
“学习者语言”是个什么概念?(下) - 英语教学法原著选读112(有奖练习)

2017-08-11 武太白 武太白英语教学


“学习者语言”是个什么概念?(上) - 英语教学法原著选读111(有奖练习 签到)



以下英文原文取自上海外语教育出版社引进出版、授权转载的“外语教学法丛书”之九《语言学习机制》第四章“Learner Language(学习者语言)”:

原文(作者:Lightbown & Spada)



The Concept of Learner Language


In English, direct objects, whether nouns or pronouns, come after the verb (for example, 'The dog eats it, the dog eats the cookie). In French, direct objects which are nouns follow the verb (for example, 'Le chien mange le biscuit' —— literally, ‘The dog eats the cookie’), but pronoun direct objects precede the verb (for example, 'Le chien le mange' -- literally, 'The dog it eats'). The CAH would predict that a native speaker of English might say: 'Le chien mange le' when learning French, and that a native speaker of French might say 'The dog it ate' when learning English.

在英语中,无论是名词还是代词作为直接宾语,都是跟在一个动词之后(例如,狗吃它, 狗吃饼干)。而在法语中,名词作为直接宾语是跟在一个动词之后(例如,Le chien mange le biscuit——意思为“狗吃饼干”)。然而,代词作为直接宾语却是放在动词之前(例如,“Le chien le mange”——字面意思为“狗它吃”)。这样的情况下,对比分析理论将会预测到,讲英语的人在学法语时可能会说“Le chien mange le”,而讲法语的人在学习英语时将会说“The dog it eats”。

In fact, research has shown that English speakers learning French are more likely to make the predicted error than French speakers learning English. This may be due to the fact that English speakers learning French hear many examples of sentences with subject-verb-object word order (for example, ‘Le chien mange le biscuit'). Thus they make the incorrect assumption—based on both the word order of their first language and information from the second language—that all direct objects come after the verb. French-speaking learners of English, on the other hand, hearing and seeing no evidence that English pronoun objects precede verbs, do not tend to make this error. Researchers have also found that learners have intuitions that certain features of their first language are less likely to be transferable than others. For example, most learners believe that idiomatic or metaphorical expressions cannot simply be translated word for word.

而事实上,研究表明,讲英语的人学法语时比讲法语的人学英语时更有可能犯上述预测到的错误。这可能是因为讲英语的人学习法语时听到很多例句都是主-谓-宾结构(例如,Le chien mange le biscuit(狗吃饼干))。因此,他们做出错误推论,也就是以他们母语语句顺序以及第二语言的某些信息为基准,推导出所有的直接宾语都在跟在动词之后。另一方面,讲法语的人学英语时,没有看到显在的证据来说明英语代词作为宾语时需要放在动词之前,因而他们犯这样的错误可能性就小一些。研究还表明,语言学习者对语言存在一些直观认识,他们觉得母语中某些语言特点很少能够通过翻译直接融入到其他语言中。例如,大多数语言学习者认为对一些习语或隐喻表达不能简单进行逐字逐句的翻译。

As a result of the finding that many aspects of learners' language could not be explained by the cah, a number of researchers began to take a different approach to analysing learners' errors. This approach, which developed during the 1970s, became known as ‘error analysis' and involved a detailed description and analysis of the kinds of errors second language learners make. The goal of this research was to discover what learners really know about the language. As Pit Corder said in a famous article published in 1967, when learners produce ‘correct’ sentences, they may simply be repeating something they have already heard; when they produce sentences which differ from the target language, we may assume that these sentences reflect the learners' current understanding of the rules and patterns of that language. 'Error analysis' differed from contrastive analysis in that it did not set out to predict errors. Rather, it sought to discover and describe different kinds of errors in an effort to understand how learners process second language data. Error analysis was based on the assumption that, like child language, second language learner language is a system in its own right—one which is rule-governed and predictable.


Larry Selinker gave the name interlanguage to learners' developing second language knowledge (Selinker 1972). Analysis of a learner’s interlanguage shows that it has some characteristics influenced by the learner’s previously learned language(s), some characteristics of the second language, and some characteristics which seem to be very general and tend to occur in all or most interlanguage systems. Interlanguages are systematic, but they are also dynamic, continually evolving as learners receive more input and revise their hypotheses about the second language.

拉里·塞林克称语言学习者发展中的第二语言为“中介语”(塞林克,1972)。对中介语的分析表明,中介语的有些特征受到语言学习者先前所学语言的影响,有些特征受第二语言影响, 还有些特征看起来很普遍并且经常在所有或者绝大多数中介语体系中出现。中介语具有系统性,但它们也是动态的,随着语言学习者接受到更多的语言输入并修改他们对于第二语言的假设而不断发展。


Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

1.Error analysis aims to predict errors.

2.Interlanguage tends to fade away as the learner's language level continually increases.



