
引体向上超人 冲浪 氢弹 海上风暴 - CNN10 20170905

2017-09-06 武太白 武太白英语教学

Listen and decide:

Which of the following is NOT covered in today's news?

A. CNN Hero Helping Veterans Through Surfing


B. U.S. Wants Strongest Sanctions Against North Korea


C. Why Mediterranean Concerned About a Storm at Sea


D. North Korea and the H-Bomb





具体操作请参考参考前面《CNN 10,原CNN Student News,20170105(第一期)》里面的说明。

文章最后有专题“TEN OUT OF TEN”(十个人看,十个惊叹)的截图,请看到底,也发挥文章的最大效益。


CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: This is CNN 10, and it`s great to have you watching again. I`m Carl Azuz, reporting from the CNN Center.

Once again, North Korea has defied international demands to give up its nuclear and missile programs. They`re illegal, as far as the United Nations is concerned. They`re a right as far as North Korea is concerned. And the communist country said on Sunday that it had successfully tested out a hydrogen bomb, an extremely dangerous nuclear weapon. It was apparently tested underground, causing an earthquake of magnitude 6.3, a strong tremor. And North Korea looks like it`s getting ready to launch more test missiles, according to South Korea. That country has strengthened an American made missile defense system. It says the U.S. is going to increase its military presence in the region.

This would be the sixth time that North Korea has tested a nuclear weapon. But it appears to be the first time it`s tested one this powerful.


SUBTITLE: North Korea and the H-Bomb.

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hydrogen bombs have never been used before in warfare. Atomic bombs have. This is what the U.S. struck on Nagasaki and Hiroshima back in 1945, ultimately killing more than 200,000 people. But the H-bomb is at least 100 times more powerful than the A-bomb. The H-bomb has a far larger yield than traditional weapons, meaning that devices can be smaller, while causing greater devastation. Atomic bombs used a process called fission to split plutonium or uranium into smaller atoms and a chain reaction releasing massive amounts of energy. Hydrogen bombs used fission, instead of splitting the atoms, it combines small atoms like hydrogen. Essentially, it`s two bombs in one.

North Korea first claimed back in January 2016 it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb. If it does in fact have this capability today, it has joined a very select club. Only the U.S., Russia, the U.K., France, and China have carried out confirmed tests of hydrogen bombs.


AZUZ: In an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council, U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley said, quote, enough is enough.


NIKKI HALEY, U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS: We have taken an incremental approach, and despite the best of intentions, it has not worked.


AZUZ: The U.S. wants the United Nations to level the strongest sanctions possible against North Korea. This might include stopping oil shipments to the country. The U.S. thinks that would hurt North Korea`s economy so much that the nation would be pressured to discuss with other countries a peaceful way forward. North Korea gets most of its oil from China, a North Korean ally. So, we don`t know yet if the sanctions will actually get passed.

But because the United Nations says North Korea has evolved from being a regional troublemaker to a global threat, countries around the world are watching what happens here.


WILL RIPLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It`s not necessarily what we -- things that we haven`t heard before, but the difference is, is that North Korea has been following through on the threats that it has been making, because they have been talking about, you know, they put a photo of their leader Kim Jong-un standing in front of a miniaturized nuclear warhead, and then hours later, they tested a nuclear device. They launched an intermediate range missile and they said that future launches would be targeting the Pacific Ocean and aimed to contain the U.S. territory of Guam and now, you have South Korea saying that they believe we could be just be days away from another Korean ballistic missile launch possibly fired toward the Pacific, possibly toward Guam. And so, North Korea continues to make these threats that they are delivering on. Now, again, what we`ve seen from North Korea continue to be tests that crossed the red line of actually an attack, something that the U.S. would be forced to respond to and I think that that needs to be pointed out, that North Korea has had very dangerous weapons capabilities for a long time and what they have done is they have tried to demonstrate their abilities as a deterrent against military action by the United States. So, I don`t get any indication from my trip just last week to Pyongyang, arrived back on Saturday, that North Korea wants to start a war with the United States. I think it`s the opposite, but the fear is that there`s just so much provocation in the region and one misstep could cause this region to stumble into a war, because that`s how wars often begin. It`s not an intentional act, but you stumble into a war, like World War I. That`s the fear out here right now.


