

武太白 武太白英语 2023-06-08





Long long ago, there was a beautiful girl living in the south of Spain. Her family was poor because her parents were both badly ill over a long time, but she took very good care of them by selling flower circles -- we call such circles "wreaths", or "flower crowns" -- at the market. People loved her very much. They bought her wreaths, and they called her Lunya, and that means pure beauty in the heart. One day, she met a boy named Cata from the northern shores, who was not a handsome one, but very strong and kind-hearted. Cata's doctor father and nurse mother had died long before that, and he was making a living by cutting woods and making furniture. They soon became friends, and Cata would bring her the flowers he cut from the woods he felled every day.

Lunya's beauty soon attracted the attention of bad guys, and one of them, a high official in the central government, wanted to take her as concubine, one married to him but a lot lower and weaker than his wife. After several attempts failed, the high-official bad guy used a poison in Lunya's food. This kind of poison would take effect over a long period of time, and only the bad guy had the antidote, medicine with which the illness caused by this poison could be cured. The poor girl became very ill like her parents. What should she do?

At this time Cata came to Lunya's aid. He told her that the soft sea breeze along the northeastern coast of Spain and the salt in the sea water there was a natural antidote to the long-time poison, and they could try that. So the two moved there with the old couple and built wooden huts on the northeastern coast of the country. The place was far from the central government, and the bad guy could not find them any more.

Cata and Lunya lived in the place for over a century as a happy family, and they had several healthy and smart children. Later their children established a new country, and they named the country by combining their parents name into one -- Catalunya, the place of which the capital is now Barcelona.

听完故事,乐天派“且”了一声,笑道:你这肯定是假的,我怎么没听过这个故事呢?山人感慨道:你没听过的可多了,也不一定就是假的呀!对了,告诉你哦,加泰地区有自己的语言,和西班牙语不一样的哦!乐天派被我这一打岔,顿时忘记了再追问故事真假,转而问道:有什么不一样呢?山人笑道:就好比闽南语和我们汉语普通话的区别,还是不小的呢!说着山人唱了一句“AI BIA A QIA WEI I YA”……乐天派猜测说:难道是“欲知后事如何,且听下回分解

