
网络孔院精品在线课程免费学:Cool Panda(酷熊猫)少儿汉语教学资源(故事动画)一级A


近期,新型冠状病毒疫情在多地发生,牵动人心。在这个特殊的时期,网络孔子学院为广大中文学习者和中文教师提供免费精品在线课程,主要包括汉语水平考试HSK标准课程、汉语学习、中国传统文化、国际汉语教师培训等几类核心课程,为抗击疫情略尽绵薄之力。大家可以利用在家的时间,学习中文,体悟文化,精进教学,积蓄力量。今天为您推荐Cool Panda(酷熊猫),详见下文。




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Register at our official webiste: www.chinesecio.com with your email account, set your own username and passwords, confirm your passwords and complete the verification;

Click "register" and we will send an account activation letter to your email address. Please check your letter and activate your account by clicking the attached link, and loggin on your account. Choose "Chinese Learning" on the bottom of the website and enter the "Global Confucius Institute Mooc Platform". Then you can choose the online course you would like to join.


Cool Panda少儿汉语教学资源是依托高等教育出版社近年来在国际汉语推广领域的丰富积累和成功经验,以广泛、深入的海外调研为基础,立足英语国家K—5(幼儿园到小学)阶段汉语教学实际,采用国际化运作模式,联合各国教学专家,组建专业项目团队,按照“本土化”“数字化”“一体化”理念打造国际化教育品牌和新形态教学资源。本系列视频资源包括故事、歌曲、伴奏、舞蹈等内容,既可用于自学,又可辅助课堂教学,寓教于乐,深受广大师生喜爱。


The educational resource for young Chinese learners, ‘Cool Panda’, is based on the rich experience and significant success achieved by the Higher Education Press in global Chinese language promotion. It aims to develop an international education brand and a new form of educational resource, following the idea of ‘localization’, ‘digitalization’ and ‘integration’. Adopting the international operation mode, this course is designed for K-5 (kindergarten to primary school) Chinese education in English speaking countries, based on extensive and in-depth overseas research. It has been developed by a highly professional team with educational experts from a range of countries. This series of video resources includes stories, songs, accompaniments and dances among other resources. It is available for both self-learning and classroom teaching. The combination of entertainment and education has enabled this series to be very popular among teachers and students.
This series is the educational resource for 1A with a total of 20 lessons and 58 video clips. It includes 'Who Are You', 'We Love Dancing' and 'Whose Home Is It' among other topics.


