

OFOTO&ANART 2019-11-16

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白光华: 静思往事,如在目底。
戴乐: 我试图寻找在某种程度上可以追溯到中国传统文化元素或隐喻的景观。


Chang Keyong, Monk Pagoda from Qing Dynasty,Zhangfang, Fangshan, Beijing 

常克永: 摄影的灵感是不是佛教的开悟呢?

陈锦: 用镜头与物相接、与生相接、与死相接、与己相接......是为造相。相,是生命的省视。
陈农: 时间在作品中重现了现在的抽象的画面,我更加喜欢现在的样子,时间让画面的灵魂生生不息。


Chen Yongsheng, Double Niches

陈永生: 哪哈儿还冇个春天!

仇敏业: 神佛诞生于黑暗,因为人们需要光亮。
董文胜: “佛手”这件作品是近期创作的,我把这件作品当作十年前另一件作品(一拳五岳)的延续,这两件作品无论从创作方法还是物品的选择上都有一些共通之处。我试图把当下经验带入迷雾般过去。
冯方宇: 当转轮藏二楼的光线射进来的时候,我仿佛看见了梁思诚和林徽因的身影。


Guo Peng, One

郭棚: 心住何处即住?住无住处即住。
杭鸣峙: 阿彌陀佛佑眾生。
矫健: 我以身体作为物来“填补空白”,因此痛苦是愉悦的;“空白”并没有真正被弥补,我只是用身体标注和丈量了空缺。
荆艺兵: 醒觉觀如幻,螺蛳炒一盘。仿佛身如是,螺蛳壳裏玩。
罗永进: 用九九八十一念装典九天到九泉的九境。


Niu Jianhai, Boundless Bodhi Road 09 

牛建海: 你所寻者近了,正上前来迎接你——菩提路漫漫。
孙红宾: 随性而发,随缘而画。
田野: 天地大。佛自在。
王彤: 我们到底是从哪儿来的?最后是又回去了吗?

袁蓉荪,相非相 北魏佛与菩萨·洛阳龙门石窟,2016 

Yuan Rongsun, The Buddha and Bodhisattvas from Northern Wei Dynasty, Longmen Grottos, Luoyang

袁蓉荪: 岁月婆娑,天地沉浮,无常时,一丝刹那间的感动。
张华: 大地上依然到处都是石头,和我相遇的很少。

张伟民: 你我在黑暗中对视。
张卫星: 黑夜里五秒钟瞬间闪过的光,秘密花园的一草一木一山一石……早己替我千百次的表达过。
曾和平: 地狱是天堂的倒影!阿弥陀佛!

Artist statement


Bai Guanghua,In Front of One’s Eyes

Bai Guanghua: Meditation brings the past vivid in the mind.

Christopher Taylor: I was looking for elements or metaphors in the landscape that might refer back in some way to ancient Chinese culture. 
Chang Keyong: Is the inspiration of photography similar to the enlightenment of Buddhism? 


Chen Jin, Phenomenon NO.13

Chen Jin: Using lens to connect objects, life, death and ourselves is to create a phenomenon. It is  a reall introspective to life. 

Chen Nong: Time reproduces the present abstraction and keeps the soul of the work alive.
Chen Yongsheng: Where there is no Spring!
Qiu Minye:Gods and Buddhas are born in darkness, because people need light.
Dong Wensheng: The work "Buddha's-hand" was recently created. I consider it as a continuation of another work "One Punch Five Mountains" which was created ten years ago. There are some similarities between the two in terms of method and choice of objects. I try to bring the present experience into the foggy past. 


Feng Fangyu, Longxing Temple 03

Feng Fangyu: When the light came in from the wheel of transmigration on the second floor, I vaguely saw the figures of Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin. 
Guo Peng:Where do your hart rest?Nowhere to rest is rest. 
Hang Mingzhi: Amitabha protects all beings.


Jiao Jian,Fill the Void

Jiao Jian:I "fill the void" with my body, The pain is pleasurable; The void is not really filled up. I just mark and measure the void with my body. 
Jing Yibing:Waking up to a phantom-a dish of snails. Imitating a Buddha and imagining yourself a Buddha, is like playing in a snail shell. 
Luo Yongjin: Life is to come across all desires between hell and heaven. 
Niu Jianhai: The one you seek is near and coming to meet you - Boundless Bodhi Road.  


Sun Hongbin, Pagoda

Sun Hongbin:Casual emotions along with random paintings. 
Tian Ye: The world is big. Buddhas exist naturally. 
Wang Tong:Where do we come from? Do we end up going back?
Yuan Rongsun:An unexpected touch from an unexpected moment in the unexpected changes of space and time.
Zhang Hua:The earth is still full of stones, but very few encounter me.  

张伟民 ,巡山之一 , 2014

Zhang Weimin,Mountain Watch 1 

Zhang Weimin:You and I stare at each other in the dark.  
Zhang Weixing:The grass, tree, mountain and stone in the dark secret garden under the flash light of five seconds in the dark have expressed one thousand times for me. 


Zeng Heping, Shadow

Zeng Heping:Hell is the reflection of heaven! Amitabha! 



Bogdan 来自波兰,他的作品向我们描绘了他的家乡,一个灰色的、悲伤的但又异常美丽的城市景观。当他在巴黎生活时,他能用摄影探索到这座浪漫之都不为人知的另一面。去中国旅行时,他会被一些对他来说完全陌生的百年传统所打动,并用摄影这种媒介展示出来。这些作品不是拼图,不是即时成像,不表面,不艳丽,而是缓慢的、小的、黑暗的、独一无二的摄影作品。他学会了用光写作,这正是古希腊语中摄影(照片/光绘/写作)一词的含义。但是他真正的独特之处在于他也是一个用黑暗、黑色写作的大师。

Bogdan Konopka, 戏楼,Stage, 杭州,2016

Bogdan 可能离开了我们,但是我们拥有他的艺术,他心灵的痕迹,这多少可以弥补安慰我们失去一位挚友的心情。我应该用一盏茶、一杯酒、一滴泪来纪念他,幸运的是我还拥有他的影像,珍藏对这位艺术家的记忆。


Alain Jullien

Photography is an easy way to express oneself; it is an easy way to show one’s feelings. I have been doing it for more than forty years, with little success. Fortunately there are some that can use the medium to its best.

Bogdan came from Poland and showed us the grey and sad but beautiful city scape of his homeland. He can live in Paris and expose the unknown side of a romantic city. He can also travel to China and be moved by century old traditions completely unknown to him but revealed by his medium: photography. Not image making, not immediate imagery, shallow and colorfull, but slow, small and dark but brilliant photographs. He has learned to write with light,which is the meaning of the greek word Photography ("photo/light graph/write") . His true uniqueness is that he is also a master of writing with dark/black.

Bogdan has left us, maybe, but we have the traces of his art, of his heart, and this can alleviate the loss of a good friend. I shall have a cup of tea, a glass of wine, a shot of alcohol and a tear for the memory of the man, fortunately, I have his images to remember the artist.


Translated by Zhang Yiting


中国 上海莫干山路50号13幢2楼,200060
2F, Building 13, 50 Moganshan Rd., Shanghai, 200060, China
Tel.: +86 21 6298 5416
Email: ofotogallery@163.com
Weibo: OFOTO全摄影

Ins: ofotogallery&anart


中国 上海莫干山路50号13幢2楼,200060
2F, Building 13, 50 Moganshan Rd., Shanghai, 200060, China
Tel.: +86 21 6298 5416
Email: ofotogallery@163.com
Weibo: OFOTO全摄影

Ins: ofotogallery&anart


