2021 年原版书阅读训练营最后一期,我们读一本特别的书:The Almanack of Naval Ravikant.
为什么选这本书呢?主要是因为它其实并不算是多么严肃系统的「书」,而是 Naval Ravikant 的推特、播客和文章精选合集。
在 https://www.navalmanack.com 上可以看到这本书的介绍和免费下载信息
做了几年英文原版书读书会,我越来越意识到学习者并不是缺少阅读英文书籍的方法,而是不读书。而不读书的根本是觉得读书这事并没有那么重要。今年的阅读训练营已经读完了 11 本英文原著,你读完了几本?
和所有技能的学习一样,万事开头难。一开始就直接读一本全是英文的书,把自己扔到大海中练习游泳,确实是个挑战。想让自己尽快尝到阅读的甜头,一来要让阅读内容有用,二来是要门槛低、灵活度高,于是我就想到了这本 The Almanack of Naval Ravikant.
Naval Ravikant 是谁?百度一下你就知道。简单说他富有又幸福,还愿意和他人分享如何致富、活得更幸福。他说:
I was born poor and miserable. I’m now pretty well-off, and I’m very happy. I worked at those.
I’ve learned a few things, and some principles. I try to lay them out in a timeless manner, where you can figure it out for yourself. Because at the end of the day, I can’t quite teach anything. I can only inspire you and maybe give you a few hooks so you can remember.
这本 The Almanack of Naval Ravikant 整理了他对于 Wealth 和 Happiness 的心得。语言口语化但用词准确质量高,内容简洁不啰嗦,读起来比较轻松。
I like to think that if I lost all my money and you dropped me on a random street in any English-speaking country, within five or ten years I’d be wealthy again because it’s just a skillset I’ve developed that anyone can develop.
It’s not really about hard work. You can work in a restaurant eighty hours a week, and you’re not going to get rich. Getting rich is about knowing what to do, who to do it with, and when to do it. It is much more about understanding than purely hard work. Yes, hard work matters, and you can’t skimp on it.(这里还能顺手牵羊学个 skimp on 的用法) But it has to be directed in the right way.
如果想只看重点,这样的文字也可以跳着读,重点读书中的推特原文也可以。如这本书前言中的阅读指南所说:This is a choose-your-own adventure book. Jump to anything that interests you and skip anything that doesn’t.
书中还有好玩儿的辅助插图,Audible 上也有它的有声书。双管齐下,通勤听一听,有空读一读,很快就能完成:
综上所述,这本 The Almanack of Naval Ravikant 有用又好读。这样的书不需要一页页读完,如果翻上几页,能获得几点启发就已足够。把一本书当作一位朋友,听听故事聊聊天,能学英语还能交个朋友——用这样的心态和行动对待一本本书,不需要等到自己到达什么水平,此时此刻就能享受「用英语」的乐趣。
这本书也是 2021 年最后一期英文原版书阅读训练营的读物。如果你想和我一起读这本书,看我的阅读笔记,欢迎扫下面的二维码报名参加。
Naval 说建立思维模型最有效的方式就是读书,无所不读,每天都读上至少一小时。Read what you love until you love to read.
如果听了我的介绍你对这本书有兴趣,说明你跟我、跟书有缘😄 希望读到这段话的你,可以在 2021 年结束前读/听完这本小书。当是给自己的新年礼物吧。加油