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纽约时报中文网 NYT教育频道 2018-11-05

2016年,奥巴马和女儿马莉娅。奥巴马说,把女儿送到哈佛大学报到时,他难以抑制自己的泪水。Stephen Crowley/The New York Times 

After Malia Obama went off to Harvard University last month, her father couldn’t hold back the tears.

上个月,在马莉娅·奥巴马(Malia Obama)前往哈佛大学之后,她的父亲难以抑制自己的泪水。

Barack Obama described that moment on Monday in a speech for the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children, which was named for former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s older son, who died of brain cancer in 2015.

周一,贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)在博·拜登儿童保护基金会(Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children)的一次演讲中描述了那一时刻。该基金会是以前副总统约瑟夫·R·拜登(Joseph R. Biden)的长子命名的,他因脑癌于2015年去世。

The former president said some kind words about Beau and his parents, Joe and Jill Biden, before talking about the joys and sorrows of watching children grow up.

前总统称赞了博·拜登和他的父母乔·拜登和吉尔·拜登(Jill Biden),然后谈论了看着孩子长大的乐趣和悲伤。

“For those of us who have daughters, it just happens fast,” Mr. Obama said in a video published by WDEL, a news outlet based in Wilmington, Del.


“I dropped off Malia at college, and I was saying to Joe and Jill that it was a little bit like open-heart surgery, and I was proud that I did not cry in front of her. But on the way back, the Secret Service was all looking straight ahead pretending they weren’t hearing me as I sniffled and blew my nose. It was rough.”


Mr. Biden introduced Mr. Obama at the Wilmington Country Club in Delaware on Monday, calling him a “great friend.”


Malia, 19, took a gap year after high school and opted to attend Harvard this year, despite her father’s advice that she could get a good education even if she did not attend “some name-brand, famous, fancy school.”


Both Mr. Obama and his wife, Michelle, attended law school at Harvard.


Mr. Obama has let the tears flow in public on a number of occasions, including when he spoke shortly after the death of his grandmother in November 2008; when he thanked his campaign staff after winning re-election in November 2012; and during a speech about gun violence in January 2016.


The Obamas are likely to remain in Washington at least until their younger daughter, Sasha, 16, finishes high school. They spent $8.1 million on a home in the capital’s Kalorama neighborhood after leaving the White House.


In his speech on Monday, Mr. Obama praised the work of the Beau Biden Foundation, which is dedicated to protecting children from abuse.


“At the end of our lives, whatever else we’ve accomplished, the thing that we’ll remember are the joys that our children — and hopefully, way later, our grandchildren — bring us,” he said.


“And holding their hand, swinging them on a swing, listening to them talk about what had happened in school; simple stuff, but ultimately that’s what matters.”


作者:Jacey Fortin



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