深度对话 | 中国物联网的现在与未来
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology frontier that connects the physical realm with the digital. A multitude of sensors collect and transmit real-time data, which allows for unprecedented monitoring, control, and feedback in a system. IoT has transformed manufacturing lines, urban infrastructure, and is now vying for a place in the average household.
The Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA) estimated that by 2025, there will be 14 billion IoT connections worldwide, with a third coming from China. As its society embraces digital transformation, China has seen its IoT market size nearly double in just the past three years - from $56 billion to $100 billion.
How has China achieved such rapid growth in its IoT industry, and what’s on the horizon? We interviewed industry veteran Dan Qiao to get an insider glance into the mix of industrial, government, and consumer forces behind China’s IoT boom.
中国是如何在物联网行业实现如此快速增长的?并且物联网的前景如何?我们采访了行业资深人士乔丹(Dan Qiao),以深入了解中国物联网繁荣背后的工业,政府和消费者力量。
▎Interview with an Industry Expert
Dan Qiao is a VP at Plug and Play China and leads the IoT Accelerator. He has been active in tech incubation, open innovation and early-stage investment in China since 2013. Previously, he worked at Huawei for seven years, playing a key role in their overseas expansion sales operations. His experience has given him both hands-on experience and a bird’s eye view around China’s IoT industry.
How do you define IoT?
IoT is not a very new concept. In short, the idea is to connect everything. On a basic level, we build small, localized networks involving physical objects. Then, upon this foundation, we can collect data, perform optimization, and apply machine learning/AI. IoT has already found many applications among various industries and consumers, and with additional policy incentives, I think high connectivity can be attained within three to five years.
物联网不是一个新概念。简而言之是万物互联。在基本层面上,我们构建涉及实体的小型本地化网络。在此基础上,我们可以收集数据,执行优化并应用机器学习/ AI增强运算效率。物联网已经在各行各业和消费者中发现了许多应用。在政策激励措施下,我认为可以在三到五年内实现高连接性。
What does the IoT market in China look like today?
Many tech innovations start in business-driven applications then trickle down to consumer adoption. For IoT in China, the three major sectors of activity are industry (IIoT), smart city, and smart home.
- Industry & manufacturing:
IoT has been embraced in manufacturing and agriculture, as increased monitoring and feedback capability help companies boost productivity, cut costs, and increase efficiency. This has also driven the development and scale-up of specialized sensors that can then benefit other non-industrial IoT applications.
- 工业和制造业:
- Smart cities:
Many governments are looking to incorporate IoT in their transportation systems in the form of traffic cameras, EV chargers, and even manhole covers. Another major application is utilities management. In most large cities in China, water and electricity meter readings are automated through IoT, which has helped cut costs in the long-term, despite higher upfront investment.
- 智慧城市:
- Smart homes / consumer goods:
This is the newest frontier of IoT development, including Internet-connected household appliances and wearables such as smart watches. We also see intersections with healthcare needs, with products that can perform health monitoring. The two groups of players racing to develop consumer-facing IoT today are 1) tech giants like Xiaomi and Huawei and 2) traditional home appliance companies like Haier and Midea.
- 智能家居/消费品:
Which of the three areas is the innovation focused on now?
At Plug and Play, we are currently more focused on 2B applications, such as IoT in manufacturing, agriculture, and smart cities. In these cases, if you can solve the technical problem, there will be a market and business. In contrast, consumer-facing applications are riskier because their business model requires “killer apps”, mature technology, and proper timing. That being said, companies like Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, JD, and Meituan are all investing in their own consumer IoT projects.
在Plug and Play,我们目前更专注于企业应用(toB application),例如制造业,农业和智慧城市中的IoT。在这些情况下,如果服务商能够解决技术问题,他们就会有市场和业务。相反,面向消费者的应用程序则更具风险,因为其业务模型需要“杀手级应用程序”,成熟的技术和适当的时机。巨头公司更具优势,例如百度,阿里巴巴,腾讯,京东和美团等公司都在投资自己的消费物联网项目。
What do you think has contributed towards the rapid growth of IoT in China?
To be market ready, a technology needs to demonstrate not only performance, but also cost competitiveness. For IoT in China, the policy environment around network infrastructure has really lowered the cost.
For example, take the cost of data bandwidth. A few years ago, there was no distinction between data use by users versus by objects. Without this distinction, even connecting something as basic as an electricity meter was prohibitively expensive. Now, with infrastructure advances, and platforms designed by the three largest network providers specifically for IoT, costs have lowered significantly.
