
带着创意去瑞士|“城市·创业”工作坊项目征集: 共创智能城市

2016-08-24 Gloria 瑞士科技文化中心






工作坊结束后,所有小组将有两周时间完善各组方案,并将项目方案(英文)提交给我们。通过专家评委的审核,最佳的方案小组将会被邀请至日内瓦 Lift 原型构建实验室进行为期三天的原型构建。




语言:英语/中文 (自选)




关于Lift 原型构建实验室


Lift 原型构建实验室是一个为期三天的项目,它为参加小组提供原型构建的硬件设备以及相关指导专家,邀请专业大咖对当下创新及科技潮流进行主题演讲,同时还有丰富的社交活动。

关于 Lift


Lift 是一个跨领域的平台,它运用各种创新的思维和方法解决由新兴科技带来的各种经济及社会问题;通过汇聚世界各地的行业专家,与创新团体和个人合作,同时吸引企业和决策者参与,从而得出问题的解决方案。

点击主菜单“创新芝士”可了解 Lift 在中国的活动情况。

Call for Projects & Participants

Urban Entrepreneurs: 

Smarten Your City Workshop

Today, about 50% of the world’s population live in cities and forecasts predicts that this number will grow to 70% by 2050, creating huge strains and challenges to infrastructures and inhabitants. We believe technology and citizen empowerment should be part of the discussions and proposed solutions. This is how Urban Entrepreneurs Initiative comes to live. The initiative is designed to create an urban transversal vision through a series of events across cities in Asia and Switzerland including Shanghai, Seoul, Bangalore, Geneva, Lausanne to explore new solutions to address urban challenges and foster new ideas.


swissnex China is looking for creative minds with innovative ideas to participate in a one-day ideation workshop on Urban Entrepreneurship on November 19th 2016, to develop projects aiming to improve quality of life, enhance environment sustainability and foster economic development. We welcome entrepreneurs, designers, artists, developers, students,or anyone with cool ideas that could contribute to this topic, to this co-creation event.

Winning an opportunity to go to Switzerland


All teams have two weeks after the workshop to further develop their proposals and submit the projects in English to swissnex China. A jury panel of experts will select the best project and invite the team to join the Lift Prototyping Lab in Geneva (early 2017). The partners of Urban Entrepreneurs Initiative will be able to support the winning teams by joining or sponsoring during the prototyping phase in Geneva.

The participants are free to explore the 3 themes mentioned below:

Format of the workshop


Language: participants are free to use English or Chinese for the discussion.


Participants will be split into teams, brainstorm together for ideas and get feedback from experts. A presentation is required from each team by the end of the day. A panel with experts, entrepreneurs, investors and policy makers will give feedback to all teams.

How to apply

Please send your name, profession, contact details, description of project and documents (if necessary) to Ms. Tu HU via email before September 24th 2016.

About Lift Prototyping Lab

The Lift Prototyping Lab is a three-day program that will feature: a lab to go from idea to prototype, keynote speeches to bring back the latest trends on innovation and technology, experts to support the teams in their prototyping journey as well as social events to meet the Lift community.

About Lift

Lift is a transdisciplinary platform fostering innovative thinking and exploring new ways in response to economic and social challenges created by the emergence of new technologies.






2016年9月10日,swissnex China 瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心与您相约上海,共赴第五届在华瑞士校友聚会。


