

2016-11-24 韩健勇 魏 鹏 颈肩腰腿痛专业治疗

Ankle Arthritis


A Patient’s Guide to Osteoarthritis of the Ankle




This is due to the wear and tear that occurs over the years after the injury. This condition is called  (OA) or posttraumatic Trauma means injury, and the term posttraumatic arthritis is used to describe arthritis that develops after an injury.


This guide will help you understand


· how arthritis of the ankle develops

· how doctors diagnose the condition

· what treatment options are available

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How does the  work?


The ankle joint is made up of three bones: the lower end of the tibia (shinbone), the fibula (the small bone of the lower leg), and the talus (the bone that fits into the socket formed by the tibia and fibula).


The talus sits on top of the calcaneus (the heelbone). The talus moves mainly in one direction. It works like a hinge to allow your  to move up and down.


Ligaments on both sides of the ankle joint help hold the bones together. Many tendons cross the ankle to move the ankle and the toes. (Ligaments connect bones to bones while tendons connect muscles to bones.) The large  in the back is the most powerful tendon in the foot. It connects the calf muscles to the heel bone and gives the foot the power for walking, running, and jumping.


Inside the joint, the bones are covered with a slick, smooth material called . Articular cartilage is the material that allows the bones to move against one another in the joints of the body. The cartilage lining is about one-quarter of an inch thick in most joints that carry body weight, such as the ankle, , or. It is soft enough to allow for shock absorption but tough enough to last a lifetime, as long as it is not injured.


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Why do I have this problem?


OA is usually considered a type of degenerative arthritis, or wear-and-tear arthritis. Doctors consider OA pretty much the same whether it appears years after an injury to the joint or whether it appears without any history of injury. It behaves more or less the same way.


Over the past several years, there has been increasing evidence that OA is genetic, meaning that it runs in families. OA that occurs without any injury may prove to be related to differences in the chemical makeup of articular cartilage. People are born with these differences.


Injury to a joint, such as a bad sprain or fracture, can cause damage to the articular cartilage. The cartilage can be bruised when too much pressure is exerted on it. This damages the cartilage, although if you look at the surface it may not appear to be any different. The injury to the material doesn’t show up until months later. Sometimes the cartilage surface is damaged even more severely, and pieces of the cartilage are ripped from the bone. These pieces do not heal back and usually must be removed from the joint surgically. If not, they may float around in the joint, causing the joint to catch and be painful. These fragments of cartilage may also do more damage to the joint surface.


Once this cartilage is ripped away, it does not normally grow back. Unlike bone, holes in the surface are not simply replaced by the cartilage tissue around the hole. Instead the defects are filled with scar tissue. The scar tissue that forms is not nearly as good a material for covering joint surfaces as the cartilage it replaces. It just can’t support weight and isn’t smooth like true articular cartilage.


An injury to a joint, even if it does not injure the articular cartilage directly, can alter how the joint works. This is true for a fracture where the bone fragments heal differently from the way they were before the break occurred. It is also true when ligaments are damaged that lead to instability in the joint. When an injury results in a change in the way the joint moves, the injury may increase the forces on the articular cartilage. This is similar to any mechanical device or machinery. If the mechanism is out of balance, it wears out faster.


Over many years this imbalance in the joint mechanics can lead to damage to the articular surface. Since articular cartilage cannot heal itself very well, the damage adds up. Finally, the joint is no longer able to compensate for the increasing damage, and it begins to hurt. The damage occurs well before the pain begins.


In summary, arthritis may come from differences in how each of us is put together based on our genes, a condition best described as OA. Or arthritis may develop years after an injury that leads to slow damage to the joint surfaces, a condition probably best described as post-traumatic arthritis. Either way the joint is worn out, and it hurts. For the purposes of this document, we will refer to both types as OA.




What does arthritis of the ankle feel like?


Pain is the main problem with arthritis of any joint. This pain occurs at first only related to activity. Usually, once the activity gets underway there is not much pain, but after resting for several minutes the pain and stiffness increase. Later, when the condition worsens, pain may be present even at rest. The pain may interfere with . The joint may swell, fill with fluid, and feel tight, especially following increased activity. As the articular cartilage starts to wear off the joint surface, the joint may squeak when moved. Doctors refer to this sound as crepitation.


OA will eventually affect the motion of a joint. The joint becomes stiff and loses flexibility. Certain movements can become painful, and it may become difficult to trust the joint to hold your weight in certain positions. The body has a pain reflex such that when a joint is put into a position that causes pain the muscles around the joint may stop working without warning. This reflex can cause a person to stumble or even fall when arthritis affects the ankle joint.


When OA has reached a very severe stage, the bone itself under the articular cartilage may become worn away. This can lead to increasing deformities around the joint. In the final stages, the alignment of the bones can begin to form odd angles where they meet at the joint.




How do doctors identify OA?


The diagnosis of OA begins with a history of the problem. Details about any injuries that may have occurred to the joint, even years before, are important to understanding why the condition exists. Whether or not other family members have OA may shed some light on the problem.


Following the history, your doctor will examine the ankle joint and possibly other joints in your body. It will be important for your doctor to see how the motion of the ankle has been affected. The alignment of the ankle will be assessed. The nerves and circulation going to the legs and ankle will be checked. Your doctor will watch you walk to see if you have a noticeable limp.


Regular X-rays will be taken to see how severely the joint is damaged. This is usually the most important test to determine how bad the OA has become. How much articular cartilage is left in the ankle joint can be estimated with the X-rays.


If there is any question whether the arthritis may be coming from something other than OA, blood tests may be ordered to look for systemic diseases such as . A needle may be inserted into the joint to remove some of the joint fluid. This fluid may be sent to a lab to look for crystals due to gouty arthritis or signs of infection.


(韩健勇  译         魏鹏  校)


魏鹏, 宁波市第一医院/浙江大学宁波医院骨科中心副主任、手足及显微创伤外科主任,副主任医师,硕士生导师,宁波市领军和拔尖人才,国际矫形与创伤外科学会(SICOT)中国部显微外科学组委员、中国医疗保健国际交流促进会足踝外科学组委员,中华医学会骨科学分会足踝外科学组青年委员,中国生物材料学会脊髓与周围神经修复学组委员、宁波市医学会骨科学分会足踝学组组长(筹)、《中华显微外科杂志》、《中华临床医师杂志》、《现代实用医学杂志》等多家杂志特约编辑。原宁波六院手外科医疗及教学秘书、医疗组组长,宁波大学附属医院手足显微外科创建人、负责人。国内核心医学期刊发表科研论文30余篇,参编国家十二五规划高校教材2部,参编医学专著1部,参译医学2部,主持浙江省重中之重课题1项、宁波市自然科学基金2项、社会发展等科研项目2项,宁波大学校级课题2项。



