

School of Design 交大设计







Project Name: New New Village

Exhibitors: LI Danfeng, ZHOU Jianjia

Description: Renewal of Lingyun 417 Community

In the renewal project of the Lingyun 417 community in Shanghai, architects shaped the community's public network through the insertion of micro infrastructure. This intervention integrated neighborhoods that were originally divided into a united whole, converted independent facilities into shared ones, and interpenetrated formerly closed boundaries. The content, including the overall impression of the community and the extracted segment are shown here, where the natural environment, the added and regenerated buildings, and the preserved structures are symbiotically renewed. 





Project Name: Pocket of Life——A Research of the Microrenewal of Pocket Parks in Shanghai

Exhibitors: SUN Haode + Student Team of School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Description: Pocket parks represent the minimal units of open space and urban renewal anchors in contemporary mega cities, and become the carriers of everyday scattered in the complex human habitat. The research "Pocket of Life" focuses on the more than 100 pocket parks in the main urban area of Shanghai and conducts a survey based on geographic information system data for social study by photography. The unitized park model abstracts the dotted structure in the urban texture, and the photographic documentary in the background becomes an archive for the study of the vitality of pocket parks.

Students: HE Jie, SU Tianyu, WU Yuanyuan, YANG Xingzhi,LI Yuchen, XIN Mei, RONG Yicheng, HUANG Zisheng, LI Chenfeng

Tutor: SUN Haode




Project Name: Cycling@Shanghai

Exhibitors: WANG Zhuo’er

Description: This model expresses the feeling of cycling at Shanghai. The cycle path winds through the buildings, and cyclists can experience various landmarks such as Lujiazui, Shiumen, and Waibaidu Bridge. Spectators can put a steel ball onto the track for an imaginary cycling race.



作品介绍:墙在中国无处不见,起围合和隔离之用。然而,当这一堵300多米长的校园围墙变得可观、可坐、可游之时,其无用之用便成了园林,是一堵“可居之墙”。墙,在隔离校园与城市时却将两者联接起来,是一种建筑元素的哲学悖论。手工“编织”而成的砖墙与四季万象的植物共生,恍如残存的废墟,赋予这堵 “墙园”一种时间和历史的“合法性”。

Project Name: Beikun Garden: An Inhabitable Wall as Public Realm

Exhibitors: RUAN Xing, ZHANG Yang

Description: Walls can be found everywhere in China and their usefulness lies in forming enclosure and segregation. However, when a 300-metre-long university campus wall becomes something that can be seen through, and be a place where one can sit down and leisurely pass time, this “usefulness of useless attributes” is marked by the idea of a garden – that is, an “inhabitable wall”. While the university is separated from the city by this wall, it at the same time connects the two. This makes the architectural element of the wall a philosophical paradox. The “hand-woven” brick wall and the seasonal changes of the plants intertwine in symbiosis, reminiscent of ruins and imbuing the “walled garden” with a “legitimacy” of time and history.




Project Name: Putuo Caoyang Centennial Park

Exhibitors: LIU Yuyang

Description: Once carrying the branch line of Zhenru freight rail and later Caoyang Farmers’ Market, the near to 1-kilometer-long and 10- to 15-meter-wide site has been re-programmed as a fresh, multilevel and mixed-use park, walkable and community-centered, shortly after the market’s closure in 2019. Conceived as ‘3K Corridors’, Caoyang Centennial Park brings art to community life, echoing the theme of 2021 Shanghai SUSAS. Site contexts were discovered and scenes reimagined, so as to design a vine-and-melon-like walking belt, from north to south, to reshape the streets’ grassland system, providing a further step of organic renewal to the Caoyang Community.




Project Name: Pocket Plaza, Yongjia Road

Exhibitors: ZHUANG Shen, REN Hao,TANG Yu,ZHU Jie

Description: The Pocket Plaza is located in the old district of downtown Shanghai, transformed from a site of demolished dangerous houses. Steel-wood structured open porches with seats under them, and dry-land fountain in the middle squar were employed not only to sculpt an atmosphere suitable for both quiet and dynamic activities, but also to evoke various possibilities of use. At the end of the pocket plaza there is a neighborhood café, which is closely related to the daily life of the citizens.




Project Name: Riverside Passage at Yangpu Waterfront

Exhibitors: Atelier Deshaus

Description: On a deserted coal-unloading wharf at the riverfront of Yangpu in Shanghai remains a long reinforced concrete wall. During the process of transforming the industrial site into public space, existing ordinary industrial components will be unveiled in the new space, serving as significant historic aspects and as witnesses of Shanghai’s industrial civilization. The long concrete wall is adopted as a platform for new construction, while the wharf devoid of coal-unloading is now polished and transformed into a roller rink. People can linger here or pass by, gather or wander. A crowded community thus stretches onto the spacious river.




Project Name: Changli Garden: A Garden as Boundary

Exhibitors: TONG Ming, REN Guang, GUO Hongqu

Description: Changli Garden takes the Community Boundary Wall, a typical negative element in the urban public space environment, as its design object, and adopts the traditional design strategies of Chinese gardens. The wall and its surroundings are reassembled into an interrelated landscape: a nearly 400-metre-long linear garden. The boundary is transformed from a periphery area into a vibrant public place and the center of social interaction.




