9 月晨读总结 | 如何利用好一本儿童英文原版书?
第一个人开始总是说 Knock knock,模仿有人敲门的样子,第二个人就问:Who's there? 谁啊?第一个人就说一个自己想好的单词(比如说Eye,眼睛),然后第二个人接着问:Eye who? 意思是哪个 Eye 啊?最后一句话是整个游戏最有意思和最关键的地方,也是看出第一个人精心设计的地方,比如接着前面的 Eye 说 Ice-cream. Ice 的发音包含了 Eye,而意思和 Eye 完全不相干,所以让别人感到很意外。
那这里的 thermos 的梗在哪里呢?Thermos 念快了之后听起来像 There must…
《小屁孩日记》讲的是一个中二熊孩子的日常,太认真了可能反而就读不懂了。有些梗会涉及到文化,有些冷到不行,这一方面我们读不懂也没有关系的。一边死磕,一边要 let it go。
2. 语法
...and he's real brainy at maths. ...he cools off real quick. But the snowball got real heavy...
... because I'm in charge of planning out the best route for me and Rowley to take tomorrow night. When me and Rowley got inside, we laid out all our candy on the kitchen table. When it was time for the forest scene, me and the other Trees hopped into our positions.
这里的 It doesn’t take a detective to figure out that...可以理解为「用脚趾头想都能知道啊!」这样的表达是不是比直接用obvious/evident/apparent更形象好玩?
之前读爱情小说 Dear John 时也遇到过同款:
I’d be drinking beers and bump into someone I’d known from high school, and they’d ask what I was doing and I’d tell them, and they’d tell me what they were doing, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out we were both on the fast track to nowhere.
It doesn’t take a Sherlock Holmes / an Einstein to figure it out. It doesn’t take a Shakespeare to write an email of this sort. It doesn’t take a Superman to save the world.