
Zambian Ambassador Visits ZUST

2016-04-26 Admissions

Study in China Union (Admissions.cn):

Zambian Ambassador visited Zhejiang University of Sicence and Technology in order to facilitate their future cooperation in education.

Source from ZUST.

Zambian Ambassador Visits ZUST

On a late March afternoon, Ambassador of the Republic of Zambia to China, Ms. Winnie N. Chibesakunda, and First Secretary (Education) of Zambian Embassy, Mr. Nambula Wamulungwe, had a formal visit to Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. President Ye Gao-xiang, together with Vice President Zheng You-qu, welcomed and received the distinguished guests. 

After having given his cordial welcome at the meeting, President Ye briefly presented to the guests the academic strengths of the University. 'The school recognizes the international students' community as a big family,' he said to the guests during the conference. 'And Zambian students are a very important member of this family. We are capable and confident when it comes to educating them into professional talents.'

Madame Ambassador and Mr. First Secretary expressed their gratitude for their heartwarming reception at ZUST. They also showed their appreciation for the nice studying environment with which ZUST has provided their youth. Madame Ambassador and Mr. First Secretary also promised to the President that they and their Government would facilitate more qualified students' attempts to study here at ZUST in the coming future. 

Before the meeting with the President, the guests had met with representatives from the Zambian student community at ZUST. Madame Ambassador urged the young people to study harder and apply themselves, and become better 'ambassadors' than her here at ZUST.

(The End.)

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