
Thousands of North Koreans have fled their homeland since the famine of the late 1990s, and many are writing memoirs recounting their daily lives and extraordinary escapes. A leading example is IN ORDER TO LIVE: A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom (Penguin, paper, $17) by Yeonmi Park, with Maryanne Vollers. Park is a young woman whose father was a cigarette smuggler and black market trader. As a girl, she believed in the regime (as did her mother), for life was steeped in propaganda and anti-Americanism. Even in her math class, “a typical problem would go like this: ‘If you kill one American bastard and your comrade kills two, how many dead American bastards do you have?’”

自90年代末的那场饥荒以来,成千上万朝鲜人逃离家园,其中很多人写回忆录讲述他们的日常生活和离奇的逃亡经历。一个最有名的例子是朴研美(Yeonmi Park)的《为了活下去——脱北女孩朴研美》(IN ORDER TO LIVE: A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom)(企鹅出版社,平装,17美元)。朴研美的父亲是一名香烟走私贩和黑市商人。作为一个女孩,她(和她母亲一样)相信朝鲜政权,因为生活中充斥着宣传和反美言论。就连在她的数学课上,“常见的数学题大概是这样:如果你杀了一个美国坏蛋,你的同志杀了两个,你们总共杀死了几个美国坏蛋?”

What opened Park’s eyes was in part a pirated copy of the film “Titanic.” The government tries hard to ban any foreign television, internet or even music, and North Korean radios, which don’t have dials, can receive only local stations. But the black market fills the gap, with handymen who will tweak your radio to get Chinese stations, and with illegal thumb drives full of South Korean soap operas.


I’m among those who argue that we in the West should do more to support this kind of smuggling, because it’s a way to sow dissatisfaction. Indeed, what moved Park was the love story in “Titanic”: “I was amazed that Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet were willing to die for love, not just for the regime, as we were. The idea that people could choose their own destinies fascinated me. This pirated Hollywood movie gave me my first small taste of freedom.”

我属于认为我们西方人应该采取更多措施来支持这种走私行为的人,因为这是让民众产生不满的一种方式。事实上改变朴研美的正是《泰坦尼克号》里的爱情故事:“莱奥纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)和凯特·温斯莱特(Kate Winslet)愿意为了爱情,而不是像我们一样为了国家而死,令我震惊。人们可以选择自己的命运这一点让我着迷。这部盗版好莱坞电影让我第一次品尝到了自由的滋味。”