

陈丹妮 中国日报网 2019-06-27




In the 1920s, engagement rings featuring diamond halos became popular. According to WP Diamonds, engagement rings with geometric shapes and sharp lines were popular in the 1920s, coinciding with the height of the Art Deco period. Emerald-cut and Asscher diamonds were especially common, and more extravagant rings were accentuated with diamond halos.

20世纪20年代,主钻周围镶一圈碎钻的戒指变得很受欢迎。钻石采购公司WP Diamonds指出,几何形状、线条锐利的钻石订婚戒指在20世纪20年代很流行,当时恰逢Art Deco装饰艺术风格盛行。祖母绿切割钻石和阿斯切钻石尤为常见,更奢华的戒指则在主钻石四周镶一圈碎钻。

halo['helo]: n. 光环

geometric[,dʒiə'mɛtrɪk]: adj. [数] 几何学图形的

accentuate[ək'sɛntʃuet]: vt. 强调



Engagement rings in the 1930s were "trying to evolve" from the Art Deco period, according to WP Diamonds' infographic. Single diamonds were often used as the centerpiece on bands shaped like ribbons or bows.

根据WP Diamonds公司的信息图,20世纪30年代的订婚戒指“试图脱离”Art Deco时期的影响。戒指设计成丝带环绕状或蝴蝶结形状,通常镶有单颗钻石。

centerpiece['sentəpi:s]: n. 中心装饰品



Round stones rose in popularity in the '40s thanks to De Beers' famous "Diamonds Are Forever" commercial. Rose-gold and yellow-gold bands also became common choices as World War II limited access to platinum in the US, according to WP Diamonds.

圆形钻石在40年代盛行起来,这要感谢戴比尔斯公司著名的“钻石恒久远”广告。根据WP Diamonds公司的信息,由于二战期间美国限制了铂金供应,玫瑰金和黄金指环就成为人们的普遍选择。

platinum['plætnəm]: n. 铂金



Many couples opted for pear-shaped diamonds in the 1950s. Audrey Hepburn's iconic engagement ring, which featured a trio of bands in three different types of gold, brought stackable bands into fashion in the '50s.


trio['trio]: n. 三重唱;三件一套;三个一组

stackable['stækəbl]: adj. 易叠起堆放的;可叠起堆放的



Asscher-cut diamonds were all the rage in the 1960s. This decade saw the return of Art Deco, according to WP Diamonds, and with it, Asscher-cut and emerald-cut stones.

20世纪60年代,阿斯切钻石戒指盛行一时。WP Diamonds公司表示,进入60年代,Art Deco风格再度复兴,阿斯切钻石和祖母绿切割钻石戒指也随之流行起来。

Jackie Kennedy's engagement ring from John F. Kennedy, which featured emeralds in addition to diamonds, also made colored gemstones a popular choice for couples.


all the rage: 风行一时的事物

gemstone['dʒɛm,ston]: n. (经雕琢的)宝石



Emerald-cut diamonds continued to be popular in the '70s. During this decade, brides also began to match their engagement rings to their wedding bands, many of which were yellow- and rose-gold.




Colorful diamonds and gemstones were huge in the 1980s. Round-cut diamonds and yellow-gold bands were still extremely popular in the '80s, but Princess Diana's engagement ring from Prince Charles, which featured a sapphire gemstone, changed the nuptials industry.


The royal ring was so popular that many replicas were made, according to WP Diamonds' infographic.

根据WP Diamonds公司的信息图,这枚王室戒指太受人喜爱了,以至于人们争相仿制。

sapphire['sæfaɪɚ]: n. 蓝宝石

nuptial['nʌpʃl]: n. 婚礼

replica['rɛplɪkə]: n. 复制品,复制物



Engagement rings in the 1990s were greatly influenced by the rise of grunge. With the rise of grunge in the 1990s, rings became bolder and sharper. Marquise-cut diamonds were particularly fashionable, and yellow-gold bands took a backseat to bands made of white gold and platinum.


grunge[ɡrʌndʒ]: n. 邋遢文化;颓废文化



Princess-cut diamonds dominated engagement ring trends in the early 2000s. Many couples in the 2000s opted for engagement rings with large diamonds or stones.




By the early 2010s, cushion-cut diamonds became the most popular choice for couples. According to WP Diamonds, the classic cushion cut is still popular today.

21世纪10年代早期,长角阶梯切割钻石戒指成为情侣的热门之选。WP Diamonds公司指出,这款经典钻戒到今天依然很流行。



Currently, oval diamonds are all the rage. Skinny bands and large oval diamonds are in style, according to WP Diamonds. Usually set vertically — or, on occasion, horizontally — oval diamonds let couples play around with the appearance of their engagement rings. Celebrities like Julianne Hough and Hailey Baldwin, are also fans of oval engagement rings.

目前最火的订婚戒指当属椭圆形钻石戒指。WP Diamonds公司表示,细细的指环上镶有椭圆形大钻石的款式是最时髦的。椭圆形钻石通常是竖着(偶尔也会横着)镶嵌在戒托上,供情侣把玩欣赏。朱莉安·浩夫和海莉·鲍德温也是椭圆形钻石戒指的粉丝。

Another huge trend in 2018 is having a custom-designed ring, as brides aim to better showcase their individual personalities.


showcase['ʃokes]: vt. 使展现



In the past century, the most popular ring style has been a gold band with a solitaire stone. Speaking to INSIDER, the president of WP Diamonds, Andrew Brown, said the most popular engagement ring style in the last 100 years is actually pretty simple: A "round solitaire diamond, around one carat, set on a simple yellow-gold band."

过去一个世纪以来,最经久不衰的戒指是黄金指环镶单颗钻石。WP Diamonds公司总裁安德鲁·布朗告诉Insider网站说,过去100年最流行的订婚戒指其实挺简单的:一颗1克拉左右的圆形钻石镶嵌在简单的黄金指环上。

According to Brown, there will always be innovation in the diamond industry but trends often "revert to the classics."


solitaire['sɑlətɛr]: n. 单粒宝石的饰物

carat['kærət]: n. 克拉(等于karat)



So, what will come next? Brown thinks that round diamonds will "remain the most popular shape" while oval and cushion cuts will "continue in their rise." The WP Diamonds president also expects other trends to go out of style, like the princess cut popularized in the early 2000s.

那么,接下来将流行什么戒指呢?布朗认为,圆形钻石将“依然是最流行的钻石形状”,而椭圆形钻石和长角阶梯切割钻石也会“继续流行下去”。WP Diamonds公司总裁预测其他一些款式会过时,比如21世纪初流行过的公主方形切割钻石戒指。

Unfortunately for those who love colorful stones, Brown said that we can also expect to see a "decline in production of colored diamonds due to supply constraints."





