
展讯 | 苔藓(DARK MOSS)--张锰个展将于10.28开幕

2017-10-24 发现深圳美好生活 乐活深圳

《苔 藓》--张锰个展

开幕酒会:2017.10.28 下午4:30





策展团队:Amita叶二娘 刘紫茵 黄晓琼

主办方:MOKIK(无极)艺术机构 Chase Limted

协办方:尚石设计 神禾广告 派空间 威廉舞蹈



表演艺术家:罗军 潘星宇


媒体支持:乐活深圳 雅昌艺术网 新浪网 奥一网 Amelie注目深圳 深圳艺术地图 深圳新闻网 卓克艺术网  

赞助商:Chase Limted


——Zhang Meng Solo Exhibition

Opening: 2017.10.28 4:00pm

Academic support: Che Jianquan

Curator: Amber Liu

Exhibition period: 2017.10.28-11.28

Address: The 99 Art Space, Level 1,South Gate,

No 99 Qiaocheng East Road, NanshanDistrict, Shenzhen

Curitorial team: Amita Zinn Viola

Organizers: MOKIK Art, Chase Limited

Co-organizers: The 99 ART SPACE

Technical support: Voice-Light

Performing: Luo Jun, Pan Xingyu

Plant and flower support: Scentyard Floral Design

Media supports: lohas-shenzhen, Arton.net, Sina, Oeeee, Amelie, Shenzhen art map, Sznews, Zhuoke arts

Sponsor:  Chase Limited

 前  言 






树,枝,石,自然,野性,隐者,孤独,生命,时间……是张锰作品中 34 44648 34 15287 0 0 1949 0 0:00:22 0:00:07 0:00:15 2974见的题材与线索,隐于树,隐于空气,隐于万物,隐于市,隐于无。艺术家本人如是说:“日常中最平凡的自然造物,成为个体自由精神的隐居之所。一切浮躁归于平静,如巨大的屏障守住心灵的安宁。”



(By Amber Liu)

This exhibition presents artist Zhang Meng’s large-scale multimedia installation “DARK MOSS”, along with oil paintings and wash paintings, all of which are first exhibited in Shenzhen. The theme projective installation “DARK MOSS” is a project captured by artist-in-residence Zhang Meng in volcanic lavic landscapesof A'er Mountain, Greater Hinggan Region. 

In the self-acted mono-frequency video, Zhang Meng concealed himself behind a tree, then walked slowly as though practicing walking meditation on an age-old volcanics coveredby moss, in an ancient chivalrous swordsman’s manner, at last concealed behind the other tree. There was ritual mysterious exchange between those two vigorousand silent pine tree. Walking through a cragged damp track resembles a poetic adventure. In the distance of one tree to another, some may see their lifetime, some may see present, some may see the world, and some may see the long lasting history of human evolution. All creatures evolve, while remain eternal silence.

The seemingly desolate and incessant volcanics, reversely, are the land of exuberant vitality, on top of which the ancient moss grows silently in rampancy. Moss is the oldest plant and best anchorite of flora. Tracing back to the origin of life, about 4.7 hundred million years ago, bryophyta ground plants aggressively spread across the Earth and became the first stable source of oxygen hence enable intelligent life developed. 

Trees, branches, stones, nature, wildness, anchorite, solitude, life, time...... are themes and clues most commonly found in Zhang Meng’s artworks, hidden from trees, from air, from creatures, from earthliness and from emptiness. “The average natural scenes in regular days, become an exclusive residence for spirit of individual freedom. All disturbances return to tranquility, like a large screen protecting peaceful hearts.” the artist said.

As art critic Zhang Haitao has commented: "Zhang Meng’s video works and wash paintings feature purity. The image compositions and forms of symbol are concise. Virtuality alternates with reality. Mostly the tone is black-and-white based while some works are colorful. His video works also feature implicit sound effect, slow and mild shots. The dynamic symbols either fade out gradually or zoom in tensely, consequently the process of time lapses veil the lose of memory and sense of crisis. Same perceptions can be applied to his wash painting: monkeys hidden behind withered tree, virtual and actual strokes, long and roundpattern, contrast of thick and light ink, altogether render the monkeys, which look calm, panic feelings. A natural fusion regarding media languages can be seen between Zhang Meng's video works and his wash paintings. Concealing is a strategy and existence manner Zhang Meng has to adopt when confronting this world, but also serves as a path for him to seek spiritual freedom."

