
Chinese VS African Football, Who Will Win?

2016-05-26 Shushi Admissions

Study in China Union (Admissions.cn):

Today we are not talking about football gambling or politics here, so don't be afraid please, haha~

Written by Admissions.cn.

Chinese VS African Football, Who Will Win?

Since the beginning of May, 2016 Second China University Football League Xi’an Area began its battles between universities from Northwest China. Recently, some “scrupulous” Chinese netizens found that several teams from universities in Xi’an have recruited some African players as their “foreign aid”, and even the whole team consists of African players. As a result, the teams with African players undoubtedly got a better result with a big-score victory.

The following pictures show the result:

Xi'an Physical Education University 0:8 Xidian University

Xi'an Technological University 1:6 Northwestern Polytechnical University

Pictures from live games.

In the following days, Xidian University got a six to zero victory over Yan’an University Chuangxin College.

Football Team of Xidian University

Football Team Yan’an University Chuangxin College

Northwest University Xiandai College 0:7 Xidian University

However the result of another match between Xi’an Jiaotong University and Xi’an Technological University is quite different on May 14th, their score is quite close with a draw 3:3. You know why? They are all Chinese.

Football Team of Xi’an Jiaotong University

Some people say it’s a good phenomenon that Chinese university has tried to absorb more international elements.

However, the others hold a different opinion. They think it is quite unfair for teams with only Chinese players. It’s known that African players get better physical qualities. “They run too fast, and they are energetic with amazing speed.” A Chinese netizen left his comment. Here, I'm not meant to criticise the action of certian university, but what if all players are from Africa? That would certainly be quite interesting.

Maybe Chinese players will choose to drink water, haha~:

(The End.)

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