanced关于中国的声音。


不过说实话,这所谓的第四种声音,在西方还真的是听不到。凡是在美国和其他西方国家生活过的朋友,恐怕都被西方媒体对中国普遍的无知,肤浅,和片面的解读惊艳过。而且这么多年好像也没有什么进步。但另一方面,想想在海外的中国人数以百万计,英文水平高的也有大把,为啥没有人写呢?因为不容易啊, 咱们大部分理工科出身,和媒体差得太远 。

现在感谢自媒体,不用纽约时报,咱也可以发出这“第四种声音“了。我们在Medium上开了一个英文平台,叫 Bull in a China Shop - 中文干脆就叫”牛在中国“了呵呵。链接在这 文章最末尾的”阅读原文“链接也可以过去。

这个说法的本意是 “Clumsily Destructive” 咱们套用一下,觉得可以说是“ Clumsily Constructive" ,也挺好。

这个“我们”现在是不到10个人,其中有我,有Bryon Shen 还有 Yutao He 。 Byron 沈慈平,上海中学,科大1981级化学系本科,伯克利博士,多年一直在做医疗生物医学方面工作。Yutao 何宇滔,清华1985级本科,UCLA博士,现在JPL工作。大家如果对他们感兴趣可以到LinkedIn 直接看。另外还有几个中英文皆佳的小朋友,在帮忙我们做编辑工作。

今天算是一个低调的“Launch”吧。点上面链接,可以在“China Shop" 里看到我们三个人各一篇文章。一篇是关于双十一的,一篇关于无人机的,一篇是关于恐怖袭击和美国对华政策的 - 这是今天推送 的第二篇文章。你要是追“Game of Thrones" ,你会喜欢读这篇的,我保证。


  1. 微信朋友圈转发这文章

  2. 关注“Follow” “Bull in a China Shop” on Medium, 。 关注之外,你最好可以”Like“这些文章。 能让偶们尽快上 ”Editor's Pick", 就是被编辑看到看中,这样可以被更多歪果仁朋友看到。

  3. 对海外的朋友,把这些文章分享到自己的Facebook或其他社交网络。如果你用Twitter 可以“推”之,并且@一些报道中国的歪果仁记者。

  4. 你如果自己能写爱写,那当然更好了!邮箱联系吧 - 。

下面这一段,是对Bull in a China Shop的英文介绍, Byron写的。能看懂你就妥妥是我们早期目标用户了,试试看 :)?

Bull in a China Shop
– Who we are, and Why you should be reading us

We are a group of cross-cultural, bilingual, and like-minded writers who have a deep interest in China matters, and we intend to provide a new, alternative, and balanced voice on China topics compared to the status quo. And like the Bull in a China Shop, we aim to be a bit different, a bit disruptive, always interesting, and also sensitive and respectful (we promise we won’t break that beautiful China tea set – at least not yet). Now, are we piquing your interest, maybe just a little?

Yes, we know plenty of ink (or bytes) has been spent on China by the so called mainstream Chinese or Western media. But the questions are: 1. Are they naturally biased or one-dimensionally mainstream? 2. And even if they claim to be, or try to be unbiased, do they really have a good understanding of both sides of the story? (Yes, it’s not their fault really.) So in comparison, we will present you a multi-colored and 3D (motion) picture on China and the China-West relationship.

So if you are interested in getting the real scoop in the ChinaShop, you have found us here now, whether you are a western audience or English-reading Chinese audience, and whether you are young professionals or more seasoned business people or politicians. And we want to start a conversation with you, not talk down to you, nor talk over you (unlike some of our mainstream media or so-called China experts).

And if you are already reading this far, you are probably interested in what we have to say. And if you like what we have to say, please lend us your ear and your support, spread the word, and help us to become a recognized and trusted voice on China matters .

What if you do not just want to listen? If you have something inspiring/interesting to say about China, and if you want to join us and become one of our voices on this platform, please send us your articles via .


一诺:大阅兵-看CNN闹心? 给你老外朋友看看这个”

余进 vs.一诺:完美主义和行动力



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