NSE新闻 | 徐佳君博士论文首发于英联邦秘书处政策实践旗舰报告《未来的“碎片化”进程:全球价值链的兴起及其有效应对》
2017年7月24日,由英联邦秘书处发起的政策实践旗舰报告《未来的“碎片化”进程:全球价值链的兴起及其有效应对》(Future Fragmentation Processes: Effectively Engaging with the Ascendancy of Global Value Chains)在伦敦正式发布。报告旨在帮助英联邦成员国如何更有效的利用国际贸易实现经济模式增长的长足转变,英联邦秘书处将致力于在成员国间推进落实报告的政策建议。
北京大学新结构经济学研究中心执行副主任徐佳君博士撰写的论文《增长甄别与因势利导框架:一个促进经济结构转型的实用方法》(Growth Identification and Facilitation Framework: A Pragmatic Approach for Promoting Economic Structural Transformation)被收录在该报告第十九章。
The GIFF is pragmatic instrument for takinga multi-stakeholder, interactive and pragmatic approach to identifying latent comparative advantages and exploring feasible policy levers to mitigate binding constraints in an effort to help developing countries to achieve economic structural transformation. Applying the GIFF involves a process of constant refinements, as it aims to tackle practical development challenges on the ground that defies any universal standardized formula. A GIFF study is not an ordinary research report that will go to the shelf. Rather, conducting such a GIFF study entails creating an integrated platform for engaging in a journey of co-discovery of latent comparative advantages and binding constraints as well as co-generation of tailored and feasible policy recommendations. The shared goal is to unleash the potential for economic structural transformation among key stakeholders including policymakers, entrepreneurs, international buyers, international organizations, and researchers in the catching-up developing countries and abroad.
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