
“旁观者迷,当局者清”:课堂互动中的教师声音与内在逻辑 (上) - 英语教学法原著选读113(积分练习)

2017-08-25 武太白 武太白英语教学


少问Do you understand?,那问什么?简单,CCQs! - 英语教学法原著选读特刊



以下英文原文节选自David Nunan 2013年在Routledge出版的论文集《Learner-Centered English Language Education: The Selected Works of David Nunan》,为其前三分之一。下周与下下周将刊出论文的后两部分,敬请期待。

原文(作者:David Nunan)



Hidden Voices: Insiders' Perspectives on Classroom Interaction




As I explore my teaching by describing— recording, transcribing, and coding communications— rather than by seeking prescriptions and judgments from others, patterns are broken both consciously and unconsciously. I have sought alternatives in teaching and found them. After I found that I have alternatives, I felt freer and securer about deciding on activities for the students. Throughout the internship, I have learned how to see teaching more clearly and differently. In other words, I realized how much more I can do… (Gebhard and Ueda-Motonaga 1992: 190)

随着我使用描述法——对沟通进行录制、转写和编码——来探寻自己的教学,而不是用从他人处寻求“处方”和判断的方法加以探寻,定式在有意无意间遭到打破。我寻求教学中新的可能,我也找到了。我发现自己有其他选项之后,在为学生设计活动做决策时我感到更加自由,也更有把握。在整个实习期间,我学会了怎样更加清晰地以不同的视角看待教学。换句话说,我意识到我能做的还有那么多……(葛巴德与乌额达-莫托那加 1992:190)

In an eloquently-argued case for the evolution of a nexus between classroom research and teacher education, Wright (1992) describes a situation familiar to almost anyone who has ever walked through a school while a lesson is in progress:

Imagine we walk down the corridor of a school and hear much noise coming from a classroom. We might at first assume that it is the result of the teacher having lost control of the class (or some other plausible explanation). On arrival and entrance to the classroom, we find the students engaged in an activity which involves animated discussion, in groups, with the teacher participating as a monitor in the activity. (p. 194)


想象我们沿着一所学校的走廊往前走,听到一间教室里传来不小的声音。最开始我们可能以为这声音是教师对课堂失去了控制的结果(或者其他什么可信的解释)。到了教室,进了门,我们发现学生都在进行一项需要热烈讨论的活动,分组进行,而教师则作为监控者参与到活动当中去了。(p. 194

In this anecdote, Wright provides a warning against drawing conclusions about behavior without knowing the context in which the behavior occurs. He wryly concludes that "we can only know what the noise is about by referring directly to the context in which the noise occurs" (ibid.).


It seems to me that a great deal of research in our field is conducted in contexts where classroom noise either is unheard or is considered irrelevant and therefore removed from the equation before the numbers are added up and their significance determined. This lack of contact with the reality of the classroom has driven a wedge between researchers and practitioners which threatens to become a gulf unless steps are taken to bridge it. In this chapter, I would like to make a modest contribution toward closing the gap between theory and practice, and between researchers and teachers. I shall try to do this by giving teachers an opportunity to have their voices heard, and their perspectives and interpretations presented.


I should like to acknowledge and thank the teachers who took part in this study, and also David Cervi, who assisted in transcribing some of the interactions on which it is based.


The Study


In this section, I shall describe the subjects and context of the investigation and the research question. I shall then set out some of the data and provide my own descriptive and interpretive account of those data. Because ethnographic investigations of this type are data rich, my account must necessarily be selective.


The cohort


The participants in this study were nine ESL teachers who were teaching in Australia and were also undertaking some form of professional qualification. They varied greatly in their professional backgrounds and length of experience. Three had been practicing for less than one year. The others ranged in experience from one to fifteen years.


The research question


The question which provided my point of departure was relatively easy to pose: In what ways are the processes of classroom instruction illuminated by the voices of the teachers? Finding answers in the data described herein was less straightforward. Moreover, as I analyzed these data, other questions and issues emerged, and I had to struggle to regain the original focus while admitting emerging insights into the analysis.


The research procedure


The data for the investigation were gathered through a four-stage procedure.


1. Before the lesson. Before the lesson began, I obtained background information on the teacher and took a copy of the teacher's lesson plan. (The teachers were asked to provide a detailed lesson plan, as well as biographical data in advance of the lesson.)

1. 课前。在教学开始之前,我拿到教师的背景信息,以及一份教案。(老师们被要求在课前提供一份详细教案,以及个人数据。)

2. During teaching. The lesson was observed and recorded, and notes were taken to assist in the transcription process. Particular note was taken of those points at which the teacher deviated from the lesson plan.

2. 课中。对课堂教学进行观察与录制,做笔记,以协助转写过程。对那些教师偏离教案之处,会特别记录。

3. After the lesson. Immediately after the class, I talked about the lesson with the teachers, asking them to focus on those points at which they had deviated from their plan.

3. 课后。课堂教学一结束,我就立刻跟老师们聊聊这节课,让他们聚焦到他们偏离了教案的地方。

4. Follow-up. The lesson was transcribed and a copy was sent to the teacher to annotate. The transcripts, annotations, and post-lesson protocols were then analyzed by using a range of qualitative data analysis procedures. (For a description of such procedures, see Nunan 1992.)

4. 后续。教学实录被转写,并抄送教师一份,供他们点评。然后对转写文字、点评文字和教学后调查书进行分析,使用的是多种定性数据分析步骤。(对此类步骤的描述,参见努南1992。)

In attempting to gain insights into the question I had posed, I revisited the transcripts, my observational notes, and the teachers' post-lesson protocols and annotations many times. As I aligned the different sources of data related to critical classroom incidents, adding successive layers of interpretation, the incidents themselves were transformed, as we shall see.


