
汇议 | 第11届欧洲慈善研究网络国际研究会议

拆掉知识的围墙 公益慈善学园


11th International Research Conference of the European Research Network On Philanthropy
Philanthropy plays a key role in times of crisis. Philanthropic initiatives are often the first to engage when a crisis emerges and the last that remain when a crisis ends. Climate change created action by groups in society that were not considered part of philanthropy; the covid crisis already saw the birth of many philanthropic initiatives and the war in Ukraine sparked generosity in Europe that might be – in absolute terms – unprecedented in history.
However, in the same time, and within the context of societal upheavals, philanthropy is also criticised for being ineffective, its particularism, its elitism, and even as agents of influence by unwanted entities. Traditional forms of philanthropy are considered outdated by some and replaced by alternative forms like impact investing or informal and ad hoc giving through online and mobile platforms. Against the background of these crises and developments – we invite contributors of papers to reflect and share their work on the roles that philanthropy in its different forms can play during and after crisis and social upheavals.

Hosted by the Faculty of Law at the University of Zagreb, the conference will welcome scholars from all disciplines and practitioners of philanthropy who share a motivation to discuss the purpose and practice of philanthropy in the present day, and to generate new questions about how philanthropy might develop in the future. The conference will also offer participants the opportunity to learn about the developments in philanthropic practice in Europe and especially in the context of Central and Eastern European Countries.

In order to present at the ERNOP Conference, submissions of a short abstract and full working paper are required. Please note:
Abstracts – Should be 2500 characters long (spaces, punctuation and title included.
Authors, affiliations, and keywords not included). An outline of the research questions, methods, data, sources, and a brief description of the results is highly appreciated.
Papers are invited to speak to these conference themes and also to the following related areas:
  • Altruism and generosity
  • Alternative forms of philanthropy
  • Bequests and intergenerational transfers
  • Cross-border giving
  • Comparative cross-country studies of philanthropy
  • Corporate philanthropy and CSR
  • COVID-19 and philanthropy
  • Cross-sector collaboration with corporations and government
  • Diaspora and community philanthropy
  • Donor motivations, concerns and advisory needs
  • Economics of philanthropy
  • Efficacy, efficiency and performance evaluation
  • European philanthropy (or philanthropies)
  • Family philanthropy
  • Fundraising strategies and practices
  • Foundation roles and strategies
  • Governance of foundations
  • High net worth philanthropy
  • Impact, outcomes and outputs of philanthropy
  • Legal, fiscal and regulatory issues in philanthropy
  • Methodology for philanthropy research
  • Morality and ethics of giving
  • New frontiers and innovation in philanthropy
  • Philanthropy and democracy
  • Private and public foundations
  • Roles of philanthropy
  • SDGs and philanthropy
  • Social innovation, crowdfunding and philanthropy
  • Strategies for philanthropy
  • Theories of giving and volunteering
  • Venture philanthropy, social investment
  • Volunteering, giving time

For more information, and to submit your abstract, please visit here.

Submission Deadlines
Abstracts: February 12, 2023
Notification of acceptance: March 12, 2023
Full papers: June 4, 2023



