18级 英语笔译专业
Party members of noble character shouldlive up to the name of Communists, and are loved by the people. We should learnfrom Deng's selfless devotion to public interests and his dauntless spirit andbroad mind. To this end, we need to strengthen our Party spirit, practicestrict self-discipline while being inclusive towards others, take anappropriate attitude towards Party organizations, our colleagues and ourselves,and exercise power in the right way. It is important to practice the coresocialist values, dedicate ourselves wholeheartedly to the cause of the Partyand the people, and take the lead in establishing upright conduct within theParty and the government and among the general public.
The essence of the theoretical andpolitical legacy bequeathed to us by Deng Xiaoping is the Chinese socialismthat the Party and the people created under his leadership, and the DengXiaoping Theory. Karl Marx wrote in "The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte","Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; theydo not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but undercircumstances directly encountered, given and transmitted from the past.”Deng's theory and practice are prominently marked by a firm belief in theprinciple of proceeding from reality in everything we do, taking the nationaland international situation into consideration, and by adherence to the CPC'Sprinciples of seeking truth from facts, independence, and the mass line.
Chinese socialism is a path that suitsChina's national conditions and reality and the requirements of the times inboth theory and practice. Therefore, it has yielded and will continue to yieldpractical results. Deng emphasized that "if the developing countries ofthe Third World, like China, have no national self-respect and do not cherishtheir independence, they will not enjoy that independence for long."Independence in our development path, theory and system is key to our nationalsovereignty, independence, and dignity.
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