In fact, since 2015, Chinese government has been backing the support towards integrating the country’s mobile internet, cloud computing and big data initiatives through its ‘Internet Plus’ strategy. I believe the growth of IoT in China will continue as long as Chinese government keeps providing positive support. China has just committed to the ‘Made in China 2025’ program to upgrade the nation’s manufacturing capacity, which is promising to the whole IoT industry but especially IIoT.
How is the IoT landscape in China compared to that in the United States, or other parts of the world?
From the demand side, the products that consumers want are probably more similar than not. The differences lie in the cost of and the ecosystem around IoT. For example, a key factor of lowering cost in China is the government push to invest in IoT and enabling technologies. Sharing an ecosystem with Huawei, who can provide advanced and affordable 5G networks, is a clear advantage.In other countries, industry growth is mostly driven by private sector players and market forces, which focus more on short-term returns on investment. This can hinder the development of infrastructure on which IoT depends. Policy and culture can play roles too. For example, more skeptical attitudes towards data privacy have posed major challenges for IoT companies in other parts of the world.
What is the role of 5G in driving forward IoT?
The power of IoT lies in the number of devices connected. As the Internet infrastructure continues to mature with the spread of 4G/5G, IoT will only continue to grow. However, infrastructure is only the first step - real market takeoff will require killer apps to convince people to buy in. Most consumer-facing projects harnessing 5G capabilities are still in their experimental phase, but I expect some key benefits to be realized as soon as next year.
物联网的能力在于所连接设备的数量。随着4G / 5G的普及,互联网基础设施逐渐成熟,物联网将持续增长。但是,基础架构只是第一步。真正的市场飞速发展需要杀手级的应用程序才能说服消费者购买。大多数面向消费者的5G功能项目仍处于试验阶段,但是我希望一些关键的优势在明年能够尽快实现。
One example is a digital mall piloted by Wanda and Huawei. By providing 5G/IoT capability, they are exploring how to better serve shops and customers through guided purchasing and more bespoke shopping experiences. For example, by combining location data and a customer’s purchase history, they can make recommendations, and make it easier to buy what you want to buy.
例如由万达和华为牵头的数字商城。通过提供5G / IoT功能,他们正在探索如何通过指导性购买和更多定制性的购物体验更好地为商店和客户服务。数字商城通过结合位置数据和客户的购买历史记录提出建议,并使消费者购买商品变得更加容易。
▎In Summary
Supported by government policy and network providers, Chinese IoT products have found a multitude of applications in industry and urban infrastructure. Now, the industry has set its gaze on extending into people’s everyday lives in the form of wearables, smart home appliances, and next generation mall experiences. Active support through investment and policy, combined with the dawn of 5G network capability, continues to propel China towards IoT’s promise of connecting everything.
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关于 Plug and Play 中国
Plug and Play 前身始于 1998 年的硅谷斯坦福大学路 165 号,先后成功早期投资和孵化包括 Google、PayPal、Dropbox 在内的多家互联网行业科技巨头公司。
Plug and Play 正式于 2006 年在硅谷成立。经过十余年的发展和超过 20 年的长期积累,目前在全球 30 个国家和地区建立了创新生态空间和区域办公室;年平均进行早期科技投资超过 250 笔,先后累计投资初创企超过 1,150 家,累计为超过 400 家全球 500 强企业提供联合创新服务,年平均举行初创企业和大企业间的对接交流活动 1,000 余场。
成立于 2015 年的“即联即用中国(Plug and Play China)”,立足北京——中国总部,布局上海、深圳两大区域创新中心,深耕南京、武汉、无锡三大城市产业创新中心,联动南通、苏州、佛山、广州、重庆、郑州、青岛等城市创新合作伙伴开展中国创新业务,开设投资、联合创新对接、初创公司孵化与加速、全球城市跨境创新以及创新生态空间等五大业务板块,构建了中国领军的创新生态平台,覆盖线上和线下创新平台,并为之配套构建了包括高校科研联合创新、政府、风险投资、创新生态研究、城市创新伙伴等多维度的创新生态伙伴体系。迄今已服务了近 100 家行业领军企业,累计孵化加速 4,000 余家创业公司,并投资了包括 ApplyBoard、autox、纵行科技、银基安全、大界机器人等超过 140 家科技创新企业。
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