(Translator / Zinn)
















--Zhang Meng

The sky reveals a bluish hue 
When the mist dissipates 
Age-old volcanics dotted with
Atrovien lichen 
Face towards ancient woods 
Back against steep cliff 
Gently step in riverbed 
Cattle cover everywhere 
Wade through chilly creek 
Chew various herbs 
Light dims dusk approaches 
Drowsily droplets fall

(Translator / Zinn)



作品长度:3分 25''



“I don’t know if the following conclusion is correct: If Arxan is regardedas the object of observation or aesthetics, what the artist first sees throughthis “mirror” is probably symbols, images, hues and scenes, as well as a certain emotion or idea, that he usually uses.”

-- 何贝莉(北京大学人类学博士)

He Beili  (A doctor of anthropology in PekingUniversity)

绘画作品 | Painting:《石头》手卷 | Rocks, Hand Scroll

 纸本水墨 | Chinese Ink on Chinese Art Paper

尺寸 | Size:65cm

创作年代 | Time:2016

绘画作品 | Painting:《树枝》手卷 | Branches, Hand Scroll

 纸本水墨 | Chinese Ink on Chinese Art Paper

尺寸 | Size:90cm

创作年代 | Time:2016


“The notion ofeternity in Zhang Meng’s artworks, such as time, vitality, and allergy of memories, enables oriental classical thoughts underlie transformation. How to transform simple naturalism into contemporary recognition of lived experiencein realistic society? The artist metaphorically employ metonymy to “Imply now by then, imply person by object”. Zhang Meng’s motives derive from memories and individual living states. He attempts to convey individual anxieties and confusions, pry and probe into alienated society. Hence gaining an insight intohis artworks there are concerns on present circumstances rather than symbols of fashion. This modernity in the notion of “Practices without practicing” is a crystal of oriental wisdom.

——张海涛 (艺术评论家、策展人)

Zhang Haitao (Art critics, Curator)


张锰, 副教授, 天津美院影像艺术系主任, 硕士研究生导师, 艺术家, 1972 年 5 月生, 1996 年毕业于天津美术学院版画系, 2006 年毕业于天津美术学院油画系, 2004 年至今主持天津美院影像艺术系(原数字媒体艺术系), 分别于 2004 年于 2009 年创立天津美术学院数字媒体艺术专业与移动媒体艺术专业, 天津美术学院学术委员会委员, 常年致力于新媒体艺术的科研与教学, 并于 2009 年创立 “一致工厂媒体实验室”, 致力于新媒体艺术的社会化服务与研究。张锰是一位跨媒介艺术家, 他的作品介质游走于 3D 动画、多屏视频影像、绘画、装置, 其相关作品曾在德国、美国、日本、加拿大、比利时、澳大利亚、韩国等国家重要艺术机构展出, 尝试阐述中国现阶段“时间与空间”的关系, 被文化机构与个人收藏。曾两次受邀参加日本神户国际双年展。

张锰也是一位城市文化设计专家, 曾任四届(2010、2012、2014、2016)中国天津夏季达沃斯经济论坛艺术展示区新媒体艺术视觉总设计, 从城市传统文化与当代美学相结合的观念入手, 强调传统与当代并举, 强调艺术与技术的结合的策略, 凸显低碳、环保、可持续发展的总体设计理念, 为现代城市人文空间提供具有贯通传统文化与人文历史又兼顾新观念的全新理念。

About Zhang Meng

Zhang Meng is an artist, associate professor, Supervisor of Postgraduate, the dean of the Department of Photography and Image Art of Tianjin Academy of Fine Art (TAFA). Born in May,1972. Graduated from the Printmaking Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Artsin 1996, and the Oil Painting Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2006. As the head of the Video Art Department (former Digital Media Art Department) at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts from 2004 to the present. Founded the Digital Media Art Specialty of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2004, and the Mobile Media Arts Specialty in 2009. A member of the academic committee of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. He has spent many years studying and teaching new media art. In 2009, he established the Identical Factory MediaLab, which is devoted to new media services and research. His creation based on video and painting. Zhang Meng is a multi-media artist, and his work hovers between 3D animation, multi-channel video, painting, and installation. His works have been exhibited at important art institutions in Germany, the United States, Japan, Canada, Belgium, Australia, and South Korea.He attempts to reveal the relationship between space and time at China’scurrent era. Zhang’s work has been collected by cultural institutions and individuals. He has twice been invited to participate in the Kobe Biennale.

Zhang Meng is also an expert in urband esign, and he was responsible for the design of the new media art section atthe Tianjin Summer Davos Economic Forum (2010,2012,2014,2016). Beginning with the combination of urban traditional culture and contemporary aesthetics, heemphasized the synchronicity of the traditional and the contemporary and the admixture of artistic and technological strategies. His designs highlight low-carbon, environmentally-friendly, and sustainable development concepts, injecting new ideas into modern urban and human spaces that integrate traditional culture and human history.



