
【University】Guizhou Normal University

2016-04-25 Admissions

Study in China Union (Admissions.cn):

A good choice of university in China will win yourself out in future career life. During the following days, we are going to recommend some nice universities and institutes for international students. Our topic in this section is Guizhou Normal University.

Source from Guizhou Normal University.

Guizhou Normal University

Founded in 1941, the University was originally named National Guiyang Teachers' College, and renamed Guiyang Teachers' College in 1950. In 1985, it was formally entitled Guizhou Normal University (GZNU) and honored as one of the key universities in the Province in 1996. The year 2004 marked a new stage in the university's development when the Provincial Vocational College of Technology was absorbed into it.

GZNU is in the name list of the Program of Partner Assistance with Western Universities of Ministry of Education, and has been set up the "partner assistance" relationship with Xiamen University in 2006. GZNU was entitled "Outstanding University" in the Undergraduate Teaching Assessment issued by Ministry of Education in 2008. In 2013, she was approved to grant Ph.D. by the State Council Academic Degrees Committee.In 2015,GZNU was honored as a university co-constructed by the Ministry of Education of P.R.China and Guizhou Province.

Abiding by the guidance of "Patriotism, Contribution, Dedication, and Cultivation" and the University motto "Contemplation, Honesty, Erudition, Creativity", GZNU is now a university specialized in teacher's education. Thousands of graduates, most of whom have dedicated their wisdom and energy to the educational cause and become the backbone in their career, have been widely appreciated throughout the university's remarkable history of both hardships and achievements.

The university is situated in Guiyang, the City of Forests or as many people have called it "an ideal place for summer". At present, it has two campuses, Baoshan and Huaxi, with a total land area of about 164.6 hectares. This includes 476,700 square meters of teaching and office buildings and 91,000 square meters of sports-fields and gymnasiums. The total value of teaching and research equipment amounts to 240,000,000 Yuan (RMB).

GZNU now has 2,101 full time teachers, including 204 professors, 533 associate professors, with 779 holding MA degrees and 323 holding PhDs. At GZNU, 57 experts have been honored for their achievements by the Chinese government and 99 by the provincial government.In the past five years, the university has undertaken 206 national research projects and 674 provincial and ministerial research projects. The university has received 73 provincial awards for its achievements.

At present, GZNU comprises 20 Schools, one teaching department, one School of Further Education, covering the following disciplines: Philosophy, Economics, Law, Education, Literature, History, Science, Engineering, Agriculture,Management and Arts. Currently, students are pursuing Bachelor, Master or Doctor degrees in a variety of majors, 73 of which are undergraduates including 19 provincial-level distinctive disciplines.And now GZNU has the privilege to recommend Bachelor students for admission to their Master Degrees without examinations.

And now there are 5 national scientific research bases/centers, 21 provincial scientific research bases/centers, National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, National Teachers’ Training Base, National Comprehensive Demonstration Center of Educational Experiments and Practice, National Off-Campus Practice base have been put into the undergraduate education.

Currently, GZNU has an enrollment of 21,400 full time undergraduates and 2,142 postgraduates. As the university focuses much more attention on the quality education, its graduates are widely accepted.

GZNU boasts an advanced campus network and computer management, covering all offices, teaching and researching buildings, reading rooms, laboratories and libraries on both campuses. Libraries of the two campuses are abundant in stock, with 2,458,800 printed books,1,550,000 kinds of e-books in Chinese and foreign languages, over 2,500 kinds of domestic and foreign newspapers, 72 databases, and up to 66 TB of digital resources. And the university's library is the "National Cultural Information Resources Sharing Primary Sub-Centers," "National Key Protection Units of Ancient Books", "Document Sharing Platform Technology Units of Guizhou Province". Meanwhile "Provincial Information Center" and "the model of Secondary Schools' Library" has been set up in the library.

GZNU attaches great importance to intercommunication, and actively conducts academic exchanges with universities and institutions abroad. It has, so far, established long-term links and cooperation with over 40 universities, colleges, and research institutions including America, Britain, Australia, Portugal, Japan, Korea, Thailand, to name a few. Exchange programs in training students and teachers have already been carried out with some universities in Korea, Japan, Thailand and America respectively.

GZNU is enthusiastically seeking to expand its educational resources through co-operation with schools around the world, including exchange of visiting scholars, the enrollment of international undergraduate and graduate students, academic exchanges and joint efforts in scientific research. We welcome anyone interested in discussing possible exchange programs with GZNU.

(The End.)

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