Data Analysis

This section discusses some of the themes which emerged from the data. Given the quantity of data and constraints of space, I have been selective in the choice of issues and amount of data provided. However, I hope that enough supporting data are provided to sustain my case.


Getting the action going


In the ebb and flow of any given lesson, there are several critical moments. The first few minutes seem particularly important in creating the appropriate tone of the lesson, and the atmosphere which is established at the beginning of the class often persists for the duration of the lesson.


The value added by the teacher's voice is illustrated by the following incident. I had noted the beginning of one lesson in the following field-noted record:


The students wander into the class in twos and threes. As they begin to settle down, the teacher makes several of them change places. Students seem lethargic after lunch. The teacher then introduces and revises vocabulary. This goes on for over ten minutes, and the students begin to seem rather restive. I wonder why she's going on so long.


In this observation there is an implicit criticism of the pacing of the lesson. In the post-lesson debriefing, when asked for a commentary on this part of the lesson, the teacher reported:


…in the initial eliciting, I found it quite difficult to elicit the clothes—you know, " What am I wearing? What's he/ she wearing?" I got a bit [annoyed] at that point because we did it last week, you see. It just makes you realize that we did it as a warm-up activity a week ago, and it had just gone totally out of their heads. So that was another 46 35274 46 16454 0 0 6805 0 0:00:05 0:00:02 0:00:03 6804 thing I'd not anticipated. I thought they'd just tell me—and they didn't.



The teacher's voice here reveals several things. First, it dramatizes the fact that lessons are not discrete entities that come neatly prepackaged. As a course evolves over days, weeks, and months, a culture emerges through the interaction of personalities and events. Without an understanding of that culture, many of the events which occur in a particular lesson will be meaningless to the outside observer. One of the unfortunate realities of much classroom research is that it is carried out on individual lessons (and often on relatively short segments of individual lessons). This denies the researcher's access to data which would render many seemingly odd or irrelevant interactions meaningful. Second, it shows that particular classroom events only take on meaning within the context of the course. In order to understand classroom events and the interpretations of those events by teachers and learners, we need to step outside the artificial temporal framework of "the lesson". (I shall return to this point later.) The third observation which we can make here relates to the teacher's theory of learning, and the assumption that the work which had been previously undertaken would be sufficient to ensure that learning had taken place. Throughout the data, there is evidence that everything "that is said and done" in the lesson and all comments on the lesson, are underpinned "by" beliefs (often implicit) about the nature of language, learning, and teaching.


Particularly notable was the fact that very few lessons began with the teacher's explicitly laying out the objectives for the students. The exception was the following.


T: Okay now, the approach we're gonna take here—there will be some traditional grammar in this, but what I'm going to try to give you, is some analytical skills of how to analyze your own writing, and skills that you can take away from here and use them, okay? It's not just grammar we're looking at. It's…we're looking at how do I make myself understood to somebody else? Right? And how can I work on this on my own all of the time? Now some of you gave me some examples of writing in the beginning and I've looked at that to see exactly what kind of writing is it that you want to do and that you have to do. Okay. And we've…We've called this course scientific writing and the type of writing you do is what we call "report writing".

In fact, this was the only lesson in the entire data base in which the teacher laid out the pedagogic terrain to be covered with more than an off-hand comment. How can we account for this apparent failure to address a basic pedagogical imperative? That is, how can we account for the fact that only one teacher bothered to explain to the students what it was they were supposed to be learning? I believe it demonstrates that the notion of a "lesson" is not particularly salient for the teachers who took part in the study. Boundaries which appear tangible in a timetable dissolve against the emerging culture of the classroom. There is evidence in the data, both in the lesson transcripts and the reports of the teachers themselves, that more salient than the "lesson" is the analytical unit of "task", which is smaller than "lesson", and "course". This is explicit in the following opening gambit and commentary.


T: Remember last week when we were talking about our businesses that we were role playing and we went to the ideas center and we had Lee to discuss our proposals for expanding into developing countries, and what I felt was that it would be a good idea to read about something which was a successful expansion into a developing country.

On reviewing the lesson transcript, the teacher made the unprompted comment that she "wanted to make a special effort to make a connection with previous lessons".


In several cases, the teachers launch directly into the "meat" of the lesson. For example, in one lesson the teacher entered the room, turned her back on the class, and wrote on the board: " A woman's place is in the home." She then turned to the class and said:

在好几个案例中,教师直接进入了授课的“实质”部分。例如,在一节课中教师进入课堂,转身在黑板上写道:“A woman’s place is in the home.”然后转身面向班级,说道:

T: Any comments about that sentence: " A woman's place is in the home"?

S: Half correct.

T: Half correct? Why'd you say that, Henry?

S: Um, woman's place not just at home. She should be go out and go work.

T: Yeah? What about the man?

S: Man is the same, I think.

The teacher justified this rather abrupt beginning to the lesson by stating, " I didn't feel the need to use any other warmer than the initial stimulus for the functional target language, as I know these students well."


In this section, I have presented some of the data relating to lesson openings. These data illustrate a number of emerging issues which reappear later in the study. First, "lesson" is not a particularly salient label for those invoked in the teaching/ learning process. Second, in order to understand classroom behavior, we need to study the behavior in context in which it occurs—that is, in classrooms constituted for the purposes of teaching and learning, not in those which are established to provide cannon fodder for researchers. Third, in order to understand what is going on, we need to set the interpretations of the researcher against insights provided by the other actors in the educational drama.



Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

1.The author thinks that the teacher's voice is extremely important in classroom research.

2. More important to the teachers and students in the actual classroom is the notion of "lesson" rather than "task".



