
Meet CISK Leadership Team in 2023-2024

After the DP and PYP authorization from the IBO, Canadian International School Kunshan (CISK) completed the MYP authorization in 2023, and became the first IB Continuum World School in Kunshan that has the official authorization to offer the full IB curriculum.


In the forthcoming academic year, CISK will have an experienced leadership team who understands international education and CISK´s mission; and knows exactly how to combine the IB philosophy with Chinese culture, and so excel in education.
新学年,CISK将由一支通晓国际教育,践行学校使命,融合 IB 理念与中华文化的领导团队带领,续写辉煌。

We are honoured to introduce our 

School Leadership Team in 2023-2024!



Mr. Luc Pauwels

School Development Coordinator

Mr. Luc Pauwels graduated from the University of Brussels and holds a Master’s Degree in Education.

Luc Pauwels 先生毕业于布鲁塞尔大学,获得教育学硕士学位。

He is a passionate educator with 30 years of experience in developing and leading schools in Europe and Asia. In Belgium, he was an assistant professor at the University of Brussels and an Advisor to the Minister of Education. 

他是一位热情洋溢的资深国际教育工作者,在欧洲和亚洲拥有 30 年的学校管理经验。在比利时,他曾担任布鲁塞尔大学助理教授、布鲁塞尔教育部长顾问。

Dr. Brice Bomo

Secondary School Principal

Dr. Bomo was initially trained as a medical doctor and later found his calling in education. He has since then completed a Master of Arts in Teaching in the United States and a Master of Science in Learning and Teaching at the University of Oxford.


Dr. Bomo has rich experience in the international educational field. Throughout his nearly 20 years of dedication to education, he has played roles in teaching and management in state and international schools in the United States, Brunei, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Georgia. 

Bomo博士拥有丰富的国际教育经验,在近 20 年的教育生涯中,先后在美国、文莱、马来西亚、哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚的国际学校从事教学及管理工作。

He is an active member of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Educator Network (IBEN). He is also an accreditation evaluator for the Council of International Schools (CIS), the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

他是国际文凭组织中教育工作者网络(IBEN)的资深成员。同时,他还是国际学校理事会 (CIS)、新英格兰学校与学院协会 (NEASC) 和西部学校与学院协会 (WASC) 的认证评估员。

Ms. Meredith Li

Primary School Principal

Ms. Meredith Li graduated from the University of Oxford with a Master‘s degree in Child Development and Education. She is also a graduate of the Peking University International School Operation & Management (PISOM) programme. 


She has served as a teacher, and a curriculum development specialist, and was promoted to vice principal due to her outstanding accomplishments. She has been in school senior management positions for over five years.


In 2022, Meredith received the Forbes China Top-10 Up-and-Coming International School Headmasters Award. 

2022 年,Meredith校长荣获福布斯中国十大新锐国际学校校长奖。

Mr. Christopher


DP Coordinator

Mr. Christopher Hoddinott is from England and has Master's degrees in Education and in Research.

Christopher Hoddinott 先生来自英国,获得教育及研究双硕士学位。

With over a decade of experience in international education, he dedicates his effort to academic affairs. He is also an IB examiner and an advisor on Extended Essay (EE).


Before joining CISK, he was the Projects Coordinator and Senior Music Teacher at the XCL World Academy in Singapore.

加入CISK 之前,他在新加坡加慧世界书院担任项目协调员和高级音乐教师。

Mr. Keith McCann

MYP Coordinator

Mr. Keith McCann is from Canada and has degrees in Education and in Arts.  

Keith McCann 先生来自加拿大,毕业于加拿大西蒙菲莎大学,获得教育和艺术两个学位。

With over a decade of teaching experience, he is excellent at teaching Economics, Business Administration, and English. He is also a specialist in guiding students to complete Extended Essays (EE), and Theory of Knowledge (TOK).

一线教学十余年,他可以胜任经济学、工商管理、英语等学科的教学,也可以胜任EE和 TOK的指导。

He is a thoughtful, caring educator with a love of learning who believes that an active, student-centred classroom with cooperative,inquiry-based activities is best for learning.


Ms. Cimy Liu

Deputy Head of Kindergarten

Cimy holds a Master of Teaching in Early Childhood Education and has an AMI Montessori certificate. Having worked in the early childhood industry in Australia for over 10 years, Cimy has taken the role of Early Childhood Teacher and Educational Leader with great knowledge of teaching and leading practices and experiences. 

Cimy 拥有幼儿教育硕士学位及AMI 蒙特梭利证书,在澳大利亚幼儿教育行业工作了 10多年,担任过幼儿教师和幼儿园管理岗位,拥有丰富的教学和领导经验。

She adores the principles and concepts of the IB philosophy and pedagogy and focuses on individualized teaching and learning content. She has facilitated students' development by taking their own initiatives and leading their own learning processes with their personal interests, strengths and needs. Both teaching and learning programs and the learning environment that she designed and provided enable children to cultivate their social, physical and emotional development, promote their knowledge of both the world they live in and themselves and prepare them for future academic school learning. 


Mr. Michael Cormack

Head of Student Services

Mr. Michael Cormack is from Scotland, and has a BA (Hons) in English Studies & Politics, and a PGDE (Secondary English) from Aberdeen University. 

Michael Cormack 先生来自苏格兰,拥有英国阿伯丁大学英语研究与政治(荣誉)学士学位,以及中学英语(PGDE)教师文凭。

He has nearly 20 years of experience in education and media. He has served as an English literature teacher in Chinese and British schools and universities. He is previously the VP of the middle school at an international school, mainly responsible for curriculum development, extracurricular activities and assessment, as well as teacher management. 

他拥有近20 年的教育和媒体工作经验,曾在中英两国的学校和大学担任英语文学教师。他曾担任国际学校的中学副校长,主要负责课程开发、课外活动和评估,以及教师管理。

He loves writing and is a regular contributor to well-known international media outlets and has written book reviews about China for many years. And his new book, about the rock group Pink Floyd, will be published in June 2024.

他醉心于写作,是国际知名媒体撰稿人,多年来一直撰写有关中国的书评。他的关于Pink Floyd的新书将于2024年正式出版。

Mr. Eoin Thomas Marsh



Mr. Eoin Thomas Marsh graduated from the University College Cork in Ireland with a History major and from the University of Nottingham with a Master's degree in Education. 


He has over 10 years of experience working in the education sector and has worked as a teacher and lecturer at schools and universities in both China and Ireland.


He is a very caring person, and apart from teaching, he is also a bi-annual fundraiser for the Suzhou animal lover network. He organized many activities and charity exhibitions together with students and colleagues to encourage people to love nature and animals.


Dr. Ada Jen

Senior Consultant

Dr. Jen earned her PhD in Clinical Psychology in the United States.


Dr. Jen worked at the International School of Beijing and Beanstalk International Bilingual School. She also was an accreditation Member of the Institute of Curriculum and Textbook Research, Ministry of Education (NCCT) for Children of Foreign Personnel. In 2010, she was awarded the “Great Wall Friendship Award “ by Beijing Municipal Government.


Dear students and parents, the revitalising summer holidays are drawing to an end, all faculty and staff look forward to meeting you again on campus! 


New school year, new academic journey. 

Let's work together to 

make CISK better and better!




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