2017 《枝间日月——张锰个人作品展》, 逵园艺术馆, 广州

2016 《起风——张锰个展》, 今日美术馆, 北京

2013 《隐藏——张锰个展》,明尼苏达大学美术馆,明尼苏达,美国

《小隐——张锰个展》, 白夜艺廊, 成都

2011 《隐于树——张锰个展》, 青岛美术馆, 青岛

2007 《家庭 BOX——张锰个展》, 麦杰艺术中心, 北京



2017《港都神户艺术节》Video, 神户, 日本

《教学相长 - 第三届学院实验艺术文献展》Video,中央美院美术馆, 北京

2015《黑度——奥尔弗斯的凝视》图片 &装置, 盈艺术中心, 上海

《回归”山水美术馆开馆展》绘画, 山水美术馆, 北京

《新秩序—— 盈艺术中心开幕邀请展》Video&绘画, 上海盈艺术中心, 上海

《微物志》video&绘画, 巴布艺术中心, 深圳

2014《Ink: Zen orRevolution》Video&绘画, 明尼苏达大学美术馆, 明尼苏达, 美国

2013《2013 神户双年展》Video, 兵库县立美术馆, 神户, 日本

《中国——东盟艺术双年展》Video, 东盟文化广场, 南宁

《曲径通幽——独立动画作品展》Video, 上海 OCT 当代艺术中心, 上海

《边界 ——中美新媒体艺术展》Video, 天津美术学院美术馆, 天津

2012《打开天空》Video, 长江汇美术馆, 重庆

《同分异构——新媒体艺术展》图片, 农展馆, 北京

《游方——当代艺术展》绘画, 长沙悦方 ID Mall, 长沙

《迷景》Video, 奥林匹克体育馆, 北京

2011《破界》上上美术馆, 北京

《阪神沿线——村上春树的心象风景》Video, BB 美术馆, 大阪, 日本

《神户双年展》Video, 神户, 日本

《阪神沿线——村上春树的心象风景》Video, 天津美院美术馆, 天津

《虚实同源——北京新媒体艺术年展》Video, 宋庄美术馆, 北京

2010《n/1混合媒介展》Video, 农业展览馆, 北京

《蒙古海》Video, 第四届重庆映画交流展, 重庆

《蒙古海》(个展)摄影, 2010 平遥国际摄影展, 平遥

《2010 中国宋庄艺术节》新媒体, 上上美术馆, 北京

《水墨方式与空间》绘画, 宋庄水墨空间, 北京

《2010 中国影像档案展》新媒体, 宋庄美术馆, 北京

2009《屋顶上的树》Video, 宋庄美术馆, 北京

《夜雨》(个展)摄影,  2009 平遥国际摄影展, 平遥

2008《失重》Video, 中国南京博物院、美国佛罗里达大学美术馆,南京、佛罗里达, 美国

《非常综合》绘画, 布莱克勒 . 亚历山大艺术空间, 弗莱堡市, 德国

《蒙古山》Video, 2008平遥国际摄影展, 平遥

《篱笆墙外》绘画, 安特卫普, 比利时

2007《固执己见》摄影, 西洋美术馆, 天津《星期日》摄影, 2007平遥国际摄影展, 平遥

2006《城市矛盾》Video, 墨尔本美术馆, 墨尔本

《21世纪的每个星期日》摄影, 2006平遥国际摄影展, 平遥

2005《中国星期日》摄影, 多伦多美术馆, 多伦多, 加拿大

《星期日》摄影, 2005 平遥国际摄影展, 平遥

2004 《我们存在......1》艺术展摄影, 天津鼎天美术馆, 天津

2002《宿墨》当代艺术展绘画, 天津今晚报社艺术中心, 天津

1995《张锰、于向溟联合画展》绘画, 天津


Solo Exhibitions

2017 Mottled Light and Shadow - Zhang Meng Solo Exhibition, Kui Yuan Gallery, Guangzhou 

2016 Wind Blows-Zhang Meng solo exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing

2013 Hide - ZhangMeng Solo Exhibition, Minnesota University Museum, Minnesota, USA

Micro Hide - ZhangMeng Solo Exhibition, Chengdu

2011 Hidden in the Tree - Zhang Meng Solo Exhibition, Qingdao Art Museum, Qingdao 

2007 Family Box- ZhangMeng SoloExhibition, Maijie Art Center, Beijing;


Group Exhibitions

2017 Port City Kobe  Art Festival, Video, kobe, Japan

Reciprocal Enlightenment: The third Academy Experimental Art Documentary Exhibition, Video, CAFA Museum, Beijing