AZUZ: In some parts of Texas, the floodwaters have started receding. Houston`s mayor says 95 percent of the city is now dry. In other areas, the flooding and the dangers it brings will stick around for days. It`s been a week and a half since Hurricane Harvey hit southeast Texas. And the state`s governor says it will take years to recover.

On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on a bill that`d send billions of dollars of help to the region. The overall costs of the storm which could exceed $100 billion would be the greatest in U.S. history.

Meantime, trouble in the Atlantic. Hurricane Irma is spinning toward the Caribbean and the category four storm was expected to get stronger. It`s not clear yet where Irma will go or whether it will threaten the Continental U.S. But large waves have begun crashing on the shores of the Leeward Islands on Monday.


AZUZ: It`s been said Rome wasn`t built in a day. But it`s also been said there`s a city named Rome on every continent. Is it true? It depends on your definition of Rome and continent. First off, you can`t go off R-O-M- E. A variation on this is Roma, with an A, and there is either a Rome or a Roma on every continent, except the Antarctica. There are no cities on Antarctica.

So, if you`re willing to accept R-O-M-A and you`re willing to forget about Antarctica, well, then Roma no further for the answer. And that`s random!


AZUZ: A U.S. Marine who`d served in the Iraq War struggled for years after he got back home in 2005. He was suffering from a traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder. But he says he started to heal after he bought a surf board at a yard sale and put it to use. And the organization he founded for others like him has helped 300 people in the last two years.


ANDY MANZI, CNN HERO: I listed in 2003, and a few weeks before is our invasion of Iraq. We learned real quick that we could take casualties. People got blown up. People got shot. But no matter what happened the day before, you got to wake up the next day and do your job. Two weeks before I got home, we were engaged with the enemy and then just to go home and have to turn that off, I came home felt like I had no control over myself and I was afraid of myself. I really didn`t have any years (ph) to be around any veteran. I`d pushed myself so far away from it. And then I started surfing.

We`re going to talk about some technical stuff.

And teaching how to surf. We`re going to arch our back, extend our arms out. You want to try to be centering your board. I started meeting veterans in the water. Let`s do it.

It`s an amazing feeling when you can look at another individual out in the water that you don`t know tons about. But you know that person has been through some stuff. There`s something about the ocean and you just feel cleansed (ph). Out there, it`s different because we`re also focusing on the present and the future. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My mind, I wanted to come back to what I was. And that never could happen. You come to Warrior Surf, it gets all the bad stuff, the nightmares and it just pushes them away. All that you`re focused on it is just being lifted up on that way. It`s like finding peace.

Part of the thing that`s so devastating to me was the lack of the brotherhood. And so, by being with Warrior Surf, I needed my tribe and I found it again. I`m trying to learn how to redefine and be OK with looking back.

MANZI: How are you doing? Somewhere along the lines, some of us are quitting. This place doesn`t breed quitters.

You take that energy of everyone else around you. It`s not going to end when you get out of the water. You`re going to keep on going. I`m full of joy when I know that their hearts are a little bit lighter when they actually can enjoy this beautiful life.


AZUZ: Here`s how to pull a perfect "10 Out of 10". For a Guinness World Record, it wasn`t just a question of how many pull-ups a guy could do.

It was a question of how many he could do in a minute. The first 38 or so seemed to come pretty easily, but then the clocks started to wind down and the real work began. It was the last 13 that made the difference. Previous record was 50 pull-ups in a minute. Adamson Sandel`s total for the new world title, 51. Which sets a new high bar. Of course, to break that record, you`d have to have a pretty hard core. You`d have to stick your chin out. You`d have to be armed and dangerous. But once you got your trap set and had the right lactitude (ph), all that`s left to do is to put your back into it.

I`m Carl Azuz and that`s CNN 10.


选择题答案:C(Carribean, not Mediterranean)

