NSE新观点 | 徐佳君&Sarah Hager:尼泊尔增长甄别与因势利导体系
Applying the Growth Identification
and Facilitation Framework to Nepal
This paper analyzes opportunities for growth in Nepal by applying the policy tool of New Structural Economics – Growth Identification and Facilitation Framework (GIFF). Drawing on firm level surveys, stakeholder interviews, and existing datasets it aims to contribute to policy discussions in Nepal and to demonstrate the use of the GIFF for other least developed countries. The report argues that Nepal should seek to capture industrial transfer from China to establish a foothold in global value chains, create employment and catalyze structural transformation. The report identifies product-level advantages arising from preferential market access and sector-specific binding constraints, and proposes how to use Special Economic Zones to mitigate identified constraints to set Nepal on a path of structural transformation.
JEL Codes: L16, L50, H54, O25, O53
Department of Economic & Social Affairs
CDP Background Paper No. 35
April 2017
NSE新观点 | 付才辉:新结构经济学理论及其在转型升级中的应用
NSE新观点 | 王勇:论有效市场与有为政府: 新结构经济学视角下的产业政策
NSE新观点(附全文) | 王勇、华秀萍:详论新结构经济学中“有为政府”的内涵