Project Name: Service Station Under Wuning Road Bridge, Suzhou Creek

Exhibitors: ZHANG Bin

Description: The Service Station Under Wuning Road Bridge is one of the three citizen service stations in the early demonstration construction or the Project on Public Space Connection of Both Banks of Suzhou Creek, Putuo Section. The process of using the station from its conception to completion has allowed us to experience the considerable energy of the diverse social vitality in our urban daily life. When the city encountered a shortage of resources during emergencies, we witnessed the Under-bridge Service Station as a possible emergency "exit" for public space.




Project Name: Xingfuli Neighborhood, Shanghai

Exhibitors: HE Mengjia

Description: The project is located in the central urban area of Shanghai, and was originally a rubber research institute factory building surrounded by residential areas. After undergoing renovations in 2015, it was transformed into a public activity space serving the community, providing an open, comfortable, and secure shared space for community groups.





Exhibitors: XU Xunjun, ZHANG Xudong, PANG Lei

Description: Founded in 1923, the Shanghai soap factory was once the biggest soap factory in the Far East. This renovation, also known as "Fantasy Babble", through interior design, lighting and installation, transformed the soap making process

into an iconic public space, which consists of a series of spaces reflecting the ever-evolving lifestyle in Shanghai, including cafes, galleries, restaurants and soap-making laboratory.




Project Name: Shanghai LVWA Bookstore

Exhibitors: GUO Yuchen, YANG Siqi, ZHAN Beidi+JIANG Boyuan, WANG Jingwen, YANG Shuo

Description: We created a micro landscape in a building among the condensed urban texture of Shanghai. In the Chinese literary tradition, mountain exploration is seen as a parallel to the process of reading. For both, diligence is the key to success. We aim to explore the possible spatialization of this relationship. We used mountains as the main motif to link books and sports back to the space and created the first sports themed bookstore in Shanghai.




Project Name: A Song Garden quintet: Revival of an old Shanghai House

Exhibitors: WANG Xin, SUN Yu

Description: The work is located in the center of the old city of Shanghai. This is a systematic experiment of creating Chinese traditional landscapes indoor by using contemporary Song style language. This is not only an oriental revival and rebirth of old buildings, but also an important innovation of Chinese contemporary architectural language.



作品介绍:这是一个马蹄形的房间,位于上海法租界某座老花园洋房的底层南侧。atelier tao+c在这个项目中,试图去挖掘单间的居住潜力,并满足既住在一起又有独处空间的可能性。设计师在房间里置入了一个巨型的复合家具,—个用枫木多层板构造的几何体块形成一种独立的内部结构。在这个项目中,墙壁和地面的功能被家具取代,家具成为一种简化的建筑缩影。

Project Name: A U-shaped room

Exhibitors: CAI Chunyan, LIU Tao

Description: A U-shaped room located on the south side of the ground floor of an old garden house in Shanghai. Atelier tao+c seeks to explore the potential of living in a single room within an outdated house, for young couples to live together but didn’t deny the possibility of being alone. The architect inserted a huge composite piece of furniture . With the original wall, windows and ceiling intact, a geometric volume constructed of maple plywood occupies a large part of the room, forming a free-standing internal structure. In this project, the function of walls and floors was replaced by furniture, which became a sort of reduced architecture in miniature.




Project Name: Reconstruction of Leftover Space near Shanghai Yongjia Road

Exhibitors: LIU Moyan, SU Peng, JU Anqi, YING Shijiao, LI Yuanyuan + SONG Jiawei

Description: The architecture seeks to adopt an architect's perspective to identify the unused space left in the city as a result of historical factors, and overlay the new, elastic inserted space system on top of the existing building to create a singular scene that can be observed, made available, rested in, and shared.




Project Name: The Urban Renewal of Mix320, Wuyi Road, Shanghai, China

Exhibitors: ZHANG Ming, ZHANG Zi, QIN Shu, SU Ting

Description: Before the update, the chaotic spatial state of the site covered up its historical and cultural memory. By preserving its layers of history, encouraging publicity and accessibility of communities, and integrating diverse programs to improve social equality, we realized the revitalization of historical culture and the vitality of the block.

项目名称:大隐于市的美食空中村落——FOODIE SOCIAL 2.0


作品介绍:FOODIE SOCIAL是新天地品牌打造的沉浸式美食社交平台,在太阳宫25米采光天顶下,NOTA提出了“迷你村庄”的设计概念:一个被规划为由空中花园、农场和街市构成的虚拟村庄。这个以“亲生命设计”理念驱动的、包含多样美食社交场景的空中聚落,创造了上海市中心绝无仅有的亲自然和户外感的体验。

Project Name: A Sky Village of Food: FOODIE SOCIAL 2.0

Exhibitors: QIAN Shiyun

Description: FOODIE SOCIAL is an immersive food social platform powered by XINTIANDI. NOTA proposed the concept of “Mini Village”, a virtual village master-planned in the form of sky gardens, farms and street markets underneath a 25m skylight in Hall of Sun. The “Mini Village” is conceived in a Biophilic approach with diverse scenarios, enabled a total natural and outdoor experience one would ever imagine in the city center of Shanghai.