2015 Black Dimension - The Gaze of Orpheus, Photograph & Installation, Ying Art Center, Shanghai 

RETURN -Riverside Art Mseum Opening Ceremary, Painting, Riverside Art Mseum, Beijing 

New Order - The Ying Art Center Opening Exhibition, Video&Painting, Ying Art Center, Shanghai 

Microcosmos, Video&Painting, Babu ArtCenter, Shenzhen

2014 Ink: Zen or Revolution,Video&Painting, Minnesota University Museum, Minnesota, USA

2013 Kobe Biennale 2013, Video, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, Kobe, Japan

The first China - Asean Biennale, Video, The Association of South-east Asian nations Culture Square, Nanning 

The Gardenof Forking Paths - Exploring Independent Annimation, Video, OCT Shanghai, ShanghaiBoundary- Chinese AmericanNew Media exhibition, Video, Tianjin Academy of fine Arts Museum, Tianjin

2012 Open Sky, Video, Changjiang Department of Contemporary Museum, Chongqing

Isomer, Video, Screenage Art Phenomenon Exhibition, National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Beijing Travel Far and Wide- Morden Art Exhibiton, ID Mall, Changsha

Secret Scene Super Media Art Exhibition,Video, Olympic Sports Center, Beijing

2011 Break Boundaries, Sunshine International Art Musem, Beijing

Explore Osaka and Kobe - The Artistic Conception of Haruki Murakami, Video, BB Art museum, OSAKA Japan

Kobe Biennale Exhibition, Video, Kobe Art Museum, Japan

Explore Osaka and Kobe -The Artistic Conception of Haruki Murakami, Video, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Museum,Tianjin 

Cognate Falseand Truth - Beijing New Media Art Annual Exhibition, video, Songzhuang Art Center, Beijing

n/1 Mixed Media Exhition, Video, National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Beijing

2010 Mongolian Sea, Video, The  4th Chongqing Film and Video Festival, Chongqing

Mongolian Sea, Photograph, 2010 Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao

2010 China Songzhuang Art Festival, NewMedia, Sunshine International Art Musem, Beijing 

Ways and Space of Ink Painting, Painting, Songzhuang Art Center, Beijing

2010 Screenage Art DocumentExhibition, NewMedia, Songzhuang Art Center, Beijing

2009 Tree In the Roof, New Media, Songzhuang ArtCenter, Beijing Rainy Night, Photograph, 2009 Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao

2008 Weightlessness, Video, Nanjing Museum&The University of Florida Art Museum, Nanjing& Florida Very Comprehensive, Painting, Alexander Art Space, Freiburg, Germany Mongolian Mountain, Video, 2008 Pingyao International Photogragh Festival, Pingyao Outsidethe Fence, Painting, Antwerp, Belgium

2007 Stubborn, Photograph, Western Art Museum,Tianjin 

Sunday, Photograph, 2007 Pingyao International Photograph Festival, Pingyao

2006 City Contradiction, Video, Melbourne&Sydney, Australia 

Every Sunday in 21st Century, Photography, 2006 Pingyao International Photograph Festival, Pingyao

2005 China Sunday, Photography, MuseumGallery, Canada

Sunday, Photography, 2005 Pingyao International Photography Festival, Pingyao

2004 We Exist 1, Photography, Tianjin Dingtian Art Museum, Tianjin

2002 Old Ink Exhibition, Painting, Tianjin Jinwan Newspaper Art Center, Tianjin 

1995 Zhangmeng & Yu Xiangming Joint Exhibition, Painting, Tianjin

MOKIK(无极)艺术机构, 2012年成立于深圳,专注当代艺术传播推广及教育,艺术展览及文化艺术活动策划。关注社会公益,推广及扶持新锐当代艺术家。

MOKIK Art Institution, founded in Shenzhen in 2012, focus on contemporary art promotion and education, art exhibition, cultural events and art events planning. We devote to social welfare and support emerging artists.

收藏及合作请联系Contact: Tel: 138-2334-0977

E-mail: amberlmm@gmail.com

微信WeChat: ambermeowmeow


文化 | 艺术 | 设计 | 生活美学空间&沙龙荟萃


The 99 Art Space, founded in Shenzhen in 2017
Culture | Art | Design | Space for Life aesthetics events&Salons
Address: The 99 Art Space, Level 1, South Gate, No 99 Qiaocheng East Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Tel: 0755-26926037、26407982

(99空间地图 | The map of the 99 Art Space)


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