

武太白 武太白英语 2023-06-08







Suffering African Children



非洲在很多人的心目中就是一穷二白三落后,事实上却远非如此。南非、埃塞俄比亚都是人类最早的栖息地,后者还曾经出现在圣经中,是很了不起的地方。来看看南非的几幅图片(转载自Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia):

Ostrich farming in South Africa became popular more than 100 years ago when plumes made of ostrich feathers were fashionable. Today's ostriches are raised for more than their feathers. Ostrich meat is prized for being low in fat and cholesterol, and ostrich skin makes a strong yet supple leather.

Mountains plunge straight into the sea along both the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean coasts of South Africa's Cape Peninsula. Smitswinkel Bay is one of several small, isolated bays around the perimeter of False Bay, which is on the sparsely populated east side of the peninsula south of Cape Town. During October and November, several types of whales and their calves migrate to False Bay.

Stretching 350 kilometers (218 miles) southward from the Limpopo River in northeast South Africa, Kruger National Park is crossed by six rivers. The rivers provide nourishment for the hundreds of species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians that live within the park's borders. Dense vegetation alternates with open grazing areas across this mostly flat expanse. Thousands of kilometers of paved and unpaved roads crisscross the park, enabling visitors to travel on reliable thoroughfares. Although animals are free to roam deep into the interior of the park, they have become accustomed to automobiles and can often be seen grazing or searching for water in what has remained a natural habitat despite the 600,000 visitors who frequent the park each year.

Kimberley is the center of South Africa's diamond-mining region and considered the "diamond capital of the world." The "Star of South Africa," one of the world's most famous diamonds, was unearthed here in 1869. When diamonds were discovered in Colesburg Hill near Kimberley, more than 30,000 people descended upon the hill with picks and shovels in hand. Within a few months, they leveled the hill and began working their way downward. Today only the "Big Hole" remains.



