
第二语言学习:行为主义理论怎么看? - 英语教学法原著选读94(附原文词汇语法语音讲解)

2017-03-03 武太白 武太白英语教学


第二语言学习者的不同学习条件 - 英语教学法原著选读93(附家长指南和语音讲解)



以下英文原文取自上海外语教育出版社引进出版、授权转载的“外语教学法丛书”之九《语言学习机制》第二章“THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO EXPLAINING SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING(二语学习的几种理论解释)”:

原文(作者:Lightbown & Spada)







In this section, we will discuss the impact of behaviourism on our understanding of second language learning. Later in this chapter, we will discuss some more recent theories based on cognitive psychology.


As we saw in Chapter 1, behaviourists account for learning in terms of imitation, practice, reinforcement (or feedback on success), and habit formation. According to the behaviourists, all learning, whether verbal or non-verbal, takes place through the same underlying processes. Learners receive linguistic input from speakers in their environment and they form associations, between words and objects or events. These associations become stronger as experiences are repeated. Learners receive encouragement for their correct imitations, and corrective feedback on their errors. Because language development is viewed as the formation of habits, it is assumed that a person learning a second language starts off with the habits formed in the first language and that these habits interfere with the new ones needed for the second language (Lado 1964).

正如我们在1章中看到的,行为主义者从模仿、实践、强化(或对成功的反馈)和习惯形成的角度来解释学习。根据行为主义者的观点,所有的学习,无论是言语或非言语的,都以相同的基本过程进行。学习者接收到来自在语言环境中的说话者的语言输入,在单词和对象或事件之间形成关联。随着经历的重复,这些关联变得越来越强。学习者由于正确的模仿受到鼓励,由于错误而获得纠正性的反馈。因为语言的发展被视为习惯的形成,学习第二语言的人被认为以在母语中形成的习惯作为学习的起点,而且这些习惯影响第二语言所需要的新的习惯(Lado 1964)。

Behaviourism was often linked to the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH) which was developed by structural linguists in Europe and North America. The CAH predicts that where there are similarities between the first language and the target language, the learner will acquire target-language structures with ease; where there are differences, the learner will have difficulty.

行为主义往往与对比分析假说(CAH)相联系, 该假说是由欧洲和北美的结构主义语言学家提出来的。CAH预测,当母语和目标语言之间存在相同点时,学习者将轻松习得目标语言结构;哪里有差异,学习者就会有困难。

There is little doubt that a learner's first language influences the acquisition of a second language. However, researchers have found that not all errors predicted by the CAH are actually made. Furthermore, many of the errors which learners do make are not predictable on the basis of the CAH. For example, adult beginners use simple structures in the target language just as children do: 'No understand' or 'Yesterday I meet my teacher.' Such sentences look more like a child's first language sentences than like translations from another language. Indeed, many of the sentences produced by second language learners in the early stages of development would be quite ungrammatical in their first language. What is more, some characteristics of these simple structures are very similar across learners from a variety of backgrounds, even if the structures of their respective first languages are different from each other and different from the target language.

学习者的母语影响第二语言的习得,这几乎没有什么疑问。然而,研究人员发现,并不是CAH预测的所有错误都真正发生了。此外,许多学习者犯的错误不能在CAH的基础上预测到。例如,成人初学者在目标语言中就像孩子们一样使用简单的结构: ‘No understand’或’Yesterday I meet my teacher.’这样的句子看起来更像孩子的母语,而不像另一种语言的翻译。事实上,许多在早期发展阶段的第二语言学习者产出的句子在他们的母语里是相当不符合语法的。更重要的是,在各种背景的学习者中,这些简单结构的一些特点是非常相似的,即使他们各自的母语结构是不同的,也不同于目标语言。

In Chapter 4, we will see that learners are reluctant to transfer certain features of their first language to the second language, even when the translation equivalent would be correct. All this suggests that the influence of the learner's first language may not simply be a matter of the transfer of habits, but a more subtle and complex process of identifying points of similarity, weighing the evidence in support of some particular feature, and even reflecting (though not necessarily consciously) about whether a certain feature seems to 'belong' in the structure of the target language.


For second language acquisition, as for first language acquisition, the behaviourist account has proven to be at best an incomplete explanation for language learning. Psychologists have proposed new, more complex theories of learning. Some of these are discussed later in this chapter.


