
人教PEP版五年级英语下册Unit 6讲解与测试

点击关注☛ 小学语数 2023-02-12

















☛人教PEP英语3至6 年级下册各单元知识点汇总

Unit 6 Part A


Unit 6 Part B


Unit 6 Part C





一、1. saysureshow
2. SpainspringSpanish
3. whatwhosewhen
4. elseexhibitionexercise
5. anythingeatingreading
二、1. Look, the students are having an English class.
2. Zhang Peng is reading a book.
3. Excuse me, sir. Please keep to the right.
4. Please talk quietly.
5. It’s 12: 00. They are eating lunch.
三、1. Is she playing games?
2. What are the pandas doing?
3. Keep your desk clean.
4. Are you from China?
5. Can you speak English?
四、1. W: Is Peter watching TV?
M: No, he is playing the guitar.
2. M: What is Amy doing?
W: She is cleaning the room. She is helpful.
3. Lucy likes to draw pictures. Look, she is drawing.
4. Mike is so excited. He is swimming with his friends in the sea.
5. W: Is Jim doing his homework?
M: No, he is doing morning exercises.
答案: (微信公众号:小学语数)
一、1. 3122. 1323. 2314. 3215. 123
三、1. C2. B3. C4. B5. C
五、1. C2. B3. C4. A5. C
六、1. doing morning exercises
2. talk quietly
3. listening to music
4. keep to the right
5. the desk clean
七、1. C 点拨: yours是名词性物主代词,your是形容词性物主代词,you是人称代词的主格和宾格形式。动词show后面用宾格形式。
2. B 点拨: 固定用法。表达禁止做某事: No+动词的­ing 形式。
3. A4. C
5. B 点拨: can+动词原形。speak后加某种语言表示说某种语言。
6. C7. A8. B9. A
10. C 点拨: many和a few后面跟可数名词的复数形式,只有so可以直接跟形容词。
八、1. teach2. its3. drawing4. drinking5. me
九、1. What are the students doing?
2. He is eating dinner in the kitchen.
3. Can we use your English book?
4. She is colouring at her desk.
5. What is that noise?
十、1. B2. C3. E4. A5. D
十一、(一)1. having2. is3. am4. are
5. planting6. flying7. What8. walking
9. Where10. sleeping
(二)A. 51423
B. 1. T2. F3. T4. F5. T

Class is over. Some students are in the classroom. Two boys are reading books and three girls are talking. Some students are on the playground. Five boys are running. Two boys are playing ping­pong. Look! A lot of boys are playing football over there. They are excited. Six girls are playing games. All the students are very happy. 

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