

点击关注☛ 小学语数 2023-02-12


☛字母教学 | 26个英文字母读写讲解










let's learn 部分翻译


let's try部分翻译原文:Listen and tick Where is the dog?翻译:听一听并打钩。狗在哪里?

let's talk部分翻译原文:(Sam is at Chen Jie's home.)翻译:(萨姆正在陈杰的家里。)原文:Sam:Where is Fido now?翻译:萨姆:菲多现在在哪里?原文:Chen Jie:He's in the kitchen.翻译:陈杰:它在厨房里。原文:Sam:Is he drinking water?翻译:萨姆:它正在喝水吗?原文:Chen Jie:No,he isn't. He's eating.翻译:陈杰:不,不是。它正在吃(东西)。原文:Sam:Can I play with him now?翻译:萨姆:我现在可以和它玩吗?原文:Chen Jie:Yes.Can you take him to the park?翻译:陈杰:是的。你可以带它去公园吗?原文:Sam:Of course! Fido,come here!翻译:萨姆:当然!菲多,到这里来!原文:Fido:Woof,woof!翻译:菲多:汪,汪!原文:Look and say.翻译:看一看,说一说。原文:Is the dog eating?翻译:狗正在吃(东西)吗?原文:No,he isn't.He is...翻译:不,不是。它正在……

3  let's learn 部分翻译

let's play部分翻译Mike is sleeping at school! 迈克正在学校睡觉!Chen Jie陈杰is running正在跑步is climbing正在攀爬with my father和我爸爸Oliver奥利弗is reading正在读书is listening to music正在听音乐under the tree在树下Wu Yifan吴一凡is jumping正在跳is eating正在吃in the park在公园里John约翰Zhang Peng张鹏is playing正在玩耍in the living room在客厅里
Read and write 部分翻译原文:Robin at the zoo翻译:罗宾在动物园里原文:Sarah and Robin are at the zoo.Robin is excited!翻译:萨拉和罗宾在动物园里。罗宾很兴奋!原文:What are you doing here,Robin?翻译:你正在这里做什么,罗宾?原文:I'm looking at a bear. I'm dancing like a bear.翻译:我正在看一只熊。我正在像熊那样跳舞。原文:I'm looking at the rabbits.I'm eating like arabbit.翻译:我正在看兔子。我正在像兔子那样吃。原文:I'm looking at a tiger.I'm running like a tiger.翻译:我正在看一只老虎。我正在像老虎那样跑。原文:I'm looking at an elephant.I'm walking like an elephant.翻译:我正在看一只大象。我正在像大象那样走。原文:I'm looking at a monkey.I'm climbing like him.翻译:我正在看一只猴子。我正在像它那样爬(树)o原文:I'm looking at a bird.l like flying.I want to be a bird!翻译:我正在看一只乌。我喜欢飞。我想成为一只鸟!原文:Robin,do you want to swim like a fish?翻译:罗宾,你想像鱼那样游泳吗?原文:No! No!I don't want to be a fish!翻译:不!不!我不想成为鱼!
Answer the questions.回答问题。原文:l.Where are Sarah and Robin?翻译:1.萨拉和罗宾在哪里?原文:They are at_________·翻译:他们在_________。原文:2.What are the animals doing in the story?翻译:2.故事中的动物们正在做 什么?原文:The bear is_________·翻译:熊正在_________。原文:The rabbits are_________.翻译:兔子正在_________。原文:The tiger is_________·翻译:老虎正在_________。原文:The elephant is_________·翻译:大象正在_________。

let's check 部分翻译

Listen and number.听一听并标号。listen again and choose the right answers.再听一遍并选出正确的答案。l.What is Amy doing?1.埃米正在做什么?A.She is shopping.A.她正在购物。B.She is eating lunch.B.她正在吃午饭。2.Whose bike is it?2.它是谁的自行车?A.It is his.A.它是他的。B.It is hers.B.它是她的。3.What is the cat doing?3.这只猫正在做什么?A. It is climbing.A.它正在攀爬。B.It is sleeping.B.它正在睡觉。4.What is Wu Yifan doing now?4.吴一凡现在正在做什么?A.He is playing.A.他正在玩耍。B.He is eating.B.他正在吃(东西)

let's wrap it up 部分翻译Complete the sentences. 完成句子。his his他的 her hers她的my mine我的 their theirs他们的our ours我们的 your yours你(们)的1.Amy:Whose English book is that?1.埃米:那是谁的英语书?John:lt's Miss White's book.约翰:它是怀特老师的书。lt's______.它是______。Amy:Whose storybook is this?埃米:这是谁的故事书?John:lt's Mr Zhang's.lt's______.约翰:它是张先生的。它是______。
2.Wu Yfan:Where is my pen?2.吴川:我的钢笔在哪里?I can't find it.我找不到它了。Sarah:Here's one.萨拉:这里有一支。Is this____pen?这是____钢笔吗?Wu Yifan:Yes,it's____. Thank you.吴一凡:是的,它是____。谢谢你。3.Grandpa:Whose rabbits are these?3.(外)祖父:这些是谁的兔子?Robin:These are Yifan’s.罗宾:这些是一凡的。Grandpa:Oh,these are____rabbits.(外)祖父:哦,这些是兔子。Robin:Look! The rabbits are eating____carrots now.罗宾:看!兔子们现在正在吃____胡萝卜。4.Mike:Mum,my dog is so cute.l love him so much.4.迈克:妈妈,我的狗如此可爱。我非常爱它。Mum:My dear,it's not only____dog.lt's also mine.妈妈:宗爱的,它不仅是狗,它也是我的。Mike:Yes,Mum.He's____dog.迈克:是的,妈妈。它是____狗。



