

Beijing Commune 北京公社

即将展出 Upcoming
Wang Lijun: Tension
展期:2021.06.11 – 2021.07.24
开幕:2021.06.11  4-6pm


王礼军,1982年生于湖南,2013年获中央美术学院雕塑系硕士学位,现于中央美术学院攻读博士学位,工作生活于北京。以雕塑,装置为主要创作媒介,王礼军的艺术实践长期关注和日常性相关的议题,他试图在材料的物理空间中,在个体存在的空间褶皱里重新感知并洞悉个体与社会的关系。他的作品曾多次以个展和群展的形式在国内外展出, 其中包括广州扉美术馆,四川美术学院美术馆,北京今日美术馆,北京时代美术馆,罗马国立现代及当代美术馆等。

We are honored to announce the opening of Wang Lijun’s first solo exhibition at Beijing Commune, “Wang Lijun: Tension”, on June 11, 2021. In the context of post-pandemic, while the everydayness that we live by reemerges as a worth thinking issue, as well as our anxious longing for a so-called “balanced life”, it is within this series of new pieces brought by artist Wang Lijun that a broader sense of interpretation lies in. As Wang Lijun himself said, “if seeking for balance means to thrive for a seemingly natural state in pure artificiality, then, the sculpture itself could be seen as a precise representation of such means of artificial tension.”


In this exhibition, artist Wang Lijun’s artistic practice is reflected in his continuous focus on investigating the interrelations between the artist’s self-ego, the materiality, and the physical space that surrounds the former. To be more precise, the medium specificity embedded in the tangible material that Wang Lijun utilizes, as in how the imbricated wood grains of artificial plywood are in a dissonant yet compatible relationship with natural wood, carries out an unperceivable yet essential feature that helps in redefining the philosophical dialectics that Wang Lijun finds in everyday life. Grounded in the materiality of mediums while driven by layers of temporal, spatial, and physical concepts, what this exhibition seeks to show is not simply the physical means of tension formulated by sculptures, nor neither an instinctive portrait of the everyday life in the age of post-pandemic, but a constant and critical contemplation on our anxious longing for the idea of balance itself. 

Wang Lijun (b. 1982, Hunan) graduated with a MA in Sculpture from Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2013. He is now pursuing his PhD while lives and works in Beijing. Wang Lijun’s interest in issues revolving around everydayness, materiality, and spatiality could be reflected in his artistic practice throughout which sculpture and installation act as core mediums. It is within his tangible interactions with such materials that not only his personal perceptions but the issues emerging in the broader social context are represented. His works have even shown worldwide in solo and group exhibitions that include Fei Art Museum Guangzhou, Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Beijing Today Art Museum, Beijing Times Art Museum, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, and so on.





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