汇议 | 第11届欧洲慈善研究网络国际研究会议
Altruism and generosity Alternative forms of philanthropy Bequests and intergenerational transfers Cross-border giving Comparative cross-country studies of philanthropy Corporate philanthropy and CSR COVID-19 and philanthropy Cross-sector collaboration with corporations and government Diaspora and community philanthropy Donor motivations, concerns and advisory needs Economics of philanthropy Efficacy, efficiency and performance evaluation European philanthropy (or philanthropies) Family philanthropy Fundraising strategies and practices Foundation roles and strategies Governance of foundations High net worth philanthropy Impact, outcomes and outputs of philanthropy Legal, fiscal and regulatory issues in philanthropy Methodology for philanthropy research Morality and ethics of giving New frontiers and innovation in philanthropy Philanthropy and democracy Private and public foundations Roles of philanthropy SDGs and philanthropy Social innovation, crowdfunding and philanthropy Strategies for philanthropy Theories of giving and volunteering Venture philanthropy, social investment Volunteering, giving time